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Topic subjectWho wrong? Photographer or the mom?
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12695440, Who wrong? Photographer or the mom?
Posted by lightworks, Wed Dec-31-69 07:00 PM
This hilarious thing happened on the plane the other day. I never seen a situation go so left so quickly.

This old dude who apparently was a professional photographer and was maybe 60 was snapping pics from his window seat throughout the flight. I was in the aisle.

In front of us was a mom maybe in her 30's and her daughter who was like 3. Cute kid.

So at the end of the flight he was like "your daughter is so cute"

And the mom was like "thanks so much" and was happy and all smiling.

Then he said "I have a granddaughter that age. Your daughter was so well behaved on the flight" and then he gave her his business card.

So she was like "What's this for?"

And he was like "Oh I took some pics of her when we were at the gate while we were all waiting to board and thought you might like them" and she FLIPPED out on him.

Guess she was angry he was taking pics of her kid without her consent.

What say y'all? Was she wrong to flip? Was he wrong to take the pics of a little girl without her mom's permission? Was his only mistake trying to give the pics to her?

Poll question: Who wrong? Photographer or the mom?

Poll result (33 votes)
Photographer (23 votes)Vote
Mom (10 votes)Vote


12695443, photographer is more wrong. he shouldve asked before or shut the fuck up.
Posted by Deadzombie, Sun Jan-11-15 11:45 AM
12695874, ^^
Posted by BigJazz, Mon Jan-12-15 10:21 AM

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
12695444, Nobody.
Posted by Monkey Genius, Sun Jan-11-15 11:51 AM
Both doing what they're supposed to.

Mom 'flipping out' might be too over the top, if I had to choose.
12695456, outrage today is so misplaced
Posted by seasoned vet, Sun Jan-11-15 12:16 PM
people are fucking weird

and stupid

thats what photographers do for practice in public settings

the mom is a fucking dumbass
12695467, should prolly get permission before snapping pics of a toddler
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun Jan-11-15 12:46 PM
12695477, maybe, maybe not.
Posted by seasoned vet, Sun Jan-11-15 01:07 PM
what the photographer did was a very common thing
12695549, the mother did a common thing as well...
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun Jan-11-15 04:32 PM
She went off on a guy for taking photos of her kid without her consent.

Whether legal or not, the photographer is wrong.
12695991, wrong how?
Posted by MiracleRic, Mon Jan-12-15 11:18 AM
it's a public place...

what's wrong about it...nobody has been able to articulate that with anything except emotion
12695862, u only need to get permission if u use it for shit
Posted by MiracleRic, Mon Jan-12-15 10:11 AM
it's not illegal

inconsiderate at the most...but that's part of being a photographer

and considered ethical to practice your craft on candid non-volunteers


12695475, 0 to OUTRAGED!!
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Sun Jan-11-15 01:04 PM
12695471, I ask permission to take pics of ppl's dogs bro
Posted by Amritsar, Sun Jan-11-15 12:55 PM
12695484, Photographer should not have said he took pics
Posted by luminous, Sun Jan-11-15 01:31 PM
just said in case she ever wants professional pics.... but mom was over reacting.
12695486, RE: Who wrong? Photographer or the mom?
Posted by TR808, Sun Jan-11-15 01:32 PM
since kids cant speak for themselves he should have gotten the mother permission before taking pictures of her kid.

12695493, he's not wrong for taking the pics per se but the question is
Posted by bonitaapplebaum71481, Sun Jan-11-15 01:52 PM
is he wrong in mentioning it? for me anyway...

as a parent, if a photographer were to approach me and over convo divulge he snapped a couple pics earlier, based on his demeanor and the photos taken I would base my reaction on that.

If he's just a kindly gentleman, maybe 8th much

but if he's being creepy and snapping pics of Lil Amy bent over just tying her shoe I'm calling him a child pornographer at least

"i wanna hug all u idiotic bastards & then set you all on fire" -Bin

DROkayplayer: Giving you good puff since May '05
12695502, For the record he seemed really nice.
Posted by lightworks, Sun Jan-11-15 02:26 PM
12695873, So did the bike shop owner on Diff'rent Strokes
Posted by placee_22, Mon Jan-12-15 10:20 AM
12695891, LOL... seriously tho,
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Jan-12-15 10:32 AM
who knows where these photos will end up.
12695499, further, what child pornographer is gonna offer the pics to the parent
Posted by seasoned vet, Sun Jan-11-15 02:03 PM
12695503, Look yall... don't take pictures of kids without consent... PERIOD
Posted by imcvspl, Sun Jan-11-15 02:31 PM
IDGAF if everyone else does it. Don't do that shit.

I wouldn't have gone off on him, I'd have simply said you do not have my permission to use those photos ever, anywhere. As a parent you literally have no idea where those photos could end up. It doesn't even have to bee the creep pedophile angle. This is the age of the internet, and my kids will not have any photos of them out there without my permission until such a time when they can give permission for themselves.

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
12695507, he doesn't need the parents' permission
Posted by SoWhat, Sun Jan-11-15 02:35 PM
to use photos of the child where the photos were taken in a public setting.

he has First Amendment protection and the mom doesn't have a reasonable expectation of privacy in her child's image as captured in public.

the same analysis that applies to paparazzi pix of celebs or file footage of random ppl captured by news agencies or those taken to be compiled for stock photography images would apply here - no reasonable expectation of privacy in public settings. especially these days where there are security cameras all over the place capturing our images. it's life now.

note: i recently represented a guy who was accused of taking pix of school children as they walked on a public sidewalk. he was charged w/disorderly conduct. the case was dismissed after i'd filed a motion to dismiss. it didn't even get to a hearing - the state's attorney dismissed after reading my motion.
12695512, figures it's legal, doesn't make it right
Posted by imcvspl, Sun Jan-11-15 02:43 PM
as a photographer you can go with legal, and you can go with just plain human decency.

incidentally would this law cover the perv snapping photos of women on the street?

