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Topic subjectIs ok to put hunger games in the same category of epic trilogies such
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12676498, Is ok to put hunger games in the same category of epic trilogies such
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Tue Dec-16-14 08:23 AM
As Star Wars (ep 4-6) and lord of the rings? I'm completely comfortable with doing that, hunger games is just that good. I'm a late comer to those films but I'm glad I did

Ps. Did anyone think the Blk guy in mockingjay pt 1 was Brandon Marshall at first lol. I was like wtf is Brandon Marshall doing in this film
12676526, it's better. i was forced to watch the first one and didnt really like it
Posted by Government Name, Tue Dec-16-14 08:57 AM
i was dragged to see the second one and was blown away, lol. been all-in since.
12676537, V-E-R-Y mediocre first movie.
Posted by BigReg, Tue Dec-16-14 09:07 AM
outside of some of the performances.

Let's see if if finishes strong (book readers point out that the ending is the weakest part of the series).

12676678, Incredibly weak
Posted by John Forte, Tue Dec-16-14 10:38 AM
12676793, and we're correct. the ending was very weak
Posted by KosherSam, Tue Dec-16-14 11:21 AM
12678489, first movie looked like it was made for TV
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Dec-17-14 02:42 PM
12676582, I have really enjoyed this series so far.
Posted by initiationofplato, Tue Dec-16-14 09:40 AM
It's fun, interesting, good plot, and has some great scenes.
12676660, not quite...
Posted by MiracleRic, Tue Dec-16-14 10:29 AM
it's strong...but maybe a tier below imho and i'm a big fan...

it's a top tier dystopia to me though but i think it's falling slightly short as far as the great trilogies...it has epic moments though so i think it's pretty easily argued up
12676674, LOTR is on a different level.
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Dec-16-14 10:37 AM
First movie was corny IMO, 2nd one was better... haven't see the third one yet.

The story is great but that first one was cheesy as hell to me.
12676683, So, what trilogies are in the Canon
Posted by John Forte, Tue Dec-16-14 10:41 AM
Original Star Wars

and then what?

I can't come up with another universally acclaimed trilogy. They either have mixed reviews or they add a 4th sequel that drags the series down
12676714, I dont care how bad the third Godfather was, come on, first two were plenty
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Tue Dec-16-14 10:51 AM
12676765, Then I'm putting Indiana Jones in there too
Posted by John Forte, Tue Dec-16-14 11:14 AM
The 4th film never happened *fingers in ears*
12676868, *Waves hand Jedi Style*
Posted by nipsey, Tue Dec-16-14 11:59 AM
"There was no 4th film."
12676771, If we can include indie movies in this
Posted by BigReg, Tue Dec-16-14 11:16 AM
The Linklaters Before Sunrise/Sunset/Midnight triology.


If not, id argue the Back to the Futures, the Indy's (skipping anything afterwards) and of course the original LOTR
12676774, IT COUNTS
Posted by John Forte, Tue Dec-16-14 11:17 AM
12676776, Godfather.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Dec-16-14 11:18 AM
stop acting like the 3rd one ain't the shit, ppl. it's not as good as the 1st 2 but that's b/c the 1st 2 are some of the best movies ever made.

if the 1st 2 are 10 then the 3rd is no worse than 7.5. i give it an 8.
12676781, all that X-Men shit.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Dec-16-14 11:18 AM
i haven't seen none of that but the fanboys like them, i think.
12677394, Bourne movies count as a trilogy NOPE NOT COUNTING THAT LAST ONE
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Tue Dec-16-14 04:27 PM
12685237, i thought they were kinda shitty anyway
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sat Dec-27-14 04:09 PM
12677824, I was really talking about epic/fantasy/sci fi trilogies. So yeah those
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Wed Dec-17-14 05:43 AM
Are the only two on that level IMO

Original Star Wars and lord of the rings

Then te prequel Star Wars, matrix, twilight and all the rest are just all the rest.

I think hunger games should be put with the top 2
12678015, The Samurai Trilogy
Posted by bwood, Wed Dec-17-14 10:32 AM
Three of the greatest films ever made:

12678470, hrm Alien
Posted by lfresh, Wed Dec-17-14 02:32 PM

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12676685, I'm putting it with the Matrix....good stuff...but not EPIC. LOTR & Star Wars
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue Dec-16-14 10:41 AM
are EPIC
12677537, It's way better than the matrix tril.
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Tue Dec-16-14 06:49 PM
The third matrix was not really good
12677871, The first Matrix movie is one of the best sci fi movies ever made
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Dec-17-14 08:32 AM
so I can't put HG on it's level.

