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Topic subjectIs it OK to be naked in front of your kids? (link)
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12676753, Is it OK to be naked in front of your kids? (link)
Posted by Nick Has a Problem...Seriously, Tue Dec-16-14 11:10 AM
My parents were never naked around us so I don't do it around my kids. Never would since I have two daughters. I grew up with a neighbor who's mother walked around the house topless. Made me a little uncomfortable but I didn't say nothing. Their house so I just turned away whenever she came in his room to ask for something. What are your thoughts on this? Here's an article I came across.

Brutally Honest: Is it OK to be naked in front of your kids?

By Kelly Wallace, CNN
updated 7:41 AM EST, Tue December 16, 2014

Let me say at the start that there is no way around the topic of nakedness in front of your children without getting personal and slightly uncomfortable. I'm already feeling somewhat tense as I type this.

I joke that the only person who should have to see me naked is my husband. He signed up for it, right? My kids certainly didn't.

A lifetime of body image issues means I'm not one to walk around naked at home. But I don't cover up around my daughters, 7 and 8, when I'm getting dressed or in the bathroom, either. I don't want them to think there is anything wrong with my body or theirs.

And when they ask hilarious questions such as "Mom, why do your boobs hang?," I can't help but laugh and use the opportunity as a chance to tell them my body has changed over time and theirs will, too.

In conversations over email with mothers and fathers across the country and in Canada, it's clear there is no "one size fits all'" approach to the questions of whether it's OK to be naked in front of your kids and if there's an age when it's no longer OK.

Rhonda Woods, a mother of three, says ever since her children, now 20, 13 and 13, were little, she and her husband have been teaching them not to be ashamed of their bodies. They have also never hidden their bodies from their kids, she said.

"As they get older, my husband is more discreet around our daughters and I am more discreet around our son. Not because we are uncomfortable, but because they may be," said Woods, a real estate agent in New Milford, Connecticut.

"So when it is time for me to undress, I tell whichever of my kids is in my room talking to me, that I plan to do so and they have the option to leave."

Comfort is key

A common theme I heard from parents is comfort. If both you and your children are comfortable with you being naked in front of them, there isn't anything "inherently wrong with that at all," said Avital Norman Nathman, who says her 8-year-old son is used to seeing her and her husband naked on occasion when they are getting dressed or in the shower.

"If my son were ever to say or even act as if he was uncomfortable by it, we would of course respect that," said Norman Nathman, editor of the motherhood anthology "The Good Mother Myth: Redefining Motherhood to Fit Reality" and founder of the blog The Mamafesto.

"Nudity, when it's within your home and 100% nonsexualized, isn't going to traumatize a child, especially if you're all on the same page, are all consenting and are all comfortable with it."

Nancy Friedman, a New York City mom of two middle schoolers, said while every child is different, most kids make it clear when their mom or dad's nudity no longer works for them.

'Brutally Honest': Mean girls are getting younger
"I think your kids let you know when it's time to stop being naked in front of them -- usually about the time they decide they don't want to be naked in front of you," said Friedman, co-founder of the video sharing site for tweens called KidzVuz.

As children age, they certainly develop their own sense of modesty around others, said Micky Morrison, a mom of two in Islamorada, Florida, and founder of BabyWeightTV.

"But even my 12-year-old son doesn't hesitate to undress in front of me. I figure that he will one day, and that's OK," said Morrison. "Perhaps one day he will avert his eyes or become uncomfortable with my nudity as well. And that's OK, too."

Amanda Rodriguez, a mom of three boys in Frederick, Maryland, said she reached a point with each of her sons, usually no later than age 5, when she thought it was no longer OK to be nude around them.

"I began to feel uncomfortable being naked in front of them because of the questions and the poking and prodding and search for Mommy's 'inside penis' -- that's what they thought a vagina was," said Rodriguez, founder of the blog Dude Mom.

"I don't think it makes them terrible people or scars them for life if they stumble into the bathroom while I'm going, but it's easily avoidable awkwardness none of us really needs to experience on a daily basis."

Terry Greenwald, a divorced father of three, puts himself solidly in the no-being-naked-in-front-of-kids' camp.

"It would be very difficult to teach children any sort of modesty and humility if a parent thought it OK to be naked in front of their children. It also would bring up questions and conversations they might not be ready to handle," he said.