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
12695514, the perv has less protection
Posted by SoWhat, Sun Jan-11-15 02:48 PM
if he's taking the pix for his personal collection. and if he's taking underskirt pix, of course.

but the perv could always claim he wasn't taking pix of the ppl but of the trees/bldgs/sun/birds/grass/et al and the ppl just happened to be in the pix. kinda like how any of us who have visited popular attractions or attended public events are likely in other ppl's private photos. if we've been in Times Square we are undoubtedly in someone's pix. if we've been to a Beyonce concert we probably ended up in someone's pix and may even be in a YouTube video posted on the Internet.

note: i also represented a guy who took pix of random women at the supermarket where he worked. he was charged w/disorderly conduct - his case was dismissed.
12695518, disclaimer: i was a child model
Posted by imcvspl, Sun Jan-11-15 02:56 PM
hated it. never felt so used in my life. and it reinforced a lot of what i already knew about cism.

a huge takeaway was that as a model you had no say in shit. which is ultimately the issue with professional photographers taking photos with kids. parents have no say in shit.

Not a child but reminded of this - http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/25/nyregion/in-health-dept-ad-photoshop-not-diabetes-took-leg.html?_r=0

Though I remember another ad with similar circumstances, in which the model was actually irked as fuck but had no legal grounds because they gave up their rights before the first flash.

Once that photog has that image, they can sell it to anyone who can dow whatever the fuck they want with it. And an ad may not be the worst thing, considering the mean shit going on with photo memes these days. Kids don't deserve that.

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
12695520, the only remedy is for kids to not appear in public places.
Posted by SoWhat, Sun Jan-11-15 02:58 PM
i mean if their parents want to avoid the kids' picture being taken w/o their consent and then used for a First Amendment-protected purpose.
12695524, or photogs to be decent and ask permission or use models
Posted by imcvspl, Sun Jan-11-15 03:04 PM
i get it. but again there's the law and just having some respect. there's no implication of privacy in a public space, but that doesn't mean people want to be publicized.

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
12695538, Yeah
Posted by SoWhat, Sun Jan-11-15 03:41 PM
12695865, then it no longer is a candid shot wtf
Posted by MiracleRic, Mon Jan-12-15 10:13 AM
12695914, Guess who does not give a fuck about ruining your shot of my child?
Posted by imcvspl, Mon Jan-12-15 10:53 AM

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
12695920, clearly the reasonable ex-child-model lol
Posted by MiracleRic, Mon Jan-12-15 10:54 AM
12695927, photogs don't have to censor themselves in consideration of anyone.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-12-15 10:57 AM
they're Charlie.
12695897, defeats the purpose.
Posted by daryloneal, Mon Jan-12-15 10:34 AM
12695917, perhaps you need a new purpose n/m
Posted by imcvspl, Mon Jan-12-15 10:53 AM

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
12695926, but, we're all Charlie now.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-12-15 10:56 AM
and freedom of expression trumps personal feelings about the expression.

12695930, fuck the world and *ASK* me for shit!!
Posted by imcvspl, Mon Jan-12-15 10:58 AM

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
12695941, lol
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-12-15 11:01 AM
the photog's mistake was in telling the mom about the pix. he should've just kept that to himself. but i understand his impulse to share the info w/her - they'd established a relatively friendly connection. if he was going to reveal that he'd taken the pix he should've couched it w/in the context of the intended use. but generally i think he should've just kept that to himself.
12696006, if i don't catch you ain't shit i can do
Posted by imcvspl, Mon Jan-12-15 11:25 AM
but if i do... psh

mind you i've also walked up to the perv on the street using his camera phone to take candid shots of a womans cleavage. basically just whispered in his ear you should be a fucking shamed of yourself. no big scene. he stopped and said you right.

he was probably covered legally too. and all these motherfuckers that be posting shots of people picking they nose on the train or whatever. fuck them too.

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
12696017, right on, vigilante.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-12-15 11:31 AM
12695949, Sure, I'll think of one right after I get my shot.
Posted by daryloneal, Mon Jan-12-15 11:04 AM
12695980, and see this is what i mean
Posted by imcvspl, Mon Jan-12-15 11:14 AM
Oh there's no immediate intents to use the shot. But let it come out good. Let a motherfucker get a book deal. And let the pub say that'd make a great cover photo.

You didn't ask me for shit, i didn't give you permission for shit. You gonna track me down to get a model release? You gonna tell the pub not to use that photo? You're happy just having took it right, no need to put it out there?

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
12696010, It ain't about that, fam.
Posted by daryloneal, Mon Jan-12-15 11:28 AM
First and foremost let me be very clear.

I don't do this.

I don't take my camera wherever I go, I take my camera where I am hired to be.

I do, however, respect the right of photographers to capture natural life as it happens.

And when you (they) see an interesting moment, you capture it then and deal with the formalities after the fact.

If you make your presence known, you might as well not do it at all, because people get self-conscious or start posing.

It ain't about a book cover, it's about art.

Some of the greatest photos in our history were taken before permission was granted to do anything with them.

The respect of the art and profession of photography has diminished severely over the years due to accessibility and the internet.. So in the prime era of the old man in this story, someone would be more likely to be happy that a professional would want to capture them.

Unfortunately it ain't like that no more.

So I stick to the candids that I'm paid to take.
12696066, he wouldnt be able to do that
Posted by lfresh, Mon Jan-12-15 11:58 AM
>Oh there's no immediate intents to use the shot. But let it
>come out good. Let a motherfucker get a book deal. And let
>the pub say that'd make a great cover photo.
>You didn't ask me for shit, i didn't give you permission for
>shit. You gonna track me down to get a model release? You
>gonna tell the pub not to use that photo? You're happy just
>having took it right, no need to put it out there?

the publisher for the most part would not use a not model released photo

i think you are correct to be a bit more concerned regarding editorial use
but the ethics of that is pretty much not to offend
you are being a bit over blown about it

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12695570, if he planned to use it commercially
Posted by samsara, Sun Jan-11-15 05:50 PM
he would need a model release
even if it was taken in a public space
12695574, so paparazzi photographers get model releases
Posted by ndibs, Sun Jan-11-15 06:03 PM
to show celebs kids or is that not commercial use?
12695866, Good point. They sell those photos.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-12-15 10:14 AM
But they may be considered news photos and not commercial. Maybe that's how paparazzi can sell them without consent of the subjects. But I dunno.
12695923, yep, the pap hide behind "journalism"
Posted by MiracleRic, Mon Jan-12-15 10:55 AM
i don't know how that doesn't get challenged more often but hey
12695935, meanwhile you're hiding behind your rights too n/m
Posted by imcvspl, Mon Jan-12-15 11:00 AM

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
12695948, and parents hide behind their impulse to protect their kids
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-12-15 11:03 AM
even when that impulse has them behave rudely or unnecessarily.

i see it in lots of actions and stances parents take. it's cute.
12695961, i'm rarely rude or unnecessary in public
Posted by imcvspl, Mon Jan-12-15 11:08 AM
my kids cute as fuck. lots of photogs actually ask me, and i'll tell em, thank but no thanks. that cat i see who's supposed to be focused on the concert i'm at but keeps sneaking shots of my kid. i'll walk up to him nicely and ask for his card. then tell him please don't publicize those pictures of my kids and walk away. thankfully that works. if it didn't well then i might get unnecessary.

