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Topic subjectRev. Jamal Bryant, uses Floyd Mayweather as a sermon illustration
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12694776, Rev. Jamal Bryant, uses Floyd Mayweather as a sermon illustration
Posted by Case_One, Sat Jan-10-15 05:54 PM
But don't miss the forest for the trees just because you didn't hear a Biblical book, chapter and verse to set it all off. This man is preaching a serious Social Justice message.

Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, Loving You Is Hurting Me (1&2) - TWN


"America, stop turning our Court Houses of Justice into Dens for Justified Murderers."
12694778, This man went in on America's hypocrisy!
Posted by Case_One, Fri Jan-09-15 06:54 PM

"America, stop turning our Court Houses of Justice into Dens for Justified Murderers."
12694790, now he a preachin fool. cant lie.
Posted by 2.tears.in.a.bucket, Fri Jan-09-15 07:33 PM

he inherited that tho

i remember when he'd come to our vacation bible school. he was still at morehouse. we thought he was a celebrity even then. lol.
12694858, That's what I'm telling folks up in here.
Posted by Case_One, Fri Jan-09-15 10:12 PM

"America, stop turning our Court Houses of Justice into Dens for Justified Murderers."
12694882, I can clap to this.....
Posted by rorschach, Fri Jan-09-15 11:00 PM
This is actually a great sermon....
12695024, Yup!
Posted by Case_One, Sat Jan-10-15 11:13 AM
>This is actually a great sermon....

If folks would take time to get pass what they think hiss sermons should be about and how they should be delivered they might actually hear the message that's being preached.

"America, stop turning our Court Houses of Justice into Dens for Justified Murderers."
12695008, so which part of his social justice message is about defending rapists
Posted by Rjcc, Sat Jan-10-15 10:45 AM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12695026, So Dr. Bryant defended someone for raping another person?
Posted by Case_One, Sat Jan-10-15 11:16 AM
When did this happen.

"America, stop turning our Court Houses of Justice into Dens for Justified Murderers."
12695027, no, you did. and you (presumably) listen to his sermons
Posted by Rjcc, Sat Jan-10-15 11:20 AM
so either they're about defending rapists or they're not working.

or you're just a shitty example of a fake christian who's ignoring the values you claim to espouse.

it's one of those things

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12695095, Lmao damn
Posted by realityrap, Sat Jan-10-15 12:42 PM
12695104, So, you're just talking out of your Butt.
Posted by Case_One, Sat Jan-10-15 12:47 PM
And you like rambling about what you don't know about. Cool

It's par for the course with you.

"America, stop turning our Court Houses of Justice into Dens for Justified Murderers."
12695112, that's why you're busy talking shit to Christians
Posted by Rjcc, Sat Jan-10-15 12:57 PM
who don't follow your fake ass.

you don't believe in a damn thing

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12695214, Hey buddy, do you want a relationship with Jesus?
Posted by Case_One, Sat Jan-10-15 04:33 PM
It's ok. Because if you do, I'm sure that there's a quality church somewhere where a minister can help to introduce you to the Savior of the world.

"America, stop turning our Court Houses of Justice into Dens for Justified Murderers."
12695249, nah I want you to take your fake ass christian bullshit somewhere else
Posted by Rjcc, Sat Jan-10-15 05:54 PM
but since you won't. I'll be all up in your threads

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12695252, ^^^internet tough guy
Posted by ThaTruth, Sat Jan-10-15 05:59 PM
12695256, ^^^^desperately wants to be a part of the conversation
Posted by Rjcc, Sat Jan-10-15 06:05 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12695273, ^^^desperately wants to be a Christian.
Posted by Case_One, Sat Jan-10-15 06:56 PM

"America, stop turning our Court Houses of Justice into Dens for Justified Murderers."
12695451, ^^^Desperately wants people to believe he's a Christian
Posted by Rjcc, Sun Jan-11-15 12:08 PM
you ain't and it's easy to see

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12695611, Dude you need to move on.
Posted by Case_One, Sun Jan-11-15 07:28 PM

"America, stop turning our Court Houses of Justice into Dens for Justified Murderers."
12695253, So do you want a relationship with Jesus?
Posted by Case_One, Sat Jan-10-15 06:03 PM

"America, stop turning our Court Houses of Justice into Dens for Justified Murderers."
12695254, not the sexual one you have, but we could be bros
Posted by Rjcc, Sat Jan-10-15 06:04 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12695274, You really need a friend.
Posted by Case_One, Sat Jan-10-15 06:59 PM

"America, stop turning our Court Houses of Justice into Dens for Justified Murderers."
12695449, you don't need anything other than to go away
Posted by Rjcc, Sun Jan-11-15 12:07 PM
that's pretty much it

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12695612, But why are you here?
Posted by Case_One, Sun Jan-11-15 07:30 PM
No need to answer. Just leave and move on.
"America, stop turning our Court Houses of Justice into Dens for Justified Murderers."
12695620, you posted.
Posted by Rjcc, Sun Jan-11-15 07:33 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12695720, So you're a fan.
Posted by Case_One, Sun Jan-11-15 10:49 PM

"America, stop turning our Court Houses of Justice into Dens for Justified Murderers."
12695250, Deleted message
Posted by Rjcc, Sat Jan-10-15 05:54 PM
No message
12695280, you secret of nihm looking motherfucker plz get some pussy
Posted by Binlahab, Sat Jan-10-15 07:31 PM
I mean please! Asap
12695436, It's a process.
Posted by Case_One, Sun Jan-11-15 11:18 AM

"America, stop turning our Court Houses of Justice into Dens for Justified Murderers."
12695450, you're like 40+ still mad you're not a mod
Posted by Rjcc, Sun Jan-11-15 12:08 PM
it's still the important thing in your life. that's some sad shit

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12695615, Ok. Thanks. We're good. You can go now
Posted by Case_One, Sun Jan-11-15 07:32 PM
"America, stop turning our Court Houses of Justice into Dens for Justified Murderers."
12695616, meanwhile you look like a 5 ft tall rat. with glasses.
Posted by Binlahab, Sun Jan-11-15 07:32 PM
holla @ chucky cheese, fam

does it really matter?

for all my fans who keep my name in their mouth: http://i.imgur.com/v2xNOpS.jpg
12695622, chicks dig fievel, I make this shit work and you're mad about it
Posted by Rjcc, Sun Jan-11-15 07:34 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12695722, touché
Posted by Binlahab, Sun Jan-11-15 11:03 PM
Cannot be argued
12695116, He's preaching this thing.
Posted by daryloneal, Sat Jan-10-15 01:01 PM
12695215, Lawd, Did he just say, ...*Faints*....on the floor.
Posted by Case_One, Sat Jan-10-15 04:34 PM

"America, stop turning our Court Houses of Justice into Dens for Justified Murderers."
12695315, Man of my word.
Posted by daryloneal, Sat Jan-10-15 10:32 PM
12695332, Tips hat.
Posted by Case_One, Sat Jan-10-15 11:17 PM

"America, stop turning our Court Houses of Justice into Dens for Justified Murderers."
12695287, I'm not a Christian. But that that Floyd link to Garner was impressive
Posted by El_essence, Sat Jan-10-15 08:23 PM
12695336, Yeah. I love those good illustration linkages
Posted by Case_One, Sat Jan-10-15 11:19 PM

"America, stop turning our Court Houses of Justice into Dens for Justified Murderers."
12695288, I'm not a Christian. But that that Floyd link to Garner was impressive
Posted by El_essence, Sat Jan-10-15 08:23 PM