Blogger: Why I want my sons to see me naked

A few months back, a post by blogger Rita Templeton about why she wants her four sons -- ages 2, 5, 6 and 9 -- to see her naked, was republished on The Huffington Post and went viral. Templeton said she wanted her sons to see what "real" women look like before they are bombarded with an ideal in the media that doesn't match reality.

"Before they are exposed to boobs that are as round and firm as cantaloupes and pictures of taut, airbrushed, dimple-less butts, I'm exposing them to a different kind of female body. Mine," wrote Templeton, who blogs at Fighting Off Frumpy.

Her words led to an onslaught of hate mail, nasty tweets and accusations she's sexualizing her sons, she said. Buzz Bishop, a father of two boys in Calgary, wrote a blog post of his own in part as a response to all the outrage. He says he has been playing games called "naked baby" and "naked daddy" at bath time since his children were little while at the same time he teaches his kids not to stare when they are in the open shower in the men's bathroom at their neighborhood pool.

"Rita's doing what works for (her). I'm doing what works for me. You're doing what works for you. And we're all just trying to teach our kids a little respect for each other, and themselves," said Bishop, who writes about parenting on his blog Dad Camp.

There doesn't seem to be much science to help guide us on whether it's better or worse for your child, or it makes no difference at all, if they see you naked. I couldn't find many studies when I searched for them, and those I found had conflicting findings.

For instance, one study found no negative impact on adolescents who regularly saw their parents naked at ages 3 and 6, but another study found that parental nudity when kids were ages 6 to 11 resulted in more permissive attitudes about sex and increased sexual frequency.

For some parents, like Maryellen, a mom of two young girls on Long Island, who only wanted to use her first name, it's all about convenience.

"I'll be honest. Sometimes it's easier and faster just to pull them into the shower," she said. "But my girls are 4 and 6. A year from now I may not be doing it any longer. By then, they may be showering by themselves (dare to hope?)"

Link to story: http://www.cnn.com/2014/12/16/living/feat-brutally-honest-parenting-naked/index.html?hpt=hp_t2
12676764, My mom would be naked around me
Posted by MizClayton, Tue Dec-16-14 11:14 AM
not my dad though, and I'm glad he wasn't
12676770, i remember seeing all of them naked.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Dec-16-14 11:16 AM
and i'm gay.

so there.
12676950, lol
Posted by placee_22, Tue Dec-16-14 12:40 PM
12677433, lol.
Posted by R A i n, Tue Dec-16-14 04:49 PM
12676882, on occasion I'd see them naked
Posted by Atillah Moor, Tue Dec-16-14 12:06 PM
Always by chance and it was never a big deal.
12676902, The very idea of being uncomfortable with nudity around my kids
Posted by Chike, Tue Dec-16-14 12:15 PM
seems crazy to me. I mean, obviously it's pretty common to be uncomfortable with it. I just don't understand why.
12676903, I think 5 is the cutoff
Posted by John Forte, Tue Dec-16-14 12:15 PM
My daughter is 3.5. I take her swimming and we shower together afterward. I probably won't be doing that two years from now.
12676920, we do it. Not sure when it will get uncomfortable.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Dec-16-14 12:22 PM
Whenever my one son sees his momma topless he goes "Ankles!!!" which is his word for boobies.

The boys are almost 4 and we shower together. Not sure when that gets uncool.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

12677271, how the fuck did Ankles become his code word for titties?
Posted by KosherSam, Tue Dec-16-14 03:15 PM
12677314, i have some ideas
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Tue Dec-16-14 03:50 PM
12677358, i'm dyin here
Posted by lfresh, Tue Dec-16-14 04:09 PM

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12677622, Maybe he saw his grandma's first? Shrugs.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Dec-16-14 08:47 PM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

12677721, ahahahahaha
Posted by KiloMcG, Tue Dec-16-14 11:31 PM
12676922, My mom was always naked around us
Posted by Sarah_Bellum, Tue Dec-16-14 12:24 PM
My dad was never naked though. I never saw my mom naked around my brother, although he is much older than my sister and I, so it wouldn't be appropriate.

I never wear clothing in the house anyway and I will be naked around my children. That's normal. Opposite sex should probably stop after a certain age though unless your and out and out nudist.

