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Topic subjectThe benefits of a database of white hate
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12689153, The benefits of a database of white hate
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sat Jan-03-15 11:54 AM
If there actually were a database of slave holding families, their descendants, their possible business/political connections, and also the identities and families of as many folks as possible smiling in those lynching postcards-- what would the benefit of such a thing be? We can add in perhaps folks involved in the real race riots like Rosewood as well. Would this be useful to non whites and if so how?
12689155, what utility could that possibly have?
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sat Jan-03-15 12:08 PM
Other than to provoke aggression? Thats like saying the grandkids of SS officers should be made public. No possible good can result.

And i lived 5 miles from Rosewood FL for a while, and my dad currently does also. The whole area is SO fucked psychologically. The history of it has been psychologically rewritten to spare the descendents guilt and no one EVER acknowledges that it even happened. They are quick to point out that the movie was mostly fictional, and it was a lot of fantasy. But the truth of the matter is everyone's dirty little secret. The exact opposite of the way the Holocaust has been treated. The area is so rural that it doesnt take much to accomplish, and there is no standing physical evidence like Auschwitz or Dachau. So rather than own it and vow to be better, its just been snowed under by guilty silence.
12689157, i will say, businesses and organizations...maybe.
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sat Jan-03-15 12:17 PM
Individual private citizens...no. But there is a public list of companies that profitted off the Nazi war machine and at the very least, many of those have at least acknowledged their dirt.

So for any org or business still operational, sure shine a light on them. Honesty about the past is the first step. But i dont think there are many left from 200 years ago.

12689159, resource for compensation lawsuits
Posted by ndibs, Sat Jan-03-15 12:17 PM
12689162, lol is there a legal ground for that?
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sat Jan-03-15 12:25 PM
Naming some lower middle class average joe from Valdosta in a class action lawsuit because his great great grandfather owned 2 slaves?

For what? So you could take the legal counsel to lunch at Chik Fil A with what you recover from him?

There is a reason plantation houses are usually owned by historical societies. Former slave owners got poor as fuck during and after reconstruction. Punishing some regular dude for the sins of the great great grandfather seems counterproductive at best towards any long term goal.
12689165, the state of florida paid rosewood survivors...
Posted by ndibs, Sat Jan-03-15 12:33 PM
yes there is legal precedent. i think there was a case with some black farmers as well.

no most individuals probably could not be sued for what an great uncle twice removed did.
12689390, the federal govt or a state govt is different though
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sat Jan-03-15 11:56 PM
and we know they instituted and upheld slavery, so why the database? to show the extent of it? maybe, i imagine there are other, more effective ways to do that though
12689434, Like what?
Posted by ndibs, Sun Jan-04-15 08:52 AM
>and we know they instituted and upheld slavery, so why the
>database? to show the extent of it? maybe, i imagine there are
>other, more effective ways to do that though
12689621, you can quantify the losses/gains in broader terms and then work on ...
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Jan-04-15 04:06 PM
identifying the proper recipients through a more specific study like this one.
12689754, how and why a format other than a database?
Posted by ndibs, Sun Jan-04-15 08:13 PM
>identifying the proper recipients through a more specific
>study like this one.
12689824, it wouldn't be a "database of white hate" though
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Mon Jan-05-15 12:00 AM
it would be more like a lineage of former slaves, indentured servants, etc.
12689177, Well-- maybe it's time for aggression?
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sat Jan-03-15 01:26 PM
In all honesty there are times for such things and it does really seem like now is such a time. It may provoke aggression, but maybe the aggression is a step towards something greater. Also it's fear that motivates that type of thinking and I think fear in this case is an obstacle.

I get that thinking though, but I also think it's important that non-whites be armed with something that would allow us to at least have a better understanding of who's for us and who is not. A possible good result would be less misplaced aggression.

I personally don't think anyone should be spared any guilt-- if the legal system sanctioned their actions then another system should be in place to shed light. Apples really do not fall far from tress and I think knowing who these people and their progeny are would ultimately paint a clearer picture of how ingrained racist ideology is in our various systems of government, law enforcement, and business. If they are still hunting down SS officers then it's fair to expose this country's own brazen acts of injustice, the perpetrators, and the legacy of said perps.
12689179, except that SS officers are the principals to the atrocity
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sat Jan-03-15 01:30 PM
They were physically there breaking international laws and committing crimes against humanity.

Thats not the case for someone whose ancestral family owned slaves 200 years ago and is just going about his life.
12689189, True and to that point
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sat Jan-03-15 01:50 PM
I'm saying that the tracing back is justified. It doesn't really matter how long ago someone was dehumanizing someone else because we are all still dealing with the fallout.

People pass on their attitudes-- this is part of the reason why there are acquittals for folks like Darren Wilson. I'd wager the majority of the folks involved with that verdict are linked to generations of racists like those in the lynching postcards. Anyway, there's only one way to find out.
12689192, It absolutely matters. I get your rage, but come on
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sat Jan-03-15 01:57 PM
You want to punish people for things they simply were not, individually, responsible for. That's a thirst for vengeance that is tough to co-sign.
12689202, Who said vengence?
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sat Jan-03-15 02:18 PM
I'm saying folks need to know who or what the sources are. Metaphorically speaking we need to know the source of the bitter water. I'm not saying poison the spring I'm saying don't drink the water and right now too many of us don't know how to tell fresh from bitter. Perhaps my headline was a bit too strong, but my point is we need something. Guns get us killed, marching gets us killed, maybe a resource like this won't?
12689205, you're talking about aggression and taking sides. logical next step, no?
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sat Jan-03-15 02:24 PM
i guess my question is what is to be done with this information?
12689209, What individuals do with that info is up to them
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sat Jan-03-15 02:32 PM
I'd like to think it would help push for better legislation, motivate black folks to be more involved in local government, and other critical areas of society. Folks that want to harm others will find any excuse it doesn't matter what form it takes.
12689224, How many slaves did your great-grandparents own/trade?
Posted by deejboram, Sat Jan-03-15 03:10 PM
12689233, lol, absolutely none
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sat Jan-03-15 03:26 PM
on one side we were moroccans and on the other side we were northerners. actually my great-great grandfather was rather famous as a surgeon in the union army who performed a groundbreaking brain operation on a freed slave. so that's kind of the precise opposite of owning slaves.
12689234, really, dude?
Posted by deejboram, Sat Jan-03-15 03:27 PM
i'm not just talkin about America, jack!
12689235, yes, really.
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sat Jan-03-15 03:31 PM
certainly the slave trade was a thing in morocco up until the 19th century but do you think jews were seeing any piece of that action? lol.

