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Topic subjectAZ police officer killed on camera (link)
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12699517, AZ police officer killed on camera (link)
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Jan-15-15 10:30 AM

Of course this is being used as a PSA on why cops shoot to kill but the guy looks white, harmless and was able to have a 3 minute convo before he pulled the gun on the cop.

When cops shoot Blacks there is no 3 minute conversation... they usually have guns drawn already while screaming "show me your hands"

12699540, I feel like this was inevitable.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Jan-15-15 10:40 AM
I didn't anticipate the NYPD execution but I figured it was a matter of time there would be footage of a police officer getting killed that officers would use to justify the severe approach that they use in confrontations.

There has to be a middle road though. I can imagine if this was a black dude he probably would have treated the dude having his hands in his pocket alot differently.

I imagine protocol would have been a pat down very early on before lowering his guard.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

12699554, comments sections on Fox News are all asking about Al & Jesse
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Jan-15-15 10:48 AM

I know why but ummm... what the hell do they have to do with this?

12699661, they keep that sentence on a text file on their desktops ready to
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Thu Jan-15-15 11:36 AM
to copy paste. Along with
"but does he look like Obama's son"
"Race Hustlers"
"Race Card"

12699584, this kind of incident is constantly referenced to rookies AND vets...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Thu Jan-15-15 11:06 AM
>There has to be a middle road though. I can imagine if this
>was a black dude he probably would have treated the dude
>having his hands in his pocket alot differently.
>I imagine protocol would have been a pat down very early on
>before lowering his guard.

this officer made several crucial mistakes:

- he responded to a domestic violence call alone
- failure to recognize the inherent danger of an unknown suspect who fled the scene
- left the scene, only to return (after consulting a sr officer - his father) without frisking/patting down the suspect for weapons.

its obvious that the officer was a bit leery and nervous, as he continued to ask if the suspect is carrying any weapons. its unfortunate that this happened, but this is why veteran training officers stress the dangers of the "unknown." failure to recognize this danger can lead to tragic circumstances. unfortunately for this officer, that's exactly what happened.

police officers should always approach people in a reasonably professional manner, with regards to the nature of the call/situation. at the same time, citizen should always recognize that any officer responding to an emergency call can/will/should treat everyone on the scene as a potential danger UNTIL each person present has been properly frisked & vetted.

*we ALL need to search for better ways to ensure the safety of everyone (citizens, officers, etc). this isn't about proving a point or winnin' an argument for any agenda. its about making sure everyone has a legitimate opportunity to live/work and make it home safely every night.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...

12700528, Most level headed thing I've read anyone write on the topic in a minute.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Fri Jan-16-15 10:30 AM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

12699557, Ain't no way a cop is suppose to let you keep your hands in your pocket.
Posted by Case_One, Thu Jan-15-15 10:50 AM
If dude was Black I'm sure that Cop would have followed the book and patted him down from the jump.

"Today is your day to have a better life -- it's your right."
12699741, that is my thinking as well...
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Jan-15-15 12:21 PM
IMO all it showed was how lax an officer can get when the perp isn't Black.
12699810, If that was Obama's son... he'd have been spread-eagle over the hood
Posted by 8-bit, Thu Jan-15-15 01:03 PM
Patted-down. Checked for weapons. Maybe even cuffed and sat on the curb for the officer's safety. And this was a DV call? lol. I've gotten the above treatment (sans handcuffs) for simply "looking suspicious."

If anything, this shows how much bullshit some of these cops spew. Apparently, they are only "worried about their safety" when it's a black or latino male, regardless of the actual risk they face in a particular situation.
12700588, or maybe that was just a decent cop
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Fri Jan-16-15 10:59 AM
12700592, No such thing-- the system does not allow it
Posted by Atillah Moor, Fri Jan-16-15 11:00 AM