The first Hunger Games was just as bad as the 3rd Matrix movie IMO.
12676751, I have Three Tiers
Posted by ThaAnthology, Tue Dec-16-14 11:10 AM
Tier Three: Entertaining but not uber-classic
Pirates of the Carib
El MAriachi
Mad Max

Tier Two:
Near-Classics (IMHO)
Star Wars Prequels (eff ya'll I like them joints)
Hunger Games
"Dollars Trilogy" (Fist Full of Dollars; A Few Dollars more and The Good, The Bad The Ugly)

Tier One:
Staw Wars
Matrix (who cares ya'lls opinion hahahahaha)
The Godfather (Three was the weakest, but finalizes the story).
12676762, There's a third in Mariachi film?
Posted by John Forte, Tue Dec-16-14 11:14 AM
12676779, El Mariachi/Desperado/Once Upon A Time in Mexico
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Tue Dec-16-14 11:18 AM



"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
12676824, did not know about Once Upon A Time in Mexico
Posted by John Forte, Tue Dec-16-14 11:32 AM
12676908, I almost agree fam
Posted by ThaAnthology, Tue Dec-16-14 12:17 PM
but it's not "quite" Tier One but extremely close.
12685238, I don't quite see those as a trilogy though, I dunno
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sat Dec-27-14 04:10 PM
good shit tho
12676778, You have to put the Star Wars Prequels in Tier One.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Dec-16-14 11:18 AM

"America, stop turning our Court Houses of Justice into Dens for Justified Murderers."
12677547, RE: I have Three Tiers
Posted by Ted Gee Seal, Tue Dec-16-14 06:56 PM
>Tier Three: Entertaining but not uber-classic
>Pirates of the Carib
>El MAriachi
>Mad Max
>Tier Two:
>Near-Classics (IMHO)
>Star Wars Prequels (eff ya'll I like them joints)
>Hunger Games
>"Dollars Trilogy" (Fist Full of Dollars; A Few Dollars more
>and The Good, The Bad The Ugly)
>Tier One:
>Staw Wars
>Matrix (who cares ya'lls opinion hahahahaha)
>The Godfather (Three was the weakest, but finalizes the

That's pretty spot on for me. Matrix is a matter of taste. I liked it more than most though. Glad to see El Mariachi getting some love.
12678445, Your ranking ain't ish without Toy Story in the first tier.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed Dec-17-14 02:15 PM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

12676783, hell no. hunger games is twilight gutter level trash/
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Tue Dec-16-14 11:19 AM
12676794, LMAO at "twilight gutter level trash"
Posted by Marbles, Tue Dec-16-14 11:21 AM

My girl made me watch the "Twilight" series with her and those movies were awful (although the big fight scene in the last one was straight).

"Hunger Games" is better than that but they're nowhere near epic status, IMO. They're fine but they didn't knock me out.

And I'd put "The Matrix" series up there with Star Wars, Indiana Jones, etc.
12676841, LOL
Posted by Case_One, Tue Dec-16-14 11:42 AM

"America, stop turning our Court Houses of Justice into Dens for Justified Murderers."
12677539, No way, have u actually seen the films? It's way beyond what twilight
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Tue Dec-16-14 06:51 PM
Was or what twilight ever will be considered.
12676790, there's four movies though
Posted by KosherSam, Tue Dec-16-14 11:21 AM
12676835, doesn't count.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Dec-16-14 11:38 AM
splitting the last movie in 2 for $$ doesn't make this less of a trilogy.

and i refuse to acknowledge The Hobbit as a trilogy for the same reason.
12677541, ^^^^all of this
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Tue Dec-16-14 06:52 PM
12676826, LMAO..stop it.
Posted by Heinz, Tue Dec-16-14 11:32 AM


TWITTER : Heinz21st

IG : H_N_Z
12677388, Heck naw
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Tue Dec-16-14 04:25 PM
Those movies are awful.
Great performances by several the actors but overall the movies are weak as hell.
12677544, See I find it hard to call films with 'great performances' awful
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Tue Dec-16-14 06:53 PM
I don't agree that they are awful obviously but I think it's weird when ppl say stuff like that
12677552, it all depends on which protaganist you identify with.
Posted by Joe Corn Mo, Tue Dec-16-14 07:08 PM
they all serve the same purpose, psychologically speaking...
and are all equally good.
12677862, Hell and NAW!
Posted by Allah, Wed Dec-17-14 08:01 AM
12677864, I dont think so. The books were seriously flawed
Posted by Scarface_7, Wed Dec-17-14 08:23 AM
as I am sure Mockingjay will be...Splitting that particular book in two is just...greedy. It was a horrible ending to an actually ok start. It's average to me. What Star Wars and Lord of the Rings achieved was Way Bigger, IMO. Like, I know folk that HATE anything fantasy related but have seen every LOtR...Feel like the Hunger Games is huge for those under forty...that dont read....
12677894, The OG Star Wars had a murder and a maiming within 10 minutes of each other.
Posted by Lardlad95, Wed Dec-17-14 09:16 AM
I just wanted to point that out. We just saw a dude get shot in a bar by a criminal and a thug get his arm chopped off for talking shit. That Universe felt so real and mysterious it immediately pulled you along for the ride. It was like watching a western, a sci fi, and a fantasy film for the first time at the same time. You weren't quite sure what the rules were but it felt just familiar enough to keep you enthralled.

Tweens going Lord of the Flies for TV ratings says something poignant about today, but for some reason it doesn't feel timeless.

Fantasy movies have changed a lot is all I'm saying.