closest thing we had would have been a maid once the family got rich much later on.
12689240, my bad. i didn't know you dad was jewish too.
Posted by deejboram, Sat Jan-03-15 03:50 PM
or even moroccan
12689251, oh you mean before they came to the u.s.?
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sat Jan-03-15 04:16 PM
on my grandmother's side we were very early settlers and prior to that basically farmers and robbers in scotland. too poor and marginalized to own slaves, shit barely anyone owned land. on my grandfather's side, they came a bit later but were also basically commoners and not land/slave owners. i actually researched this a number of years ago with my cousin. we found a lot of cool shit from my great great grandfather from civil war, including a medical book he published. he is where any money comes from in my dad's family, got into copper mining and had a very successful medical practice.
12689253, coolio. yeah i suspected your dad regular white side not ur jew mom
Posted by deejboram, Sat Jan-03-15 04:20 PM
>on my grandmother's side we were very early settlers and
>prior to that basically farmers and robbers in scotland. too
>poor and marginalized to own slaves, shit barely anyone owned
>land. on my grandfather's side, they came a bit later but were
>also basically commoners and not land/slave owners. i actually
>researched this a number of years ago with my cousin. we found
>a lot of cool shit from my great great grandfather from civil
>war, including a medical book he published. he is where any
>money comes from in my dad's family, got into copper mining
>and had a very successful medical practice.
12689295, Nowadays we call them guinea pigs (joking)
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sat Jan-03-15 06:40 PM
That's a neat historical find though.
12689248, can always count on you for DAT GOOD IDIOCY
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sat Jan-03-15 04:07 PM
12689252, how is it idiodicy?
Posted by deejboram, Sat Jan-03-15 04:16 PM
do you know me or concrete?
stay outta grown folks bizness
12689257, because you led off with an assumption of fact.
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sat Jan-03-15 04:22 PM
The way that idiots do.

You were so sure of the answer you didnt even leave room for the possibility that the answer was zero.
12689290, we do know each other IRL tho
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sat Jan-03-15 06:22 PM
we fuck with each other on here, all gravy.
12689193, id wager that you are grasping at straws
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sat Jan-03-15 02:01 PM
12689195, I'll keep you posted, but--
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sat Jan-03-15 02:11 PM
You do know black people have enemies right? How do you suggest we go about finding who they are? Or should we forever go about our lives not knowing from who or where this irrational and deadly aggression comes? Is it better that we live our lives in ignorance of those who hates us-- constantly lashing out at ourselves and those perhaps unworthy of our ire?
12689197, your perspective is flawed
Posted by imcvspl, Sat Jan-03-15 02:14 PM
and you'd be hard pressed to find a critical mass willing to follow.

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
12689201, i would hope hed have trouble finding 5 people to follow
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sat Jan-03-15 02:17 PM
So poorly thought out and entirely useless in making the world a better place
12689222, Help straighten it then
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sat Jan-03-15 03:00 PM
I haven't hit up the library of congress yet. It's not a good idea to at least try and put names to faces? Why don't we deserve to know who's behind the hood so to speak?
12689200, i dont even know how to answer that. u are veering into strange territory.
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sat Jan-03-15 02:16 PM
Great, so you know that Joe Schmoe of Clemson SC is descended from a slave owner.

Now what?

Do you seek recompense from him for something he did not do? Vengeance (which really seems like your motivator here)? Preemptive violence just on the off chance hes waiting to lynch someone?

12689206, So now you stay away from Joe
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sat Jan-03-15 02:26 PM
And you find someone who is not Joe to befriend, get to know or not know. This way a person wouldn't even have to waste their time with Joe.

Maybe Joe is head of some Greek fraternity or police department. Maybe it would help knowing he comes from virulent bias? Perhaps even a long line of it?

Maybe you have a boss that's treats you differently-- wouldn't it be nice to know what his or her motives could possibly be?

It's just information man and yes the truth can make things better. Racism is cowardly by it's very essence and has too much refuge.
12689208, ooooookay
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sat Jan-03-15 02:29 PM
12689210, You never answered my question btw
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sat Jan-03-15 02:33 PM
The one about the enemies of black folks. Or do we not have them en masse.
12689217, yes racists exist.
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sat Jan-03-15 02:46 PM
Here and abroad. Across a vast range of ethnicities and cultures.

Trying to root them out in America based on something that their ancestral family did in 1750 is not an intelligent plan.
12689298, Gotta start somewhere
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sat Jan-03-15 06:46 PM
I find it amusing that folks think this is something black people should not know.
12689386, lol, where has anyone said that?
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sat Jan-03-15 11:38 PM
i find it funny that you have this grand plan with no specific purpose. and by funny i mean spurious
12689403, The plan is that folks could go online
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sun Jan-04-15 01:13 AM
And look up someone like Bull Conner, George Wallace, or just about any signer of the Constitution and get a clearer picture of how entrenched or far reaching their ideological impact is/was for example.
12689433, You do realise those ppl are dead, right?
Posted by deejboram, Sun Jan-04-15 08:29 AM
>And look up someone like Bull Conner, George Wallace, or just
>about any signer of the Constitution and get a clearer picture
>of how entrenched or far reaching their ideological impact
>is/was for example.

So what if my great grandfather was George Wallace
WTF do that have to do with the way I think in 2015?

You never have a clear end result in your ideas. Always be half assed.
Sounds like a Bin alias.
12689486, You think men such as that have no legacy?
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sun Jan-04-15 11:19 AM
and if they don't then so what? The light such a thing as this would shine would be one that would allow people to come to a better assessment of how severe or not severe racism as a cultural norm is or is not. If anything Deej you stay not reading the whole thread, but focus on one particular fiber.

Dead or alive I think it's time for the dots to be connected and for names to be named.
12689489, What's the point of connecting the dots?
Posted by deejboram, Sun Jan-04-15 11:30 AM
>and if they don't then so what? The light such a thing as
>this would shine would be one that would allow people to come
>to a better assessment of how severe or not severe racism as a
>cultural norm is or is not. If anything Deej you stay not
>reading the whole thread, but focus on one particular fiber.
>Dead or alive I think it's time for the dots to be connected
>and for names to be named.

yeah you black and i dont like you and my great-great STEP grandfather was a slave breaker.
so what?
what do something somebody thought in 1815 have to do with what ppl think in 2015?
what are you going to do with this info?
what do you think someone else might do with this info?

Oh, your anscestors owned slaves or dealth with slave so I'm not going to be your friend anymore.

how can mods allow such HATE on this site?
i swear if you replaced everything you're saying with GAYS this post would of BEEN done been shut down

"let's draw a schematic of everyone's family history and find out who had GAY great grandparents. if they have GAY great grandparents we will know how to "deal" with them in today's terms"

stop being so hateful man
it's some cool white ppl out there
all white ppl's not bad
12689529, There are many good points already posted here
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sun Jan-04-15 01:12 PM
>yeah you black and i dont like you and my great-great STEP
>grandfather was a slave breaker.
>so what?

I know you know attrocities comitted against non-whites are much more recent than that-- 1950 is not a long time ago. Also it's okay for people to just know even if they do nothing with that information. I personally think connecting the dots will help reveal where and to what extent racist attitudes and policy are most and least effective.

>what do something somebody thought in 1815 have to do with
>what ppl think in 2015?

A lot man a whole lot. People can die and their spirit can live on.

