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Topic subjectI need gift ideas for children...STAT!!!!!!! HAELP!
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12675571, I need gift ideas for children...STAT!!!!!!! HAELP!
Posted by FLUIDJ, Mon Dec-15-14 10:31 AM
3-year old boy (VERY active, hyper, fun fella)
13-year old girl (girly girl teen. leaning towards gift card)
10-year old girl (ummmmmmmmmmmmmm)
7-year old girl (active, but splits time between mom's house & dad's house & grandma's house & any house that's got the time to look after her)

12675607, RE: I need gift ideas for children...STAT!!!!!!! HAELP!
Posted by Sepia., Mon Dec-15-14 10:59 AM
>3-year old boy (VERY active, hyper, fun fella)

--Large trucks/cars to bang around.

>13-year old girl (girly girl teen. leaning towards gift card)

--Gift card in a pretty card or box or a set of dangly earrings.

>10-year old girl (ummmmmmmmmmmmmm)

--Need more info on her personality.
I'm getting my niece an 18" doll with a set of clothes and a book about hand sewing so she can make more.

>7-year old girl (active, but splits time between mom's house &
>dad's house & grandma's house & any house that's got the time
>to look after her)

--Need more info on her personality!
Maybe a cute little girl's travel bag with some goodies inside that she can take from house to house.
12675625, I like ALL of these.....thank you!
Posted by FLUIDJ, Mon Dec-15-14 11:07 AM
10 year old girl is kinda mellow. very inquisitive, kind of matter-of-fact....sadly, i'm not too up to speed on her full personality as I haven't spent nearly as much time with her as an uncle should :(

7 year old girl is very hyper too. She's a girly girly indeed. I highlighted her living situation as I figured that would provide more insight into her practical needs. I like the bag idea a lot though. I was trying to thing of something she could carry with her from house to house.
12675714, For the 10-year-old, a book.
Posted by Sepia., Mon Dec-15-14 11:54 AM
A simple girl's book like this:
And tuck a gift card in it for B&N or some book store.

>7 year old girl is very hyper too. She's a girly girly indeed.
>I highlighted her living situation as I figured that would
>provide more insight into her practical needs. I like the bag
>idea a lot though. I was trying to thing of something she
>could carry with her from house to house.
Something to do with activity, like a little jewelry-making kit:

or a journal to write in. Something simple but that's her own.
12675611, RE: I need gift ideas for children...STAT!!!!!!! HAELP!
Posted by TR808, Mon Dec-15-14 11:01 AM
>3-year old boy (VERY active, hyper, fun fella)
bike or big wheel

>13-year old girl (girly girl teen. leaning towards gift card)
target gift card (you will not find a gift for her)

>10-year old girl (ummmmmmmmmmmmmm)
Target gift card

>7-year old girl (active, but splits time between mom's house &
>dad's house & grandma's house & any house that's got the time
>to look after her)

target gift card....

12675626, LOL @ ALL the Target gift cards....but that's where I was stuck at too...
Posted by FLUIDJ, Mon Dec-15-14 11:09 AM
figured there HAD to be SOMETHING else....

For my nephew, can't do the bike or bigwheel....I feel like those are the types of things a kid should receive from their parent or grand parent.... don't ask me why...just something about them always screamed Parent Gift.
12675613, books.
Posted by veritas, Mon Dec-15-14 11:01 AM
12675624, agreed!
Posted by earthseed, Mon Dec-15-14 11:06 AM
12675629, You know...books are HARD...like REAL HARD...never thought that
Posted by FLUIDJ, Mon Dec-15-14 11:12 AM
way before we had a child though....
books were my go-to...
but what happens is, unless you KNOW their library and reading habits, it's just hard to get a book that they don't already have, haven't already checked out a million times at the library, or just read and hated, or the parents don't enjoy reading it, etc...

We have like 5 copies of The Snowy Day
2 copies of Please Baby Please
multiple copies of various other fairly popular books lol...
we appreciate them indeed, and ultimately pass the extras on down the line....

I like the idea of giving books....just, now that I've been on the receiving end of them....I see how easy it is to miss the mark.
12675617, beados &/or monster high dolls for the 7 yr old girl
Posted by Binlahab, Mon Dec-15-14 11:04 AM

monster high is the cabbage patch doll of today

12675637, them Beados look FUN AS SHIT!! yeah, those are getting copped....
Posted by FLUIDJ, Mon Dec-15-14 11:15 AM
my Bro and mom are gonna hate me for that though lol.......they look really prone to messiness.
12675669, thats my kids #1 want this yr
Posted by Binlahab, Mon Dec-15-14 11:33 AM
i have no idea why

im gonna get her some lil arts & craft type desk or hell...fishing box or something to keep all this crap in...very 1st time i impale myself on one of these damn things im confiscating all that crap

does it really matter?

for all my fans who keep my name in their mouth: http://i.imgur.com/v2xNOpS.jpg
12675638, dbldrbble
Posted by FLUIDJ, Mon Dec-15-14 11:15 AM