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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjecti'm saying *I* would have gotten out, but i can see why dude
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12607786&mesg_id=12608537
12608537, i'm saying *I* would have gotten out, but i can see why dude
Posted by poetx, Wed Oct-08-14 11:03 AM
stayed in.

i'm a pragmatist. i calculate risk/reward all the time.

but one thing you are not taking into account is dude's stated reasons for not getting out...

he was afraid because they pulled guns on him. if his mental calculus is that 'i'm safer inside than outside...' , i don't necessarily see it as that but i can see how he'd come to that conclusion.

we're all making assumptions that if he continued to comply that the cops wouldn't have found something else to be pissed or alarmed about.

if he got out too fast, they could have shot him. i've been stopped, made to get on the ground, face down w/ guns drawn on me a few times. while walking. i've never been made to get out of a car.

i don't know the protocol for that. but really, the protocol is whatever they decide that it is on the spot.

if dude was NOT legit scared of the cops and was on some 'i know my rights' ish, like the brother in minnesota who got tased and arrested while waiting for his kids, this would be a case of 'you knew something like this would happen' as many of y'all are trying to make it. black folks don't have rights when it comes to cops, and it boils down to whether you are willing to get fucked up or killed to prove a point that we all already know.

they woulda tased rosa parks.

peace & blessings,



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