>what are you going to do with this info?

Provide jobs, computer training, and identity building for non whites of African descent.

>what do you think someone else might do with this info?

Hopefully something productive.

>Oh, your anscestors owned slaves or dealth with slave so I'm
>not going to be your friend anymore.

A person has the right to make such a decision if they so choose. At least it's not as arbitrary as skin color.

>how can mods allow such HATE on this site?

Because it's not about hate-- it's about INFORMATION

>i swear if you replaced everything you're saying with GAYS
>this post would of BEEN done been shut down

A gay person never called me nigger.

>"let's draw a schematic of everyone's family history and find
>out who had GAY great grandparents. if they have GAY great
>grandparents we will know how to "deal" with them in today's

It's more about sphere of influence more than anything else. And black people deserve to know the details of said sphere.

>stop being so hateful man
>it's some cool white ppl out there
>all white ppl's not bad

It's not about hate it's about power through knowledge. There are cool white folks out there and they are not the majority. This can help those not experienced with white culture to better determine who is and is not cool. Not all white folks wear their racism on their sleeves.
12689448, o ok because people think now that george wallace was john f'ing brown
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Jan-04-15 10:05 AM
12689223, My wife's great-grandparents owned slaves.
Posted by deejboram, Sat Jan-03-15 03:10 PM
>And you find someone who is not Joe to befriend, get to know
>or not know. This way a person wouldn't even have to waste
>their time with Joe.
>Maybe Joe is head of some Greek fraternity or police
>department. Maybe it would help knowing he comes from virulent
>bias? Perhaps even a long line of it?

Does that means she is racist because she sought me out, married me and have kids by me?
What was her motive?
Is she trying to singlehandedly dilute the black blood pool?
Make it more grey?
Are there chosen white people who have been given the specific task of greying the black blood pool?
And other whites, the blond haired blue eyed group, are preservered to carry on the purity of the Aryan race?

I'm going to ask her when she comes back from the salon.
I would text her but I want to see the expression on her face after I pop the question.
12689303, Maybe she's making up for past wrongs?
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sat Jan-03-15 06:51 PM
But I'm guessing she's rebelling against something, in my experience most white women who date black men are in that camp to some extent. I don't say that as a dis at all, but just from my conversations and such. She could be genuinely open minded or whatever, but yeah ask her--should be quite the conversation.

However they say Thomas Jefferson treated Sally Hemming quite nicely-- probably even loved her. So there's that angle as well.
12689309, So what about me then?
Posted by deejboram, Sat Jan-03-15 07:02 PM
12689406, Not everything is about you Deej!!
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sun Jan-04-15 01:16 AM
12689590, You're talkin shit about half my family so now it is about me.
Posted by deejboram, Sun Jan-04-15 03:11 PM
You just think every white person is "out to get" every Black person

not true man

not true
12689642, 0 to 100 real quick
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sun Jan-04-15 04:37 PM
Dial down those emotions. In #81 I made it clear that I certainly do not believe all white folks are out to get us, but a percentage are and it's about time we learned who at least some of them are. Also I talked no shit about your family-- never have never will.
12689647, Are or were???
Posted by deejboram, Sun Jan-04-15 04:50 PM
>Dial down those emotions. In #81 I made it clear that I
>certainly do not believe all white folks are out to get us,
>but a percentage are and it's about time we learned who at
>least some of them are.

You can't possibly say my wife is racist because her great granddad had slaves.
How are you going to know what current day white people are "out to get us" by concocting this "list"?

and you know what?
my great-great-great-great grandfather (and his brothers/family) owned slaves and plantations in/near Selma, Alabama as well as Eastern Texas / Northwest Louisiana.
i just don't know how yall are going to do this and I don't care.
Just call me when it's time to pick my check up.
12689659, Are (present tense)
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sun Jan-04-15 05:13 PM
>You can't possibly say my wife is racist because her great
>granddad had slaves.
>How are you going to know what current day white people are
>"out to get us" by concocting this "list"?

By looking for patterns of activity. Slave owner has son who becomes mayor who has a son that becomes chief of police who has a son that becomes a senator. I think a scenario like that would be worth looking into. I'm only interested in the big fish not the small fry.

>and you know what?
>my great-great-great-great grandfather (and his
>brothers/family) owned slaves and plantations in/near Selma,
>Alabama as well as Eastern Texas / Northwest Louisiana.

Well that explains the nice threads ;)
12689666, We don't need no list for that shit. You wasting money.
Posted by deejboram, Sun Jan-04-15 05:27 PM
I work with a buncha racist ass right-winged white folks
WTF we need to waste money on constructing a "list" for?

>>You can't possibly say my wife is racist because her great
>>granddad had slaves.
>>How are you going to know what current day white people are
>>"out to get us" by concocting this "list"?
>By looking for patterns of activity. Slave owner has son who
>becomes mayor who has a son that becomes chief of police who
>has a son that becomes a senator. I think a scenario like that
>would be worth looking into. I'm only interested in the big
>fish not the small fry.

You can't be serious?
With thoughts like this I know you crazy as fuck.
ooooooo I want to see/interact with some of these OKPs in real life.
nobody CANT be this fucking crazy
can't be

my slave owner great great great grandad was excommunicated from his family and run up out of Alabama in 1850s because he married his slave.
this was BEFORE the emancimation proclamation
a white man marrying a black ass slave
free'd her and her 4 sons (well, their sons)
i think his sons would have been considered white tho because of their daddy
anyway, so my family will be penalized and have to pay money or give up land because he owned slaves when it was perfectly legal to do so?
that was just the status quo but he felt otherwise and went a different route
anyway, he sold some of the land in alabama (which was still ALOT) but most of it was confiscated because he was fuckin them negroes
he runs off to texas and buys a shitload of land
enough to carve two modern day cities out of
and that's how our family owns a city in texas and another in louisiana today

but everybody after 1850s have had Black blood in them

so, how does/will this "list" work in your mind?
and my situation is pretty clear cut but just looking at family trees you wont know NONE of what i just wrote
this is all "word of mouth"
just like i have aunts and uncles who are "biological" but back in them days you not going to say you had this or that kid out of your marriage so you just fold them in and act like nothing happened but they dont share blood with my father

have at it

12689721, You sound like an outlier
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sun Jan-04-15 06:55 PM
Like I said I'm interested in finding the racists who wield power. Enough power to have an impact on black folks. And I think finding generational links in ideology is an effective way to out the closested ones.

I also want to know who the hell those folks are in those lynching photos. I have always wanted to know that. To me its such a flagrant viloation of the "law" while at the same time being hard proof as to how systemically flawed the so called justice system is. I also can't help but feel those people in some cases have produced successive lines of bigots, some of which may be captains of industry i.e. "Big Fish".

>I work with a buncha racist ass right-winged white folks
>WTF we need to waste money on constructing a "list" for?
Why? You like those folks or something? Seriously though, do you disagree with all the reason others have posted about the possible benefits such a resource could have? The goal is to identify racist policy makers or influencers, chief law enforcers, and business to name a few.