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
12696018, that's great.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-12-15 11:31 AM
12695952, wat?
Posted by MiracleRic, Mon Jan-12-15 11:05 AM
lemme leave this post

this subject is way more emotional for some apparently
12695972, motherfucker i'm talking shit
Posted by imcvspl, Mon Jan-12-15 11:11 AM
my stance is clear. you think i'mma just be like yeah you right. FOH!


Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
12695977, LOL.. agree with me or I'm leaving
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Jan-12-15 11:13 AM
12695988, stfu lol
Posted by MiracleRic, Mon Jan-12-15 11:17 AM
aint nobody asking anyone to agree...

just not to get your panties in a bunch about largely irrelevant BS to the point where i don't even know what the fuck youre talking about
12696009, you really don't get how you're hiding behind your rights
Posted by imcvspl, Mon Jan-12-15 11:27 AM
while making the pap out to be beneath you?


Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
12696015, who said they were beneath me?
Posted by MiracleRic, Mon Jan-12-15 11:30 AM
and why dont u instead of me trying to guess what u are implying say it straight out?

i'm not a journalist nor a photographer...just a reasonable human being who think public spaces shouldn't be treated the same as private ones
12696053, oh i thought you were a photog... fuck that though
Posted by imcvspl, Mon Jan-12-15 11:52 AM
it's a bit hypocritical to challenge the journalistic rights of pap to take photos of celebs in public spaces but think it's reasonable for non pap to take shots of general pub without permission because they are in public places.

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
12696067, i like how u evade the private vs public aspect btw
Posted by MiracleRic, Mon Jan-12-15 11:58 AM
>it's a bit hypocritical to challenge the journalistic rights
>of pap to take photos of celebs in public spaces but think
>it's reasonable for non pap to take shots of general pub
>without permission because they are in public places.

i'm not challenging whether or not they have the right...

i think they have the right in public places to do so...

I'm questioning whether or not the fact that celeb A took a shit today is in fact news...I also think that the means in which they use to get these shots should be questioned. For instance photographing a moving vehicle is dangerous (just ask Lady Di)

i think the journalistic right is valid but that what constitutes journalism could be up for grabs...

pap is also pretty well known for bending the rules and using private photos as well

these are the things i question about journalistic rights and the large umbrella of what constitutes journalism

>Big PEMFin H & z's
>"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1
>thing, a musician." � Miles
>"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
12695970, what's to challenge? It *IS* journalism
Posted by KosherSam, Mon Jan-12-15 11:11 AM
just because it's shitty tabloid journalism doesn't mean it isn't still journalism.

they took a picture and sold it to the enquirer, and the enquirer wrote an article about it and put it into a newspaper that gets printed, distributed, and sold.

How is that not journalism? It's not like they're taking a picture of Brad Pitt eating Oreos and then using that photo in a nationwide Oreo campaign. THAT would require consent, because it's a purely commercial purpose.
12695986, meh, i think it's fair
Posted by MiracleRic, Mon Jan-12-15 11:16 AM
to question what comprises news isn't something I just made up

not just what is news but also the means the info/data are obtained

12696190, as a thought exercise sure
Posted by lfresh, Mon Jan-12-15 12:59 PM
>to question what comprises news isn't something I just made
>not just what is news but also the means the info/data are

letter of the law?
no facts is facts

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12696184, they arent hiding
Posted by lfresh, Mon Jan-12-15 12:57 PM
its is what it is
doesn't matter that you dont like the news they cover

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12696180, its not considered commercial use
Posted by lfresh, Mon Jan-12-15 12:53 PM
>to show celebs kids or is that not commercial use?

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12695863, I think so but I'm not sure.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-12-15 10:12 AM
12696285, a plane is privately owned property though, not traditional
Posted by ndibs, Mon Jan-12-15 01:53 PM
public space. arilines can and have forbidden photography on their planes.

and if an airline had a photographer take photos of people on the plane and used that photo of the kid say in their inflight magazine, i think they might have to pay... reasonable expectation of privacy or not.

this is a different case.
12696287, he took the pix @ the airport.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-12-15 01:55 PM
12696296, i just caught up... thanks
Posted by ndibs, Mon Jan-12-15 02:00 PM
i was like 150 posts behind. that's weirdo ish but prob legal.
12695868, i'm willing ride w/ the photographer being wrong, BUT
Posted by Government Name, Mon Jan-12-15 10:17 AM
people are WAY too angry and it sounds like her response was above and beyond. i understand the sensitivities of children being involved, but i feel like we've reached some type of maximum outrage moment in society that gets multiplied by 100 when kids are involved.

personally, i'd probably be annoyed that the photographer took the photos, but best believe i'd hit him up to get my copies, lol.
12695878, Are you even supposed to be taking pics @ the Airport?
Posted by placee_22, Mon Jan-12-15 10:23 AM
I thought DHS shut down all that snapping pics @ Airports,Train Stations, etc. after 9/11.

Edit: past the checkpoints I mean, obviously TMZ be takin photos @ the Airport all the time.
12695882, Photographer isn't wrong. Yes, I'm biased, but it's the reality.
Posted by daryloneal, Mon Jan-12-15 10:26 AM
If there are no plans to release the photos publicly, he actually did the mom a favor.

Does she have a right to be upset, maybe.

But that's only because she has the right to be protective over her children, not because the photographer legally did anything wrong.