12676962, I'm never nekkid around them
Posted by tariqhu, Tue Dec-16-14 12:43 PM
anymore. my daughter's 10, so she's a bit old to be seeing me that way. my son is 5, but at this point not naked around him either. when they were younger, I wouldn't mind.

their mom will do so every now and then, but its mainly when she's coming out the shower on her way to get underwear.
12676965, Rai has carte blanche to be naked thru the house
Posted by DVS, Tue Dec-16-14 12:45 PM
there is no cutoff date for her. Eventually...Buddy will start saying "EWWWWWW!!!" but that's his problem, not hers.

I, on the other hand...have a strict no frontal nudity clause going on in the house. Buddy and I shower so he is acclimated to the "Men in the Gym" rules....My daughter will never see me naked and I started averting my eyes from her when she was old enough to understand her body parts.

Certain lessons on your body and how it should be respected are taught in the home. I want her to walk outside of the house like "MY OWN DADDY DON'T LOOK AT ME...WTF YOU LOOKING AT?!?"

That also carries over into covering herself conservatively, etc. When she gets more daring with her outfits...we'll have another conversation but by that time...the basics will have been set.

12676970, I've seen my mom and aunt naked all the time
Posted by GirlChild, Tue Dec-16-14 12:49 PM
Never my dad, thank god.
I'm still nakey around my son, he stares and laughs at me.
12677163, its National Geographic up in this bish
Posted by illegal, Tue Dec-16-14 02:23 PM
12677180, my boy loves to point out 'boobies!'
Posted by SHAstayhighalways, Tue Dec-16-14 02:30 PM
on men and women (to him nipples are what make boobies boobies so we all got boobies)

so sometimes just to keep him from poking at me i'll keep my towel on when we're changing
but i shower with him sometimes and i get dressed & undressed in front of him no biggie

i'm sure the day he feels weird about it he'll be all 'aw ma!' and i'll stop

i don't think i've ever seen my dad naked
not that i remember
my mom i saw naked all the time.

there seems to be a theme here that male nakedness is considered taboo
in relationship to children. i find it interesting and have no idea how to approach such a topic
my husband bathes with my son sometimes too
he's 2.5 now
i assume he'll stop bathing with him eventually
i trust him enough to stop when he finds it appropriate to stop

as far as just being naked around him
i don't feel comfortable just being naked on stuff like couches and such so
he won't have to worry about that lol
his dad doesn't do the just sitting around naked shit either so he's 'safe' i guess lol

12677203, same.
Posted by Mongo, Tue Dec-16-14 02:35 PM
12677365, this is what i'm noticing
Posted by lfresh, Tue Dec-16-14 04:10 PM

>there seems to be a theme here that male nakedness is
>considered taboo
>in relationship to children. i find it interesting and have no
>idea how to approach such a topic

i'm curious
and still gathering my thoughts

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12677209, Man, grow up.
Posted by Mongo, Tue Dec-16-14 02:37 PM
12677366, it might be the culture
Posted by lfresh, Tue Dec-16-14 04:11 PM
we are weird

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12677215, Absolutely not. And they can't be naked in front of me
Posted by Binlahab, Tue Dec-16-14 02:40 PM
What kinda nudist camp bullshit is going on in here?

does it really matter?

for all my fans who keep my name in their mouth: http://i.imgur.com/v2xNOpS.jpg
12677264, in my household nudity wasn't allowed....my aunt and uncle tho....
Posted by MrThomas43423, Tue Dec-16-14 03:10 PM
completely different. in hindsight its funny to think about how compatibility plays such a huge role in home dynamics.

so check it...in my household it was super covered at all time. like my mom was super crazy with that. GO PUT ON A SHIRT! GO PUT ON SOME SOCKS! like we literally were always covered from head to toe. it was weird. but my mom is super weird about stuff like that, to a detriment i think. nobody could be comfortable around her. my dad went along with it, but i don't think he was used to it or comfortable with it cause he definitely wasn't raised that way.

so now we have my aunt...my dads brother. my aunt was one of those 5'2 ladies with gargantuan titties. its fucked up to say that about your family, but my aunt was super-chested. i'd go over there house and literally have a look of awe, disgust, amazement, and probably bashfulness on my face at the same time. i remember one time she was like..."boy stop looking at my boots." and my uncle would be walking around naked to. all that nudity was too much...at first i wasn't used to it.