>You can't be serious?
>With thoughts like this I know you crazy as fuck.
>ooooooo I want to see/interact with some of these OKPs in real
>nobody CANT be this fucking crazy
>can't be

What's crazy about it? What's crazy about wanting to know where the real influential racists are? And if that makes me crazy then so be it I guess.

>my slave owner great great great grandad was excommunicated
>from his family and run up out of Alabama in 1850s because he
>married his slave.
>this was BEFORE the emancimation proclamation
>a white man marrying a black ass slave
>free'd her and her 4 sons (well, their sons)
>i think his sons would have been considered white tho because
>of their daddy
>anyway, so my family will be penalized and have to pay money
>or give up land because he owned slaves when it was perfectly
>legal to do so?

No. This isn't about taking any money or land. It's about finding racists in places of power so that their power might be mitigated or at the very least it can be shown how pervasive racism in America is.

>so, how does/will this "list" work in your mind?

Well it'll have slave owning families for starters and eventually their slaves. It will attempt to follow the money more than the members and hopefully help shed light on areas where said money or member had an impact.

It will have the Who What When and Where of those lynching postcards.

It will follow the influence (if any) of racist legislators, the J Edgar Hoovers, Bull Conners (and every man under his command) and folks like the producer of Birth of a Nation.

It will be a privately funded endeavor and it's researchers will come largely from the black community.

>have at it

Thanks, I got my SQL commands ready to go.

12689712, he's a captain.....
Posted by RS, Sun Jan-04-15 06:46 PM
Let him save his ho.....
12689714, okp talk real slick behind keyboards i see
Posted by deejboram, Sun Jan-04-15 06:47 PM
12689717, k....
Posted by RS, Sun Jan-04-15 06:50 PM
12689173, hate? nah. profits from slavery extended to modern corps? yup
Posted by imcvspl, Sat Jan-03-15 01:05 PM

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
12689188, That database would be 500 exabytes minimum.
Posted by Castro, Sat Jan-03-15 01:50 PM
12689190, We got the cloud now
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sat Jan-03-15 01:51 PM
Maybe we can dub it the "storm cloud"
12689232, I'm all for it.
Posted by Vex_id, Sat Jan-03-15 03:24 PM
The descendants of slave-owners should share in that accumulative
wealth generation and be directed to disburse reparations to descendants
of slaves.

This database would also illustrate the fact that so few people are related
to slave-owners, despite the narrative that seems to suggest that an inordinate
amount of 'white' Americans are related to slave-holding ancestors.

12689242, RE: I'm all for it.
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Sat Jan-03-15 03:59 PM
>The descendants of slave-owners should share in that
>wealth generation and be directed to disburse reparations to
>of slaves.
>This database would also illustrate the fact that so few
>people are related
>to slave-owners, despite the narrative that seems to suggest
>that an inordinate
>amount of 'white' Americans are related to slave-holding

I think that most people realize that the planter class was relatively small. Most high school text books bold and highlight that point lol. The narrative that most people miss is how enslavement was connected to pretty much every aspect of American life. Even if your people never owned slaves, you benefitted from the government sanctioned super-exploited state of enslaved Black folks. Hence, contemporary issues of racism and white privilege.
12689292, Yeah the "only a couple people owned slaves" angle is illogical.
Posted by Triptych, Sat Jan-03-15 06:27 PM
12689293, slaves were EXPENSIVE yo! like thousands of dollars each in 1755
Posted by deejboram, Sat Jan-03-15 06:37 PM
it's ppl today that dont even have that kind of scratch

so no,
i dont think owning a slave was like owning a dog today

at least that's how i thought as prevalent slave ownership was before
or like a housemaid in a third world country today

you can be a lil attendant in a shop and even have a maid in some countries
12689419, slavery was an industry - the whole country is complicit.
Posted by Triptych, Sun Jan-04-15 02:36 AM
Not just the owners.
12689429, What will be your share of fees for war crimes against Iraq & muslims?
Posted by deejboram, Sun Jan-04-15 07:29 AM
The govt is waterboarding folks but I neaver approved that.
12689493, exactly, so fucking much tunnel vision on these issues
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Jan-04-15 11:42 AM
you want it to be one way (c) marlo stanfield
12689574, I'd be happy to have a real debate on the issue.
Posted by Triptych, Sun Jan-04-15 02:10 PM
12689606, Feel free. To be clear I am actually FOR reparations.
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Jan-04-15 03:42 PM
That said most of the propositions have ranged from fanciful to ridiculous. If the issue is going to move anywhere, it has to very, very well-established who receives them and what the total sum distributed is based upon. Even once you have that, you still have to get the public on board to pay for it, because nobody else is coming out of pocket.
12689572, We do pay cash to iraqi civilians all the time.
Posted by Triptych, Sun Jan-04-15 02:08 PM
And I pay taxes. None of my taxes go towards reparations. Your argument doesn't really hold up.
12689604, We do? Can you clarify?
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Jan-04-15 03:40 PM
We do infrastructural projects, basically reconstruction, but I am not aware of reparations paid to individuals and we have left an enormous environmental mess (not in the vague in XXXX years way, in the we ruined the fucking soil/water way) that we have done little if anything about in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Unless there is something I am unaware of, which of course is quite possible.
12689893, that's like saying the whole country is complicit
Posted by MiracleRic, Mon Jan-05-15 09:24 AM
in some of our shitty economic policies

while i get what yall are saying...

y'll are giving more power to people's apathy and/or lack of it
12689305, ^^^
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Sat Jan-03-15 06:56 PM
12689311, Not to mention Jim Crow, share cropping, wage manipulation
Posted by kayru99, Sat Jan-03-15 07:05 PM
etc, etc, etc.

12689332, Yes, the list of abuses is miles long
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Sat Jan-03-15 07:47 PM
*sigh* being Black in this country is exhausting.
12689618, up until the modern-day penal system, too
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Jan-04-15 03:59 PM
that's somewhere i think we can start righting wrongs right now and directly. changing laws, commuting sentences and undoing the prison industrial complex. righting historical wrongs is a lot harder than facing immediate problems that can be addressed right away.
12689656, DEFINITELY
Posted by kayru99, Sun Jan-04-15 05:10 PM
the case for reparations due to mandatory minimums and unfair sentencing guidelines is amazingly strong, IMO. That should be apart of it, no doubt
12689688, i don't mean reparations per se, i mean righting the immediate wrong
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Jan-04-15 06:00 PM
opening cells and freeing people. sending fewer people to dungeons.
12689758, I DO, though
Posted by kayru99, Sun Jan-04-15 08:20 PM
especially considering the profiteering that went on, and the scale of it?

12689826, but if anything that would come later
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Mon Jan-05-15 12:01 AM
i dont know how far down the rabbit hole we could realistically get. it would be intriguing to find out.
12689692, sure - but the diagnosis isn't as simple as you make it out to be.
Posted by Vex_id, Sun Jan-04-15 06:06 PM
>Even if your people never owned slaves, you
>benefitted from the government sanctioned super-exploited
>state of enslaved Black folks. Hence, contemporary issues of
>racism and white privilege.