12695885, Can we get a Race Check for all involved?
Posted by placee_22, Mon Jan-12-15 10:29 AM
12695934, this video is super appropriate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkIWW6vwrvM
Posted by double negative, Mon Jan-12-15 10:59 AM
12696436, RE: that was great
Posted by astralblak, Mon Jan-12-15 04:31 PM
12696678, riiiiight? I love that dude
Posted by double negative, Mon Jan-12-15 11:10 PM
12695984, Photographer did nothing wrong, society is obsessed with child abuse now.
Posted by TheAlbionist, Mon Jan-12-15 11:14 AM
He snapped a picture of a clothed child on public transport.

The world is not going to end for anyone involved in this... but if we keep assuming one another are paedophiles, violent criminals and rapists, we're never going to have a cohesive society. Stop being afraid of everyone, everyone... you could've just had a professional portrait of your beloved child for free if you hadn't been such an untrusting bitch, lady.

12695987, when did this become a question of child abuse?
Posted by imcvspl, Mon Jan-12-15 11:16 AM

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
12696023, fear of child molestation/exploitation. fear of pedophilia.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-12-15 11:35 AM
fear of those ^ seems to drive much of push back against what the photog did here.
12696108, i think it's more of an issue with privacy.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 12:16 PM
12696187, if so that's too bad.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-12-15 12:58 PM
i agree w/the courts that it's unreasonable to expect privacy in a public setting.
12696020, agreed.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-12-15 11:33 AM
12696026, you people are nuts.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 11:36 AM
photos can be used as business commerce. the subject has a right to be a part of that decision and outcome.

the family could be under witness protection.

or even the mother is overcompensating and/or very protective, and that's okay too.

children don't have the wherewithal to refuse photos, and so they can't approve either.

the whole shit should've started with the photographer contacting the mother somehow.

I like to get in plain view of the parent, look up from my camera, glance at the child then at the parent, and silently mouth to the parent - 'do you mind?'
12696029, lmao, that last scenario cracked me up
Posted by MiracleRic, Mon Jan-12-15 11:37 AM
12696033, That's ideal but not always possible in terms of capturing the moment.
Posted by daryloneal, Mon Jan-12-15 11:40 AM
It's a judgment call.

You don't know what vantage point he had with the shot.

Was it worth it in the end? Probably not.

But he saw something interesting and went for it.
12696043, unless he's on assignment, he ain't doing shit but snapshots.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 11:46 AM
if he was serious about being able to 'use' them, he would've gotten the appropriate permission to make sure he could do something, first.

he was probably trying to be nice by offering the mom shots of the child, but she might not even need want or desire them.

I'm sure she know the child is cute. Probably got a thousand photos. Camera photos. Professional photos.

Matter fact. The child might have an agent and is not allowed to be photographed by a rogue photographer per the contract.
12696048, RE: unless he's on assignment, he ain't doing shit but snapshots.
Posted by daryloneal, Mon Jan-12-15 11:49 AM
>if he was serious about being able to 'use' them, he would've
>gotten the appropriate permission to make sure he could do
>something, first.

This is false.

>he was probably trying to be nice by offering the mom shots of
>the child, but she might not even need want or desire them.

You don't know until you ask, but if you ask first you may miss the natural moment you were trying to capture rendering the entire conversation useless.

>I'm sure she know the child is cute. Probably got a thousand
>photos. Camera photos. Professional photos.

Maybe, maybe not. You'd be surprised how many people DON'T know a good photographer.

>Matter fact. The child might have an agent and is not allowed
>to be photographed by a rogue photographer per the contract.

Maybe, maybe not.
12696069, that conversation was totally useless, from the beginning.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 11:59 AM
he already had the photos.

unless he needed more time and space to observe the child he's done with it.

bringing it up to the mom after the fact is like 'I want to be nice to you'

my biggest questions are

1. why is this dude taking snapshots in a boring ass airport. this is something you do when starting out.

2. we don't know if the old guy is actually a professional (the idea of him botching the situation with the moms leads me to believe he's not used to this)

3. when's the last time you took photos of a damn airplane window with your 'real' camera? Be honest.
12696084, RE: that conversation was totally useless, from the beginning.
Posted by daryloneal, Mon Jan-12-15 12:06 PM
>he already had the photos.
>unless he needed more time and space to observe the child he's
>done with it.
>bringing it up to the mom after the fact is like 'I want to be
>nice to you'

That's the point. He did it as a courtesy, I would think. Not as a requirement.

>my biggest questions are
>1. why is this dude taking snapshots in a boring ass airport.
>this is something you do when starting out.

Maybe he was...bored?

>2. we don't know if the old guy is actually a professional
>(the idea of him botching the situation with the moms leads me
>to believe he's not used to this)

Who said he botched anything? The mom may have just overreacted at the very thought of it. People do that.

>3. when's the last time you took photos of a damn airplane
>window with your 'real' camera? Be honest.

I don't know where they were in the air at the time. Maybe he saw something interesting. Maybe the clouds, maybe the sunset, maybe mountains. Who knows?? Maybe the 60yr old man had his Canon and not an iPhone to use instead?
12696057, lmao rogue photographer
Posted by MiracleRic, Mon Jan-12-15 11:53 AM
"that's not how any of this works" (c) esurance

dog, not all photographers are "on assignment"

it's akin to a sketch artist on the train sketching riders?

does that infringe on the subjects right? no, it doesn't

some photographers are event photographers...some shoot for art

candid photography of art relies on moments

and since their aren't any rights being trampled on...

nobody has of yet to articulate what right people have in public places to not be photographed...not a single soul
12696073, tough call. I'm not sure how many photogs go out aimlessly.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 12:02 PM
either your own your own 'assignment'.

art. street shots etc.

or your on some specific assignment.

either way, you're shooting with intention.
12696120, what if the intention is practice? or enjoyment
Posted by MiracleRic, Mon Jan-12-15 12:22 PM
i don't go out and play basketball with the intent of making money...

i do it to enjoy it...and a multitude of other reasons

the intent is art...not a subject

the whole point is to discover a subject...

so should i just YELL out to the crowded street....YOU MAY BE MY SUBJECT IF I DEEM YOU WORTHY!!!!

some photogs are out experimenting...