"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts..." -The Bard
13056348, You're right about fantasy movies changing....
Posted by rorschach, Thu Aug-11-16 04:51 PM
Fantasy movies had much higher stakes for even young kids and were waaaay darker.

12678181, See I wonder if anything done recently now that most of us are late 20s
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Wed Dec-17-14 11:41 AM
30s plus will be considered that great becuz of the attitude that anything current is less than

Also this is okp where ppl will be dismissive and belittling of differing opinions
12678338, I think that's true, but I also think it's important to remember that
Posted by Lardlad95, Wed Dec-17-14 01:02 PM
it gets harder and harder to be amazed and blown away when you know the cultural antecedents of a particular work.

I've already seen Vampires in a bunch of shit, and as such I'm going to be more critical of Twilight and Trueblood than some 15 year old girl who has never seen the Lost Boys or something.
12678360, or maybe Hunger Games just isn't in the same tier
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Dec-17-14 01:13 PM
12678419, I was in my mid-late 20s when LOTR dropped and they stuck
Posted by John Forte, Wed Dec-17-14 01:57 PM
12678487, yup
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Dec-17-14 02:41 PM
12678493, True, but there was a segment of the population that didn't bother
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Wed Dec-17-14 02:42 PM
With those films at all when they dropped and they weren't considered upper echelon until after it all had been considered, beyond the immediate commercial success which hunger games can also claim

I didn't bother when hunger games or twilight or Harry potter at all becuz I considered then for kids/teens or pll who were already connected to the respective books

I've since check all the twilights and enjoyed them, but I would never call them great

I'm caught up on hunger games and I would call them great

I think they have a lot of elements that just make them great not to mention the history making for blockbuster epics with a female lead

Hunger games has to be in the convo IMO
12678474, absolutely
Posted by lfresh, Wed Dec-17-14 02:34 PM
nostalgia is a bitch man

i could always appreciate ebert man
he was never as cynical as many of the folks who claim to appreciate movies
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12678530, not at all.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Dec-17-14 02:59 PM

if this were the case then none of us would revere LOTR b/c we'd be too caught up in reverence for the original Star Wars - which we all saw and loved as children.

it's okay to hold an opinion that doesn't get lots of cosigns here or elsewhere. there are definitely corners of the Internet where folks dig those movies more than OKPs.



...and on. lots of kindred spirits there.
12678443, #teamblackprince
Posted by SeV, Wed Dec-17-14 02:15 PM
fuk what yal talking about

when Rue died a nygga was in tears

the only time I had cried before while watching a movie was Hotel Rwanda

these films have been epic

but im banned tho.

Dallas Cavericks LETS GO!!
12678483, LOL... this guy.
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Dec-17-14 02:40 PM
I'm just imagining you crying in a theatre while watching this.

12678525, she turned around and threw Rues hood up...
Posted by SeV, Wed Dec-17-14 02:57 PM
man I lost it

but im banned tho.

Dallas Cavericks LETS GO!!
12678498, Is this an argument about subjective taste? Pass :)
Posted by initiationofplato, Wed Dec-17-14 02:45 PM
12678514, Lol no it's about absolute universal LAW! Ur right tho
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Wed Dec-17-14 02:51 PM
These are quite common on okp tho
12678532, Haha, I'm seeing that more and more.
Posted by initiationofplato, Wed Dec-17-14 03:00 PM
I love these movies btw, they are epic to me.
12685204, Ima add on
Posted by go mack, Sat Dec-27-14 01:50 PM
If we take first 3 movies of a series that maybe shoulda stopped at trilogy but didn't, there are a lot that would son these HGs

Indiana Jones
Die Hard
Lethal Weapon

I think those are all arguably on par or better, few of them have weaker 3rd links but I can't argue any HG as a top 50 all time movie, maybe not Bourne or LW as well but the rest for sure
12685206, I have to see the new one, but the 2nd movie upped the ante
Posted by Grand_Royal, Sat Dec-27-14 02:08 PM
It made me care about a sequel, the 1st one didn't tho'.
13056113, I've changed my mind on the Hunger Games
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Aug-11-16 11:17 AM
I read the first book and watched the movies and thought it was pretty dumb. Didn't recognize the world as bearing any resemblance to reality at all. I also saw an anti-government angle that I thought was too tea partier to me.

But I saw the next two movies and have been reconsidering.

I think our next war media will play a much larger role just like in the Hunger games.

The way this Trump Reality Show is playing out, wikileaks.

I see it now.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13056125, did it really take Trump for you to see it?
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-16 11:30 AM
13056133, Meh, the first episode was about the "Hunger Games".
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Aug-11-16 11:35 AM
Which is still kind of hokey. Once they got into using media to control and government people then it started to click for me.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13056177, yeah, first one was pretty juvenile IMO
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-16 12:53 PM
felt like an after school special
13056137, Back to the Future gets no love?
Posted by Abstract8, Thu Aug-11-16 11:40 AM
13056147, LOL seriously though...it's NOT a trilogy movie wise
Posted by Calico, Thu Aug-11-16 11:59 AM
they made four films based off the source material.....just cause a person doesn't choose to acknowledge that 2+1=3 doesn't mean that 2+1=2