People say this in a one-size fits all fashion, making no room for distinction amongst an American whose family has been in America for centuries versus those whose family arrived here within the past 50 years. Those are very different groups of Americans - both culturally and (often) socio-economically.

So to just say "well idc, they all are complicit and benefited" isn't very helpful in seriously prescribing a reparations formula.

We should accurately account for those proximately responsible for the institution of slavery. Descendants of slave-owners should have their wealth audited and be compelled to disburse reparations to the descendants of their slaves -- but the biggest wave of reparations should come from government payments. The American government legalized and sanctioned slavery and thus should be held accountable for distributing wide-ranging reparations. However, going after Dmitry and his so-called 'white' family who moved to America in 1996 because they (apparently) benefit vastly from 'white privilege' isn't a very productive use of time.

12689788, but you still benefit
Posted by GirlChild, Sun Jan-04-15 09:46 PM
despite when you got here
my parents came the same time as dmitry, and they get lumped into the shitty treatment that Black folks get.

your solution isn't really a solution.
12689827, quantifying and taxing an intangible benefit?
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Mon Jan-05-15 12:03 AM
that kind of flies in the face of the OP and any logical expectation for something that could actually be implemented.

i think the whole idea here would be to make the benefits more concrete and clearer, not look to even out any potential advantage that might exist.
12689894, ^^
Posted by MiracleRic, Mon Jan-05-15 09:26 AM
12689243, Benefits: reparations
Posted by MiQL, Sat Jan-03-15 04:01 PM
12689246, you know??? wheres my check!
Posted by deejboram, Sat Jan-03-15 04:03 PM
12689247, That would be an amazing resource for scholars and lawyers nm
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Sat Jan-03-15 04:03 PM
12689249, Interestingly, we all could initiate that project @ any time.
Posted by MiQL, Sat Jan-03-15 04:08 PM
12689255, Reparations
Posted by Musa, Sat Jan-03-15 04:20 PM
A duh.
12689308, honestly, there are quite a few benefits
Posted by kayru99, Sat Jan-03-15 07:00 PM
ONE, it would stop making the racial history of America some amorphous, misty thing. It becomes real as fuck when you start putting names and positions to those random faces. Seeing that that person holding the rope that is hanging a charred black body is the MAYOR of a town/city..? Yeah, that's real, and as image/facial recognition tech gets better, that shit is gonna be doable from an average laptop.

TWO, with companies, the benefit is a str8 line to making the case for reparations much, much more concrete. I mean, American banking is deeeeeeeeeeep in slavery money.

THREE, beyond the enslavement of Africans, the mob violence and legalized theft that took place during Jim Crow should be catalogued as much as possible. Aaaaaaaalllllll them black folk the headed north after the red hot summer left a lot of land/property behind.

Point is, if you put the experience of black america in the larger narrative of oppressed minorities globally in the last two centuries, the fact that we HAVE NOT attempted any of this is a minor miracle
12689336, RE: honestly, there are quite a few benefits
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sat Jan-03-15 08:03 PM
>ONE, it would stop making the racial history of America some
>amorphous, misty thing. It becomes real as fuck when you start
>putting names and positions to those random faces. Seeing
>that that person holding the rope that is hanging a charred
>black body is the MAYOR of a town/city..? Yeah, that's real,
>and as image/facial recognition tech gets better, that shit is
>gonna be doable from an average laptop.

i think with the history we have now, we already have that. do you think some massive codification would make things any clearer than they already are? maybe but i would say they are clear enough as it is.

>TWO, with companies, the benefit is a str8 line to making the
>case for reparations much, much more concrete. I mean,
>American banking is deeeeeeeeeeep in slavery money.

there is no way private institutions would be made to pay for this sort of thing, especially as it was not illegal. federal or possibly state governments would be the only entities held accountable either way. a much more useful tool would be something that would better identify recipients of the reparations.

>THREE, beyond the enslavement of Africans, the mob violence
>and legalized theft that took place during Jim Crow should be
>catalogued as much as possible. Aaaaaaaalllllll them black
>folk the headed north after the red hot summer left a lot of
>land/property behind.

they made a tough choice and it was the right choice. that happens to people who flee all over the world. i think it's worth learning about but i question seriously if it would lead to restitution. the mistake here is that information will lead to action. that's overly optimistic to me =(

>Point is, if you put the experience of black america in the
>larger narrative of oppressed minorities globally in the last
>two centuries, the fact that we HAVE NOT attempted any of this
>is a minor miracle

well i do think there are very hard-working historians who have attempted to show causal relationships between the generational wealth and disparities therein. i just think a big "database" seems more challenging than it is useful.
12689353, It needs to be *much* clearer and, most importantly, accessible.
Posted by MiQL, Sat Jan-03-15 09:25 PM

>i think with the history we have now, we already have that. do
>you think some massive codification would make things any
>clearer than they already are? maybe but i would say they are
>clear enough as it is.

Less concern about whether exists - we know it does.
More concern around how we can interact w/ it, reason about it and expand on what Tanehisi shared in 'A Case for Reparations.'
It's far more effective w/ data.

>>TWO, with companies, the benefit is a str8 line to making
>>case for reparations much, much more concrete. I mean,
>>American banking is deeeeeeeeeeep in slavery money.
>there is no way private institutions would be made to pay for
>this sort of thing, especially as it was not illegal. federal
>or possibly state governments would be the only entities held
>accountable either way. a much more useful tool would be
>something that would better identify recipients of the

As we've learned over the years, shaming is an effective tool, I think.

>>THREE, beyond the enslavement of Africans, the mob violence
>>and legalized theft that took place during Jim Crow should
>>catalogued as much as possible. Aaaaaaaalllllll them black
>>folk the headed north after the red hot summer left a lot of
>>land/property behind.
>they made a tough choice and it was the right choice. that
>happens to people who flee all over the world. i think it's
>worth learning about but i question seriously if it would lead
>to restitution. the mistake here is that information will lead
>to action. that's overly optimistic to me =(
>>Point is, if you put the experience of black america in the
>>larger narrative of oppressed minorities globally in the
>>two centuries, the fact that we HAVE NOT attempted any of
>>is a minor miracle
>well i do think there are very hard-working historians who
>have attempted to show causal relationships between the
>generational wealth and disparities therein. i just think a
>big "database" seems more challenging than it is useful.