to see how good their natural eye for lighting, focus, and so forth on the fly

most photogs that do things like that don't wake up in the AM like..."lemme go find some stranger babies to shoot and some emotional parents to anger"

people stay feel entitled to unreasonable consideration
12696126, i understand all of this. and wth that a photographer MUST learn
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 12:24 PM
the boundaries of people.

especially if they are shooting random people.

they just have to.
12696141, i would say it's more important to not be an asshole
Posted by MiracleRic, Mon Jan-12-15 12:30 PM
being intrusive (excessive flash or invading personal space) or being obstructive is something worthy of beefing with them about

anything else is just people buying into a form of privacy that doesn't really exist

pretending that all people's feelings are worth consideration makes boundaries unpredictable and erratic...which defeats the purpose of what you're suggesting
12696034, i'd be creeped out by your suggestion.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-12-15 11:41 AM
that's more creepy than just taking the pix w/o permission, IMO.


and i believe if the photos are to be used for a purely commercial purpose the subject's consent would be required first. so while the photog could capture the photo for a commercial purpose w/o consent he would need to get a release signed before the pic could be used commercially.

considering how many cameras captured that child's image in that airport setting w/o the mom's awareness or permission, it's kinda unreasonable for her to trip about an amateur or professional photog capturing the girl's image in that very public setting. it's life. it might make mom a bit sketched out but she needs to get over herself, IMO.
12696041, Not only that, but people don't usually "get it" until they see it.
Posted by daryloneal, Mon Jan-12-15 11:46 AM
If you show it to them after the fact, they're more likely to say "awww! can you send it to me?" and you may have yourself a new client.
12696045, i ain't showing shit to nobody on the street.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 11:47 AM
12696050, Who is talking about the street?
Posted by daryloneal, Mon Jan-12-15 11:50 AM
12696054, street as in 'not a studio or setup.'
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 11:52 AM
12696056, there's a difference between 125 & Lennox and an airport before boarding..
Posted by daryloneal, Mon Jan-12-15 11:53 AM
the same flight.
12696075, how do the differences impact this situation?
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 12:02 PM
12696094, Obviously there's less of a "random" factor here.
Posted by daryloneal, Mon Jan-12-15 12:09 PM
We're not talking about a random person walking by you on the street.

They were at the same gate waiting to board the same plane, for God knows how long.

Therefore it's more of a common space than a random city street on your way to Duane Reade or some shit.
12696107, with your theory, doctor offices are fairer game for shooting.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 12:15 PM
because it's less of a 'random factor'.

in reality, the 'random' factor works in favor of the photographer.

i'd see this as being less of a big deal if they were at a random street corner.

at an airport the mother/subject doesn't realy have anywhere to flee.

she may feel trapped by that.
12696112, Flee? What are you talking about?
Posted by daryloneal, Mon Jan-12-15 12:19 PM
12696115, public space vs 'common space' vs privacy and perceived safety.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 12:20 PM
12696117, Safety? From what?
Posted by daryloneal, Mon Jan-12-15 12:20 PM
12696119, unsolicited photographers.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 12:21 PM
12696122, Guess what? Anyone with a smart phone is an unsolicited photographer.
Posted by daryloneal, Mon Jan-12-15 12:22 PM
12696132, are you ignoring the difference in fidelity between camera phones
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 12:26 PM
and (im assuming in this case) an slr?

it's okay if you are. i just want to know so we can stop there.

12696138, on the internet nobody gives a fuck n/m
Posted by imcvspl, Mon Jan-12-15 12:28 PM

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
12696148, are you ignoring the fact that cell phones now have high resolution cameras..
Posted by daryloneal, Mon Jan-12-15 12:32 PM
and people regularly post such photos of their surroundings on social media?

If so, yes, please stop. You're being just as irrational as the mother.

It isn't about fidelity, it's about risk.

And here you have a man who was forthcoming in saying "hey, as a professional, here's my card. I snapped a photo of your child".
12696154, you're reading like a commercial '140000000MP RESOLUTION!!!'
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 12:35 PM
you know resolution is bullshit.

it's all about the size of that sensor.

and true focal lengths.

quit playing around.
12696163, You're avoiding your (false) point.
Posted by daryloneal, Mon Jan-12-15 12:41 PM
The point is you're arguing a false sense of "safety".

The danger isn't a "professional" photographer that hands you his card after taking a photo.

It's irrational to blow up about that because the true risk of exploitation is all around you in the form of people with smartphones, facebook and instagram.

12696167, the danger is in the camera itself. they're intimidating
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 12:44 PM
especially to the general public/ the person that it's pointed at.

yes, that response is irrational - but its honest.

photographers should be aware of how cameras make subjects feel. especially the ones that haven't agreed to being 'shot'.
12696169, she didn't even know until after the fact, though.
Posted by daryloneal, Mon Jan-12-15 12:48 PM
Which means he was respectful to their physical space at the time the moment occurred.

He just captured it and offered to share it with her.
12696209, this is like saying. 'hey i got some shots of your panties showing when
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 01:09 PM
you weren't looking. don't worry it's not perverted, the wind just blew your dress in time.'

i think they came out great. here's my card, i'll send them to you.
12696215, Yeah, it's exactly like that. Exactly.
Posted by daryloneal, Mon Jan-12-15 01:14 PM
12696218, thanks for playing.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 01:16 PM
12696113, there's a difference between cctv shots and a high reolution
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 12:19 PM
shot of one specific subject.

the photographer is not a robotic arm capturing random movement.

he's a person and has more responsibility.
12696144, non-point
Posted by MiracleRic, Mon Jan-12-15 12:31 PM
12696150, it was to the point that: 'the moms shouldn't trip, security cameras
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 12:32 PM
at the airport got all types of shots of the child already'

my position is that it's not the same thing.
12696160, so a non-point in response to another non-point
Posted by MiracleRic, Mon Jan-12-15 12:37 PM
got it
12696164, yeah, i need to do better.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 12:41 PM
12696242, courts haven't found an appreciable difference, as far as i know.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-12-15 01:31 PM
so in a court context, mom's complaint about the photog's act (taking her kid's permission in an airport terminal w/o consent) has no legs.

of course mom seems to think the photog taking the kid's pic w/o consent is more creepy than the dozens of security cameras that also captured the kid's image in that setting (though mom doesn't know where the cameras are or whether the cameras capture still or video images or where the video feed(s) go or who if anyone is watching them or whether the feed is recorded and what if anything is done w/any potential recording of her kid's image). too bad for mom - in that if she took her complaint to the police and all that jazz it wouldn't amount to much.

