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Topic subjectOKFit: Need some advice, regarding injury
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12687523, OKFit: Need some advice, regarding injury
Posted by murderbear, Tue Dec-30-14 09:50 PM
So, im tryna get swoliosis this coming year...starting going to the gym about ten days ago so i wouldnt be the cat who starts on jan 1.

i really dont know what im doing and i cant find j-stews post, but ive been alternating days.....one day doing curls, bench, lat pulldowns, rows, etc (upper body shit)...next day doing shit for legs like calf raises, leg curls, extensions, press, running, etc

now, feel free to tell me how i *should* be breaking up these days, i mean, like, do i really set aside one whole workout just for shoulders?...but that really aint what this post is about.

so, anyway, for most exercises i had been doing 3 sets of 6 and noting the difficulty of completing it, when it got too easy to do, i would move up in weight

then after that ct fletcher post and advice about the number of reps, i upped it today to 4 or 5 sets of ten

by the way, that ct fletcher app is great...try lifting with that fool screaming in your ear, you feel invincible.

but, the subject of this post is the bench press

i started off with 185 and did 3 sets of 6, could never complete the last set though

today i backed down to 135 and intended to do sets of ten....cleared the first set, no real problems but could feel that my right shoulder is weak as shit. that is nothing new really, i been lifting shit at my job for the last 15 years and im sure theres some damaged there from that.

anyway, second set, gt it up one time and i realize that im doing myself more harm than good by continuing, so i quit.

my shoulder feels fine with all other lifts, its just the bench

so, the question is, do i abandon completely, or go down even further in weight in an attempt to build it back up again.

bear in mind, im 6 foot 1 and close to 240, so theres an element of pride involved....i dont wanna be the guy benching the bar only, but id rather do that and build it up than have surgery.

anyway, feel free to chime in anyway you wanna, thanks
12687530, buy my book:
Posted by J_Stew, Tue Dec-30-14 10:02 PM

If you don't find it helpful I'll send you a cashier's check for $20
12687546, Looks awesome. Copped it too.
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Tue Dec-30-14 10:54 PM
12687537, Bought! ....and inbox
Posted by murderbear, Tue Dec-30-14 10:32 PM
12687539, Good looking out, I shot you an inbox back.
Posted by J_Stew, Tue Dec-30-14 10:41 PM
Like I said, feel free to inbox me any questions.
12687542, Thought I had a shoulder injury about a month ago
Posted by SeV, Tue Dec-30-14 10:47 PM
turned out It was from sleeping on it

switched up and hasn't really been an issue

its still stiff and hurts a lil during the 1st couple sets but it goes away soon afterwards

its still a lil weaker than my right shoulder

but I should be good in a month or 2

still need to see a doc to make sure it's nothing serious

im sure its probably a lil tendinitis

but im banned tho.

Dallas Cavericks LETS GO!!
12687557, sleep is a prob for me too...
Posted by murderbear, Tue Dec-30-14 11:13 PM
havent been able to find a consistent position that works....especially when i have company.

she wants to be all cuddled up and im with it for a while but then i wake up hours later with my shoulder on fire...lol
12687717, I'm going through this exact issue
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Dec-31-14 10:03 AM
right now with my left shoulder. Very frustrating because the soreness isn't workout related, but it's impacting my workouts in that I can't press anything overhead. Even worse is that I toss and turn when I sleep, so I can't help turning on my left shoulder. Going to switch out my shoulder exercises completely and see if things improve.
12687633, You probably need to take it slower and do some accessory work
Posted by Cocobrotha2, Wed Dec-31-14 07:09 AM
the smaller muscles in your shoulder likely aren't up to the task of keeping the shoulder stable under that much weight. I've had the same problem occasionally when I've tried to aggressively increase my bench. i would eventually be more limited by the shoulder pain than the strength in my chest and arms.

So I'd suggest reducing weight and volume to something you can do with no shoulder pain and adding some lightweight, high rep rotator cuff exercises to your routine (I do mine on chest day). Then take your time adding weight and volume. It took Fletcher and them Years to get to the point they can withstand the kind of volume they endure.
12687916, no doubt
Posted by murderbear, Wed Dec-31-14 12:40 PM
12687736, Good that you got j stews book.
Posted by spawn2k, Wed Dec-31-14 10:15 AM
There's good stuff on the net but there's so much bullshit to wade through that you'll get lost. His shit is a good resource if you're just starting out and don't have access to good coaching. In regards to the bench itself. In all your lifts, always warm up with the bar only and work your way up as your body lets you. If the goal is long term health and fitness taking your ego out and doing things properly will always be the best option. I've learned the hard way what ego will get you when it comes to fitness. Good luck.
12687918, trying to digest it right now....
Posted by murderbear, Wed Dec-31-14 12:43 PM
actually, *trying* is a poor choice of words because its so plainly written that its easy to understand and the pictures suppport what he is saying very well.

I told him that he needs to make it into a physical book, I really think it would be successful
12687936, I had/have the same issue...9 times outta 10 its your form
Posted by ambient1, Wed Dec-31-14 01:01 PM
mine came from doing dips the wrong way then hittin the bench

that and the fact that i've been having rotator cuff issues since forever

i just fought thru it...but it prevents(aka scares) me from pushin 3 plates w/no spot