No one said it'd be easy, but it can be done.
12689387, RE: It needs to be *much* clearer and, most importantly, accessible.
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sat Jan-03-15 11:42 PM
again, to whom is this case for reparations being made? i've always been amenable to the idea of reparations but like i said in bin's post a while back, the more time passes, the less feasible they become.

and you're going at it bassackwards here. the database should be more of who was enslaved, who lost property, who is OWED and who are their descendants. that would get a lot more steam behind reparations than "shaming." we are talking about major industry (shameless!) and individuals who wouldn't give two shits about something a dozen generations back in their family.
12689408, ^^ exactly my thinking
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sun Jan-04-15 01:18 AM
Folks scared of the truth and shit. Pulling it off isn't as difficult as one would think. If there can be a Pinkerton's Detective Agency then there can be a group of folks uncovering all this information.
12689421, agreed
Posted by SoWhat, Sun Jan-04-15 02:54 AM
12689514, man, i really don;t understand why people are against this
Posted by Reuben, Sun Jan-04-15 12:29 PM
even if we dont sue for compensation for unpaid labor, siezure of land etc

its still us controlling and presenting our own narrative and that can only be a good thing.
12689539, Personally I wouldn't say I am 'against' it, to be clear
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Jan-04-15 01:27 PM
I just think this notion of codifying "white hate" seems ill-defined in terms of exactly what it would ascertain and even wobblier in terms of what would be done with it.

How could anyone be against a quantifiable contribution to historical and sociological study? I just think the OP was being disingenuous about its use, that some people who have piled on have misguided about what could/should be done with it, and that there are more useful pursuits toward the more worthy goals (historical understanding, reparations, etc).
12689749, The post title is hyperbole
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sun Jan-04-15 07:46 PM
12689414, You know what? I'm really going to look into this idea and discuss it
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Sun Jan-04-15 02:05 AM
with my profs and folks in my cohort. Someone many already be working on this and need more researchers or something. Bin works with the reparations movement, maybe he knows something.
12689422, that's good stuff
Posted by SoWhat, Sun Jan-04-15 02:54 AM
12689494, "Maybe Bin knows something"=famous last words
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Jan-04-15 11:43 AM
a sentence to suck the air and credibility out of ANY movement.
12689505, Excuse you?
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Sun Jan-04-15 12:01 PM
I've known Bin for years, and I don't even know who the fuck you are. Have a seat.
12689522, I've known Charlie for many years and Bin hasn't produced results.
Posted by deejboram, Sun Jan-04-15 12:52 PM
>I've known Bin for years, and I don't even know who the fuck
>you are. Have a seat.

Just in 2014 alone Bin has "Bin" nothing but a bag of hot air.


That green party shit he be pushing is empty as fuck.
He may be a good foot soldier but he should not be the one you run to in order to promote your cause because he sucks at that.

Green Party and N'Cobra needs to flesh their shit out a lil more
12689523, Wth?? You're trolling is outta control
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Sun Jan-04-15 12:56 PM
Who said anything about going to Bin to promote a cause? I know that he's down with the reparations movement, so I was thinking that he may have some info on a database or one in the works. If he doesn't, I can ask the people I know in my real life.
12689525, Why you attribute everything I write to trolling?
Posted by deejboram, Sun Jan-04-15 12:59 PM
>Who said anything about going to Bin to promote a cause? I
>know that he's down with the reparations movement, so I was
>thinking that he may have some info on a database or one in
>the works. If he doesn't, I can ask the people I know in my
>real life.

Shit man.
You're talking about a serious ass topic then you throw Bin's name in there for whatever, then your cause will be suspect and tainted.
Even when you ask him about reparations on the boards he sends you to some generic NCOBRA or Green Party site

we can do that with a simple Google.

But you threw Bin's name in there like he was lending credibility to whatever it was that you're saying.
That's why Charlie made his remark.
Bin don't have credibility regarding movements like that
12689528, i'm just a face in a crowd. a crowd that tears half-assed ideas to shreds
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Jan-04-15 01:12 PM
but you seem to be a great fan of half-assed ideas, so by all means, press on.
12689531, You're just a verbose internet weirdo with nothing else to do
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Sun Jan-04-15 01:15 PM
Good luck with that.
12689533, as opposed to nonverbose internet weirdos with nothing else to do?
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sun Jan-04-15 01:18 PM
12689538, might i suggest capitalizing and italicizing the L in lost?
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Jan-04-15 01:24 PM
you don't speak often but you have a remarkably high percentage of seeming outlandishly dimwitted and unattractive when you do.
12689581, You are so catty...wow lol nm
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Sun Jan-04-15 02:29 PM
12689584, wow
Posted by godleeluv, Sun Jan-04-15 02:39 PM
12689588, meow...
Posted by deejboram, Sun Jan-04-15 03:02 PM
12689571, I would suggest these articles too.
Posted by Meadow, Sun Jan-04-15 02:08 PM



Legal teams have already amassed a lot of this information. It just needs to be displayed online in a readable format.
12689582, Thank you! nm
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Sun Jan-04-15 02:30 PM
12689600, so basically this was tried and did not work (the ends, not the means)
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Jan-04-15 03:35 PM
like i said, i don't see how you could find a court that would hear a case going that far back and alleging civil rights violations when, unfortunately, slavery was in accordance with federal and state law.

this is not going to be a matter for the courts, it will be a matter of public opinion and pressure on the government to create an active program to distribute reparations.
12689602, damn, can you not let us Black ppl get a payday like you Jews got?
Posted by deejboram, Sun Jan-04-15 03:40 PM
why you trying to pull up the ladder once you on top of the roof?
what we get in reparations wont fuck with yalls money so chill good doctor.

now mr charlie i've known you to be a fine white mans and to treat us coloreds with nothing but respect and almost like your own kinfolk
i dont want you goin round and messin up that good track record you got there by fuckin with the church's money

>like i said, i don't see how you could find a court that
>would hear a case going that far back and alleging civil
>rights violations when, unfortunately, slavery was in
>accordance with federal and state law.
>this is not going to be a matter for the courts, it will be a
>matter of public opinion and pressure on the government to
>create an active program to distribute reparations.
12689617, i think you should have it, a major problem/difference is time elapsed
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Jan-04-15 03:58 PM
we are talking about an event than ended in the 1940s being settled in the early 1950s as opposed to an event that ended (sort of) in 1865 being settled today. that's one major logistical difference.

i talked a lot about this in bin's post previously. who receives reparations and how much they receive can vary a lot more today than it could have a long time ago. and honestly that is to say that the compensation should likely be *more* substantial. but then how to get you get that funded? it's a complex question and i see people approaching it as some sort of threshold thing. i think most people in this thread want reparations, so why are we shooting for an echo chamber of ifs when we should be looking more at a legitimate how.

12689624, fuck yeah i want my reparations check!!!
Posted by deejboram, Sun Jan-04-15 04:08 PM
when yall Jews got your checks it was directly tied to individual businesses that were shamed and made to pay up.
like parmalat and SNCF
parmalat for giving yall cinide laced milk in the holocaust
and SNCF for giving yall one way tickets to Mathausen

i think the biggest problem with reparations who not who pays and how much but WHO GETS THEY CHECK???
like, on NCOBRA's site it says:

Who should receive reparations?