generally, mom needs to get over herself here. i understand why she's bothered though.
12696074, they actually cannot
Posted by lfresh, Mon Jan-12-15 12:02 PM
>photos can be used as business commerce. the subject has a
>right to be a part of that decision and outcome.

be used for commercial use

your concern is editorial use
its unlikely he would use it that way
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12696079, stock photos are free now? it's a new day!
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 12:04 PM
12696173, hey in case you didn't know
Posted by lfresh, Mon Jan-12-15 12:50 PM
i'm not long on patience

i'll say this once
you dont know what the fuck you're talking about
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12696181, patience these.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 12:55 PM
12696185, shove those up your ass
Posted by lfresh, Mon Jan-12-15 12:57 PM

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12696198, hold this.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 01:04 PM
12696208, you can shove that up your ass as well
Posted by lfresh, Mon Jan-12-15 01:09 PM

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12696217, but what about the other thing?
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 01:15 PM
12696221, why act like you arent a giant asshole?
Posted by lfresh, Mon Jan-12-15 01:20 PM
theres plenty of room dude
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12696240, ok. move over.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 01:30 PM
12696250, no need
Posted by lfresh, Mon Jan-12-15 01:35 PM

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12696276, ok. enjoy your stay.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 01:49 PM
12696325, sheeit you live here
Posted by lfresh, Mon Jan-12-15 02:32 PM
i'm just helping you navigate

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12696211, stock photos come from candid shots without model releases now?
Posted by KosherSam, Mon Jan-12-15 01:12 PM
I better check to see if I'm in any!

*goes to shutterstock*
*clicks search*
"fat jew with beard"
OH SHIT!!!!!
12696071, can we talk about Shia LeBeouf and the Sia video?
Posted by lfresh, Mon Jan-12-15 12:00 PM
did we have a similar pedeo consensus here?

its disturbing me a bit the reaction people had
but i dont have a child
but i worry about putting men in such an odd place when it comes to children

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12696032, neither.
Posted by SHAstayhighalways, Mon Jan-12-15 11:40 AM
as someone who has taken random pics of folks im not mad at the photog
as a mother im not mad at the mom either

12696037, yea, its an emotional reaction
Posted by MiracleRic, Mon Jan-12-15 11:44 AM
nobody expects parents to be reasonable lol

12696040, yup.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-12-15 11:45 AM
12696077, hrm
Posted by lfresh, Mon Jan-12-15 12:03 PM
i'd say i was happy to have his contact information
i'd be grateful if he would not put an image of my child on social media nor his website without my permission and i'll be keeping track of him
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12696099, now it's your job to monitor every photo he publishes?
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 12:10 PM
in hopes one isn't of your child?
12696171, me thinks you dont know i do this for a living
Posted by lfresh, Mon Jan-12-15 12:49 PM
>in hopes one isn't of your child?

it okay
easy mistake
i'm not the one who would be hoping he doesn't do it in this case though
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12696194, i'd argue in this case 'doing something for a living' means much
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 01:02 PM
of nothing.

matter fact, i don't even know what 'this' is.

i know you're short on patience (and clarity).

i didn't mean to waste our time.
12696227, it means you havent a clue as to what youre
Posted by lfresh, Mon Jan-12-15 01:22 PM
talking about
is what it means

you dont know what my reach is
what i know
what i'm willing to do
but when i say looking at yet another photographers site more than once?
is no skin off my back
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12696322, damn lfresh, you scary.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 02:28 PM
12696118, Team Photographer. My boy does it at sports Games all the time.
Posted by Case_One, Mon Jan-12-15 12:21 PM
Then he give the parents his cards.

"America, stop turning our Court Houses of Justice into Dens for Justified Murderers."
12696121, is there a difference between a sports game and a doctors office
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 12:22 PM
and an airplane cabin?
12696129, is there?
Posted by MiracleRic, Mon Jan-12-15 12:24 PM
12696136, yes, of course.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 12:27 PM
12696145, i thought so too
Posted by MiracleRic, Mon Jan-12-15 12:31 PM
but haven't figured out if it's in any way significant to the convo
12696238, the difference is that when you walk into an arena or have a ticket to a game
Posted by Very-Effortless, Mon Jan-12-15 01:30 PM
there is usually a disclaimer at the arena and on the ticket telling you that by attending the game/walking into the arena that you may be photographed/video tapped.

And there is an expectation that you may show up on the kiss cam or dance cam or even on TV as it is a filmed event.

At an airport, there's an expectation that you may unwittingly photobomb someone, or that you will be on CCTV. But there's no expectation that a professional photographer will take candid pictures of your 3 year old.

I took a photography class in college and we had a full class discussion about the ethics of candid photos. I feel like when you take them, you should tell someone immediately after you do, let them see them and delete them if they ask. It's not cool to just photograph someone in an "official" capacity without asking for permission to use their image.

12696264, this photog seems to have done this:
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-12-15 01:42 PM
I feel like
>when you take them, you should tell someone immediately after
>you do, let them see them and delete them if they ask.

^ the photog did this, basically, and mom flipped on him for it.

the question posed is is either one of them wrong?
12696271, wrong. the photos of the child were taken at the gate.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 01:47 PM
the mom was informed at the end of the flight.
12696277, Whoa. That changes my entire analysis!
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-12-15 01:49 PM
12696280, what a wise guy. it absolutely should.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 01:50 PM
12696291, Nah, photographer are creatives and inspiration comes and goes randomly
Posted by Case_One, Mon Jan-12-15 01:58 PM

"America, stop turning our Court Houses of Justice into Dens for Justified Murderers."
12696295, oh dear. what a terrible sentence you just typed.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 02:00 PM
12696299, actually, this response deserves a dogpile.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 02:02 PM
12696410, It;s because you hate creatives, you hater of creatives...
Posted by Case_One, Mon Jan-12-15 04:07 PM

"America, stop turning our Court Houses of Justice into Dens for Justified Murderers."
12696300, 'inspiration' is real. but execution is really what they're doing
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 02:02 PM
with all that camera.

photography is not like painting.

these are instant shots of time and space.

and then there's the technical aspect of a camera.

photogs shoot a lot, yes, when they're inspired.

but also, just to learn how to use the camera.

it takes time and plenty of 'aimless' shots.
12696301, I guess their common sense comes and goes randomly as well.
Posted by Very-Effortless, Mon Jan-12-15 02:02 PM
12696413, Eh. It happens.
Posted by Case_One, Mon Jan-12-15 04:09 PM

"America, stop turning our Court Houses of Justice into Dens for Justified Murderers."
12696304, Yes and no. I thought about this as well.
Posted by daryloneal, Mon Jan-12-15 02:03 PM
And ideally you would let the person no IMMEDIATELY after it was done.