but its like a dog...if you stay cool with the dog, then the dog will be cool. so they were cool with it. it wasn't sexual it was just comfortable. it was natural. and i stopped seeing it as something perverse, but as something....normal. and that changed a lot about me. and its funny...since my parents have been divorced, my dad has been able to live a more comfortable life. that nigga be walkin around in his skivvies all the time. he's more comfortable. interestingly enough...when me and my siblings are home with him, we're still not that liberal with it. we're not as bad as we were when we were kids, but we're still not like we are at home. or at least i'm not.

not sure how i'll be with kids. cause we place such a taboo label on the human body. its fucking skin. that's it. its like the whole leaked nudes craze....you know what every one of those women had in common....2 titties. and i mean...we've all seen titties before. maybe not those specific ones, but it shouldn't be a shock or a major, Internet-breaking event to discover that underneath their clothes....famous actress have titties. vaginas. asses. i don't know what society expected them to have, but i for one....wasn't surprised. looked at all of em....then went back on with my day.
it's true what they say...people are strange, when you're strangers.

not compassionate....only polite.

I am not like you at all and i cannot pretend.
12677370, =)
Posted by lfresh, Tue Dec-16-14 04:15 PM
thanks for sharing

i think...hrm i think your upbringing and experiences encompasses the American relationship with nudity

it really is a thing here

and yes i'm part of it

i stay telling folks to put their clothes on
i'm a bit rigid that way
not in their own home of course
but anywhere else

yes i know folks like your aunt and uncle
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12677269, my 9 mos old daughter is not allowed to see me naked
Posted by deejboram, Tue Dec-16-14 03:15 PM
she see her momma naked as she is in the bathroom while her momma takes a shower

but nah,
i'd rather her not be comfortable looking at big dingalings at such a young age
12677276, growing up i saw my mom, sisters, aunt and cousins naked
Posted by deejboram, Tue Dec-16-14 03:17 PM
until i was about 6 or 7
then that shit got cutoff
and within six months me and my cuzzin found "the playboy stash"
so now i can understand why
12677275, Nah, not in my house. If they burst into my room and catch a glimpse..
Posted by daryloneal, Tue Dec-16-14 03:17 PM
that's one thing.

But I ain't walking around my house swinging.

My wife is rather conservative too.
12677280, depends on how evolved your family is on nudity and sexuality
Posted by southphillyman, Tue Dec-16-14 03:20 PM
i think the arguments against same sex exposure would be prudish
i guess you could make some legitimate arguments against opposite sex exposure pass a certain age
though i'd think a well balanced communicative family could navigate that with few issues
12677291, the worst thing i saw was my dad walking around in his briefs
Posted by Calico, Tue Dec-16-14 03:33 PM
ugh....no nudity tho

my homegirl is german and her mom had them all walking around naked when they were kids...my godkids were down with that movement for a couple years...

12677317, no
Posted by ThaAnthology, Tue Dec-16-14 03:51 PM
12677428, saw my moms randomly/my wife all the time at one point
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Tue Dec-16-14 04:47 PM
never intentional, just when she was a bit careless.

The wife, on the other hand, used to parade around butt naked for a number of years, but now that my son is older she tends to cover up.


forcing myself to actually respond to you is like bathing in ebola virus. - Binlahab

Like there is stupid, and then there is you, and then there is dead. - VAsBestBBW

R.I.P. Disco D
12677435, No.
Posted by kingjerm78, Tue Dec-16-14 04:51 PM
12677470, when I was younger growing up we only had 1 bathroom so my dad and I...
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Dec-16-14 05:14 PM
shared a lot of bathroom time as did my mom and sisters but never across genders really although my mom would walk in on me up until I started to hit puberty.
12677532, there's something alike about some of the folks in this thread
Posted by Rjcc, Tue Dec-16-14 06:45 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12677720, if any of my friend's mamas walked around topless
Posted by KiloMcG, Tue Dec-16-14 11:30 PM
i woulda been lookin' at their titties. i wouldn't have been able to help it.

we are both naked around our son at times, but not often.
12677733, it was never a big deal in our house, i saw both my parents naked
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Wed Dec-17-14 12:00 AM
whatever just changing or getting out of the shower, very casual.

this one kid i knew had parents who took it to the next level. i think most of us saw them naked and when we were older we found all sorts of kinky shit in their room. porn, sex toys, etc, a vast collection (this was pre-internet). i think the dad wound up shooting himself, so that's kind of a bummer.
12677818, My dad's a Que.
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Wed Dec-17-14 05:20 AM
Nuff said