Within the broadest definition, all Black people of African descent in the United States should receive reparations in the form of changes in or elimination of laws and practices that allow them to be treated differently and less well than White people.


how do we determine "African" descent"?
We going by one drop rule?
What percentage of your blood needs to be Africanized in order to get a check?
My daughter is half black, do her check be half as much as mine cause I'm full black?
we're going to "forget" that my mom is Mexican but she is Afro-Mexican so I'm still all Black with africanised blood.

I'm going to jump on this train real tough now cause I looked at tuition at Georgia Tech and they want $200,000 RIGHT TODAY for a 4 year degree so in 18 years when she ready who knows what it'll be.
But these reparations checks she'll have coming in should help defray some of that cost.

>we are talking about an event than ended in the 1940s being
>settled in the early 1950s as opposed to an event that ended
>(sort of) in 1865 being settled today. that's one major
>logistical difference.
>i talked a lot about this in bin's post previously. who
>receives reparations and how much they receive can vary a lot
>more today than it could have a long time ago. and honestly
>that is to say that the compensation should likely be *more*
>substantial. but then how to get you get that funded? it's a
>complex question and i see people approaching it as some sort
>of threshold thing. i think most people in this thread want
>reparations, so why are we shooting for an echo chamber of ifs
>when we should be looking more at a legitimate how.
12689629, actually the west german government paid out $3B marks as well.
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Jan-04-15 04:18 PM
>when yall Jews got your checks it was directly tied to
>individual businesses that were shamed and made to pay up.
>like parmalat and SNCF
>parmalat for giving yall cinide laced milk in the holocaust
>and SNCF for giving yall one way tickets to Mathausen

I know what you are referring to but prior to that the West German government also paid out reparations, I think it was $3B marks over 15 years or something like that. This was in the early 50s. What you are talking about happened in the late 80s or early 90s, when we were kids.

>i think the biggest problem with reparations who not who pays
>and how much but WHO GETS THEY CHECK???
>like, on NCOBRA's site it says:


>Who should receive reparations?
>Within the broadest definition, all Black people of African
>descent in the United States should receive reparations in the
>form of changes in or elimination of laws and practices that
>allow them to be treated differently and less well than White
>how do we determine "African" descent"?
>We going by one drop rule?
>What percentage of your blood needs to be Africanized in order
>to get a check?
>My daughter is half black, do her check be half as much as
>mine cause I'm full black?
>we're going to "forget" that my mom is Mexican but she is
>Afro-Mexican so I'm still all Black with africanised blood.

Right I mean we lived in a country that is very mixed, we are talking about a people who became very much mixed and also we have had numerous black immigrants to the country that did not come as a result of slavery or live under those conditions. One-drop rule would insufficient IMHO.

>I'm going to jump on this train real tough now cause I looked
>at tuition at Georgia Tech and they want $200,000 RIGHT TODAY
>for a 4 year degree so in 18 years when she ready who knows
>what it'll be.
>But these reparations checks she'll have coming in should help
>defray some of that cost.

Holler @ Bin, apparently. He makes things happen.
12689607, Yessuh, boss!
Posted by SoWhat, Sun Jan-04-15 03:43 PM
Us know better than to go to court asking Massuh Judge to give us our due from Massah's warehouse. Us fight is about good white folk feeling pity on us. Us not know if you wasn't here to let us know!!
12689612, wow, sheesh
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Jan-04-15 03:54 PM
feel free to explain to me how this could be litigated successfully, you would know much better than i would.

and we are talking about the american taxpayers, not "white people taking pity." that was over the top, man.
12689615, Don't have to be. Obama gonna sign the check his last week in office.
Posted by deejboram, Sun Jan-04-15 03:57 PM
at least that's what I be reading on http://texashuntingforum.com/

>feel free to explain to me how this could be litigated
>successfully, you would know much better than i would.
>and we are talking about the american taxpayers, not "white
>people taking pity." that was over the top, man.
12689626, lol you have to love right-wing paranoia.
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Jan-04-15 04:10 PM
12689616, Why do we need to explain anything to you again?
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Sun Jan-04-15 03:58 PM
Lol. White folks smh.
12689622, clearly you are getting everywhere with this little circle jerk of a thread
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Jan-04-15 04:07 PM
you don't have to explain anything to me. you will have to explain a lot of things to a lot of people to get where you want to go. so why not start with someone sympathetic but who's also asking critical questions? oh, that's right, because you want to be reassured, not actually accomplish anything at all.
12689698, We don't owe you an explanation, Chuckles.
Posted by SoWhat, Sun Jan-04-15 06:25 PM
You don't see the value in a database. That's fine. You shouldnt participate in the effort. It can and should proceed without you.
12689700, when u dont explain things, lies and innuendo get circulated
Posted by deejboram, Sun Jan-04-15 06:31 PM
>You don't see the value in a database. That's fine. You
>shouldnt participate in the effort. It can and should proceed
>without you.

then your whole campaign is undermined because of distrust
you know niggas aint gonna have BILLIONS of dollars thrown around and just go off a "trust us"
that's how TLC got gypped.

if your project is above board what's the problem with providing a simple explanation?

usually when ppl can't or won't explain the process it means

1. they don't have their shit together

2. they lieing and trying to pull a "dulow"

3. 1 & 2 combined

would you vote for a political candidate if he says he had the golden plan to rescue the economy but said get him voted in FIRST and then he'll tell you about this glorious plan?

if the plan can get shot down by a self-hating oreo and a jew on a message board, imagine what a right-winged think tank or a company like RAND will do to destroy whatever lemonade stand of an idea yall got.
12689705, k.
Posted by SoWhat, Sun Jan-04-15 06:35 PM
12689732, lmaooooo @ u & afrogirl talking like this shit is up & off the ground
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Jan-04-15 07:05 PM
oh man, i don't get to play in your treehouse! lmao, you're outta pocket sensitive and immature on this one. i love it.

i'm hardly demanding an explanation, i'm just positing what i think would be important questions. the fact that you see it that way says a lot about the synergy between a couple different inferiority complexes.
12689734, right on.
Posted by SoWhat, Sun Jan-04-15 07:08 PM
12689654, Slavery may be legally acceptable but
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sun Jan-04-15 05:00 PM
Dehumanization is not. How can you legally make a man worth what-- 1/3rd of a white man? Even the almighty would laugh at such a thing. How can you legally keep a man from marrying when even the bible says it's wrong to do such? That in part is what reparations addresses and I'm not really even for them, but I see what they are trying to reconcile.
12689655, So $$ is a cool exchange for you raping my sister and killing my mom?
Posted by deejboram, Sun Jan-04-15 05:06 PM
>Dehumanization is not. How can you legally make a man worth
>what-- 1/3rd of a white man? Even the almighty would laugh at
>such a thing. How can you legally keep a man from marrying
>when even the bible says it's wrong to do such? That in part
>is what reparations addresses and I'm not really even for
>them, but I see what they are trying to reconcile.

And the gays are going to want reparations in 100 years if you're talking about this denial to marriage thing.