But in this scenario, it depends on timing in relation to the flight being boarded.

There may not have been the opportunity right away, so he waited.

Also, I believe he approached the conversation slightly wrong.

He should have gotten straight to the point instead of leading off with how cute she was.

I understand what he was trying to do but it wasn't effective.
12696305, why do you think it should?
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-12-15 02:04 PM
what difference is made where homie waited an hour or a few hrs to inform mom about the candid pix he took of her kid in a public setting where he gave mom his contact info assumedly so that she could review the pix in case she wanted to order prints and/or to ask him to delete the pix as per the ethical training VE mentioned?
12696292, It seemed to me that there was a significant gap in time between the picture
Posted by Very-Effortless, Mon Jan-12-15 01:58 PM
and him informing the mother.

He took the picture while they were waiting for the plane at the airport of departure but didn't tell her until the end of the flight. That's not immediate. Immediate would have been him walking up to her right after taking the pictures and saying "I'm a photographer and I just couldn't help myself from taking pictures of your beautiful daughter. Do you want to take a look at them? I'm more than happy to send them to you or if you're not comfortable with me having them, I'll delete them right now." That's immediate.

And it also seems like he did it as a sales-pitch... like, "I took pictures of your kid. Do you want them? Call me for them." It didn't seem genuine but damn near like extortion to me.
12696307, the timing here makes no difference to me.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-12-15 02:06 PM
why do you think it makes any difference in this situation?
12696313, i think timing implies the intent.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 02:13 PM
the mom could easily assumed the guy had no REAL plans of telling her he'd gotten the shots. or else he would've had that conversation immediately.

i'm not sure how they're conversation went down.

but he then slid the whole 'reminds me of my grandchild'

the photog might've been drooling/pee stains (who fucking knows) or gave some sort of visual cue to the mother during the flight that made it uneasy.

he mentioned it all at the end of the flight like it wasn't important to him, or even a serious plan.

12696315, oh okay.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-12-15 02:16 PM
i see that.

i still think he shouldn't have mentioned the pix.
12696268, precisely.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 01:44 PM
12696272, Public parks and HS gyms don't have any disclaimers.
Posted by Case_One, Mon Jan-12-15 01:48 PM

"America, stop turning our Court Houses of Justice into Dens for Justified Murderers."
12696297, If someone is taking pictures of kids at a park that aren't his
Posted by Very-Effortless, Mon Jan-12-15 02:00 PM
someone should call the police on him.

As for high school games, if you're talking about someone taking pictures of the action on the court, that is totally normal. As is taking pictures in the stands (for yearbook purposes).
12696309, that dog won't hunt.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-12-15 02:08 PM
i recently represented a guy who was accused of taking pix of school children as they walked on a public sidewalk. he was charged w/disorderly conduct. the case was dismissed after i'd filed a motion to dismiss. it didn't even get to a hearing - the state's attorney dismissed after reading my motion.
12696314, good for you.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 02:15 PM
good for him.
12696327, oh, for sure.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-12-15 02:35 PM
my pretty obvious point is that calling the police on a guy taking pix of kids in a public park won't necessarily result in much court action against him. the cops might stop him from taking the pix and maybe even arrest him - and if that's the goal then it's all good. but if a criminal charge is filed based on him taking the pix it's unlikely to w/stand a motion to dismiss.
12696332, and this is what's disgusting about this conversation.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 02:39 PM
it might even be moral vs ethics, to me.

yes, taking pictures of peoples childrens may not land you in jail per se.

but that's not really the conversation about 'right and wrong'

the conversation about right and wrong:

it's right to respect peoples boundaries.
it's wrong to intimidate a mother by taking photos of her child, even if the consequence is negligent.
12696347, i understand the difference.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-12-15 02:51 PM
i think the photog was w/in his rights to take that girl's pix in that setting. i think he made a mistake in informing the girl's mother that he'd taken the pix. he should've kept that to himself considering she didn't know and wouldn't have otherwise known he took the pix.

mom freaked a bit and that freak out is understandable. i think it's unreasonable though given the circumstance.
Posted by Case_One, Mon Jan-12-15 04:04 PM

"America, stop turning our Court Houses of Justice into Dens for Justified Murderers."
12696401, lol, oh...that changes things
Posted by MiracleRic, Mon Jan-12-15 03:49 PM
12696186, How so, please explain the difference
Posted by Case_One, Mon Jan-12-15 12:58 PM
My boy is some random 6'5" Black dude taking ransom pictures of kids at a sporting event without the consent of the parks and parents. Then he approaches the parents, tell them how good their kid looks and hands them his card telling them where they can see the requested/ non consent pictures to view and order, yet you thinks things are different.

Please tell us how things are different?

"America, stop turning our Court Houses of Justice into Dens for Justified Murderers."
12696199, would he do that at a pediatric office? or an airplane cabin?
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 01:04 PM
12696206, courthouse? why aren't cameras allowed in court again?
Posted by ambient1, Mon Jan-12-15 01:09 PM
i mean it IS a public place or nah?
12696225, to protect jurors and witnesses from being intimidated.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-12-15 01:21 PM
jurors have had their photos taken during trial and were later located and intimated by representatives of one of the parties to the case they're deciding or some other entity w/interest in the trial. witnesses have also been photographed and intimidated in an effort to improperly influence their testimony (aka witness tampering). to avoid this ppl have been banned from taking pix in court.
12696229, gotcha...thx....it doesn't stop the intimidation but i understand
Posted by ambient1, Mon Jan-12-15 01:25 PM
12696233, OKP Law to the rescue.
Posted by Case_One, Mon Jan-12-15 01:28 PM

"America, stop turning our Court Houses of Justice into Dens for Justified Murderers."
12696224, Answer the question. Is he wrong?
Posted by Case_One, Mon Jan-12-15 01:21 PM

"America, stop turning our Court Houses of Justice into Dens for Justified Murderers."
12696232, think private property vs public
Posted by lfresh, Mon Jan-12-15 01:27 PM
that might be the only difference
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12696245, He goes to School facilites which are private and public parks (city owned)
Posted by Case_One, Mon Jan-12-15 01:32 PM
So I don't think it matters.