I just want to know how much each black person is "worth" in this reparations deal.
we went through this before with Bin and I think he threw out a $10B figure.
12689664, You're subject head is one reason why I'm not for them
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sun Jan-04-15 05:23 PM
Let them keep their money. Perhaps on judgement day those who have profited from said dehumanization can buy their way into eternal life. Personally I find reparations money to be tainted and want no part of it. Folks need to stop asking and start taking. That's just me though.
12689667, Taking what tho? I'm kinda torn. I WANT MY REPARATIONS check.
Posted by deejboram, Sun Jan-04-15 05:30 PM
but then again
i know what it signifies and i think they'll be getting off the hook too fucking easy
like, the shit i learned that they did to my family in Alabama and then in Texas because we got "freed" is some fucking bullshit

but, if those reparations checks can help to fund my kid(s) BS, MA and MD/PhD then it lessens the blows a lil

And I'm all down for the cause but the problem is the "go to" ppl have cockamammy ass info so im incredulous at best

>Let them keep their money. Perhaps on judgement day those who
>have profited from said dehumanization can buy their way into
>eternal life. Personally I find reparations money to be
>tainted and want no part of it. Folks need to stop asking and
>start taking. That's just me though.
12689775, I feel you but you ever heard that saying
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sun Jan-04-15 09:11 PM
It's not about how hard you hit-- it's about how hard you can get hit?
12689579, reparations now. its inevitable
Posted by Binlahab, Sun Jan-04-15 02:20 PM
And yeah idgaf if nobody thinks "binlahab" is worth a fuck or serious...this is abt the cause...not me

12689636, how firm are you on your definition of the word "inevitable?"
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Jan-04-15 04:27 PM
12689645, very. nm
Posted by Binlahab, Sun Jan-04-15 04:47 PM

does it really matter?

for all my fans who keep my name in their mouth: http://i.imgur.com/v2xNOpS.jpg
12689657, you got some terse ass answers to be the "go to guy"
Posted by deejboram, Sun Jan-04-15 05:11 PM
nyggas shoutin you out like you the board's reparations sage and when pressed for answers you come up limp

the big building blocks of this shit should be:

1. who benefits SPECIFICALLY (ie how are yall defining african descent)?

2. how much does each person get? or how big of a reparations pool will be available to the group?

3. when will our checks be ready for pickup?
12689768, Who gets it: Blk people
Posted by Binlahab, Sun Jan-04-15 09:01 PM
What do they get: a tuition free college or trade school education
How much do they get: a tuition free college or trade school education at one of a certain number of hbcus
Whose Black: people who self id as black on their tax returns
When do they get it: when Blk people demand it

>nyggas shoutin you out like you the board's reparations sage
>and when pressed for answers you come up limp
>the big building blocks of this shit should be:
>1. who benefits SPECIFICALLY (ie how are yall defining african
>2. how much does each person get? or how big of a reparations
>pool will be available to the group?
>3. when will our checks be ready for pickup?

does it really matter?

for all my fans who keep my name in their mouth: http://i.imgur.com/v2xNOpS.jpg
12689920, So could Kosher Sam and I "self-identify" on our tax returns?
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Mon Jan-05-15 10:12 AM
Or how about Africans and people from the Caribbean who are fresh off the boat?

This is sounding better and better.

And just so I understand the nomenclature, so I self-identify as "black" or "Black?" Or maybe "BLAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!" just to be safe.

You're handing out six-figure sums to loads of people on the honor system. Okay, player.
12689944, RE: Who gets it: Blk people
Posted by deejboram, Mon Jan-05-15 10:32 AM
>What do they get: a tuition free college or trade school
>How much do they get: a tuition free college or trade school
>education at one of a certain number of hbcus
>Whose Black: people who self id as black on their tax returns
>When do they get it: when Blk people demand it

1. Can't white people card carrying members of KKK simply identify as Black to get these reparations?
They already game the "minority" loophole by registering their plumbing business in their wife name.
I'm sure they can find at least five percent black blood in their genes so what will be the cut off?

2. Don't many black people already qualify for govt based tuition grants? How is this any different?
Don't Obama have some type of tuition forgiveness program? How did this differ?

3. Are these industry standard reparations or just some shit you cooked up on the fly? I don't see this proposed nowhere on ncobra site.

4. If my kid already gets a academic scholarship she won't receive reparations? That's not fair.

5. Those without kids won't benefit. It sucks.

6. Are there specific majors that get paid for our can my kid go to music school to learn how to make 808 beats?

I hope after all these years of planning y'all got more accomplished than this.

12689634, ps: no personal checks. none. we get nothing
Posted by Binlahab, Sun Jan-04-15 04:26 PM
But our children and progeny will

There is nothing keeping it from happening but us

It will happen and when it does it will be glorious

does it really matter?

for all my fans who keep my name in their mouth: http://i.imgur.com/v2xNOpS.jpg
12689637, so i dont get a check but my daughter and grandkid(s) do?
Posted by deejboram, Sun Jan-04-15 04:27 PM
>But our children and progeny will
>There is nothing keeping it from happening but us
>It will happen and when it does it will be glorious

I'm all for it.
What kinda money we talkin bout tho?

how sure are you of this?
are you getting these notes from up high or you just making this shit up as you go along?
can you point me to some sources where i can verify that i dont get a check as well?
12689660, Wait. What's the age cutoff for these reparations?
Posted by deejboram, Sun Jan-04-15 05:17 PM
You saying "we" don't get them but our "kids" do that's tricky because I have a niece that is older than many OKPs but I also have a 9month old daughter.

So where is this age cutoff?

Now you're just totally confusing me.

Me and my sister are in same generation and it seems like her kids won't get reparations because her daughter is about my age, but my daughter WILL get reparations because I waited to have kids?

12689707, sorry, your white kids aren't on the list.
Posted by Deadzombie, Sun Jan-04-15 06:37 PM
12689718, LOL my kids is white now?
Posted by deejboram, Sun Jan-04-15 06:51 PM
so a Black man and a White woman makes a white baby?

So Barack Obama white too by that logic.
12689736, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkrHYHqChlI
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Jan-04-15 07:10 PM
12689740, didn't they open up for The Roots on one tour?
Posted by deejboram, Sun Jan-04-15 07:17 PM
12689745, ouch
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Jan-04-15 07:24 PM
i do remember the roots being on a bizarre tour with medeski, martin and wood (incredible band IMO) and 311 (a lame ass band, and that's an objective fact).
12689742, in a conversation about reparations? yup.
Posted by Deadzombie, Sun Jan-04-15 07:17 PM
i feel terrible about it, too.
12689747, we still gettin a reparations check so he half white ass gone laugh
Posted by deejboram, Sun Jan-04-15 07:35 PM
to the bank to cash that shit
12689702, unless there is an element of reparations, how is this different from
Posted by Deadzombie, Sun Jan-04-15 06:31 PM
a sex crime database?

i want reparations.

i don't need a database that suggests which whites to stay away from.

they all get the doubt.
12689724, Hey Deej this me replying to myself and Bin
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sun Jan-04-15 06:59 PM
at the same damn time!!