"America, stop turning our Court Houses of Justice into Dens for Justified Murderers."
12696237, here. wrong is weak concept.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 01:29 PM
has he successfully imparted himself in this environment as non-threatening? hopefully.

has he taken into consideration the idea that every parent may not want strangers taking photos of their child? hopefully

is he making use of the fun-loving environment that is a sport event? he is.

do you know that he has never gotten any bad feedback? tough call.
12696253, Dude, the OP is about who's wrong.
Posted by Case_One, Mon Jan-12-15 01:36 PM
>has he successfully imparted himself in this environment as
>non-threatening? hopefully.

What, you think he applied for a t-shirt. Nope. He just started taking pics. Plus the in the OP the photographer was not threatening either.

>has he taken into consideration the idea that every parent may
>not want strangers taking photos of their child? hopefully

Man you are drifting away from the center of the topic that kicked the discussion off.

>is he making use of the fun-loving environment that is a sport
>event? he is.

What does fun have to do with the topic?

>do you know that he has never gotten any bad feedback? tough

Nope. It's all been good.

"America, stop turning our Court Houses of Justice into Dens for Justified Murderers."
12696261, the topic devolved from who's 'right or wrong' to 'who's practicing
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 01:40 PM
the law'.

the idea that law is rung up into this is kind of gross.

you people love your laws.

your laws have never loved you.

why stand so hard with them?
12696270, Ok, then just give your opinion and we can go from there.
Posted by Case_One, Mon Jan-12-15 01:46 PM

"America, stop turning our Court Houses of Justice into Dens for Justified Murderers."
12696293, i think photographers have the responsibility to assuage any public
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 01:58 PM

especially a photographer shooting aimlessly.
12696403, u are not alone
Posted by MiracleRic, Mon Jan-12-15 03:53 PM
a ton of people think that people should do unreasonable things to assuage the unreasonable expectations of others

12696404, moms is not being unreasonable.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 03:55 PM
12696409, irrational != unreasonable?
Posted by MiracleRic, Mon Jan-12-15 04:07 PM
12696417, nope. its reasonable of the photographer to be aware of irrational ppl
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 04:12 PM
... especially their children.

he's/she's the one doing the shooting and has the responsibility

not unlike a police officer.
12696438, What harm was done?
Posted by Case_One, Mon Jan-12-15 04:35 PM
I'm asking. It's not like he stole the child's soul with the picture.

"America, stop turning our Court Houses of Justice into Dens for Justified Murderers."
12696445, you going around giving candy to children without parents consent?
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 04:39 PM
it'l surely make them happy and it's not like you're stealing the child soul.
12696462, give up on analogies
Posted by MiracleRic, Mon Jan-12-15 04:58 PM
12696131, photographers can be weird
Posted by atruhead, Mon Jan-12-15 12:26 PM
I can say this because one of my parents is one
they only care about a good shot, not your personal space or preference towards being photographed

it's intrusive and rude. I wouldn't suspect a person taking my kid's picture of pedophilia but I still wouldn't be cool with it either

everything isn't an object to be captured, people are just trying to exist
12696176, agreed
Posted by lfresh, Mon Jan-12-15 12:52 PM
its mostly usually harmless
but understandably disconcerting and annoying for the subject
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12696210, The Mother is clearly wrong!
Posted by Cam, Mon Jan-12-15 01:10 PM
In public spaces, her kid is photographed by CCTV everyday...allday, and is likely somewhere in the background, of at least a couple of those, 288,000,000 daily photo uploads to Facebook.
Does she lose control of her emotions over that?
I wonder if her in-flight reading material was something like People Magazine.


12696220, when did this become a conversation about who is more law abiding?
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 01:19 PM
12696226, somewhere between replies 14 and 15, it seems.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-12-15 01:22 PM
12696247, i see. that is absolutely disgusting.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Jan-12-15 01:33 PM
12696254, As a parent, I would find in unnerving if someone took pics of my kids
Posted by John Forte, Mon Jan-12-15 01:36 PM
but it's well within their rights. I don't think I'd flip out, but if I saw someone doing it, I might politely ask them to stop. If they refused, I'd remove my child from the situation instead of becoming belligerent.
12696260, he could've approached her in a better way for sure
Posted by samsara, Mon Jan-12-15 01:39 PM
if he wanted to approach her about the pics, he should've just started with saying he's a professional photographer, that he was taking pics in the airport and there are some that have her child in them, etc. here's my card

rather than approaching her about the kid, implying that he's been observing the woman and her child the entire flight, since the airport, and then bring it up

i'd imagine that's where that convo went left.

or she might just be an angry woman
or have one of those kids that every random person seems to want to take a pic of
i had one of those kids and it's a bit unnerving
i just routinely said no to anyone asking permission and asked people to stop taking pics whenever i noticed

i don't think i ever kirked out on anyone but can imagine wrong moment, wrong time, wrong person and that might've happened... especially since there were often racial/racist motivations in our case

12696267, yeah.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-12-15 01:43 PM
12696316, clearly the kid's fault
Posted by dba_BAD, Mon Jan-12-15 02:21 PM
12696326, daggon seductive children
Posted by lfresh, Mon Jan-12-15 02:34 PM

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12696353, The guy should of used a little more tact
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Mon Jan-12-15 02:59 PM
He didn't do anything illegal but his whole approach was bad. The mom has every right to be upset.
12696467, Is there something inherently bad about someone having your kid's pic?
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Mon Jan-12-15 05:00 PM
Just a regular, candid picture. Nothing malicious or suggestive.
But like if your kid is swinging on the swing set and a random guy snaps a shot of that. What's the issue?

I'm childless, so I might be missing that protective instinct or something.