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Topic subject"Niggas be like" and these other illiterate meme's cirulating the web/fb.
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12497657, "Niggas be like" and these other illiterate meme's cirulating the web/fb.
Posted by GrumpySmurf, Wed Jul-02-14 09:14 AM
How do you guys feel about them? Their are thousands out there and they're created by for for black folks(mostly).
Are they just plain fun or will they be a begative piece of our history?
12497659, *incoherent
Posted by 8-bit, Tue Jul-01-14 10:33 PM
Unless the memes are trying (and failing) at writing themselves.
12497813, Niggas be clutching they pearls so hard they choke.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jul-02-14 08:34 AM
12497851, And the jokes begin. The typical reaction.
Posted by Binladen, Wed Jul-02-14 08:56 AM
12497815, Niggas be postin like they brainstorming agenda items for a Black student union
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jul-02-14 08:36 AM
12664462, LMAO
Posted by Heinz, Mon Dec-01-14 10:53 PM


TWITTER : Heinz21st

IG : H_N_Z
12497818, Niggas be worryin bout the wrong things like they Rihanna in a Kanye video.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jul-02-14 08:37 AM
12497822, already overshadowed by Kermit
Posted by Grand_Royal, Wed Jul-02-14 08:41 AM
12497889, the kermit ones are hilarious
Posted by Calico, Wed Jul-02-14 09:10 AM
12497895, Yeah I agree some of those have made me laugh.
Posted by GrumpySmurf, Wed Jul-02-14 09:12 AM
12498077, especially the ones about eating bacon...
Posted by luminous, Wed Jul-02-14 10:42 AM
12498769, i'm glad *sips tea* finally got the meme it deserved
Posted by hardware, Wed Jul-02-14 08:30 PM
12549590, ^
Posted by infin8, Tue Aug-19-14 12:35 PM
12548991, Jim Henson gonna come back and haunt us all.
Posted by b.Touch, Mon Aug-18-14 10:46 PM
12750330, flesh eating virus for all of us!
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Thu Mar-12-15 07:22 PM
12497824, if jesus was real, he'd be dumb as fuck for not coming back
Posted by 2.tears.in.a.bucket, Wed Jul-02-14 08:41 AM
& scooping up all these brainwashed niggas to carry out his every whim

's all i know

but wait, that go for white folk too

12497899, lol
Posted by GrumpySmurf, Wed Jul-02-14 09:15 AM
12497831, or nah?
Posted by ambient1, Wed Jul-02-14 08:45 AM
12497834, i hate that 'or nah' shit and the word "THOT"
Posted by GROOVEPHI, Wed Jul-02-14 08:47 AM
12497843, Any broad that uses that just outs herself as a corny broad
Posted by 8-bit, Wed Jul-02-14 08:51 AM
I kinda like that the term has come around. It makes it easier to spot women to avoid, especially in my age bracket. It's interesting seeing 30+ women calling themselves "THOTs," yet they still expect to be taken seriously and treated as adults. lol.
12497908, Philly chicks are self appointing thotage??
Posted by illEskoBar221, Wed Jul-02-14 09:19 AM
12497918, Lie to you not, I only see women use this term
Posted by 8-bit, Wed Jul-02-14 09:22 AM
Weird because the people I know in real life are kinda outraged about the term (I know a lot of teachers and social workers). I respect that.

Online however, I keep seeing shit like #THOTLife hashtags from grown-ass women. Shit is sad.
12497947, claudia jordan was on the rickey smiley morning show yesterday
Posted by GROOVEPHI, Wed Jul-02-14 09:36 AM
and she was talking about her dad cheating on her mom with a woman in their home. She called the woman a 'Thot' . I was like damn I wish they retire this damn word already.
12497921, yes, niggas.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jul-02-14 09:23 AM
women are reclaiming a derogatory term thrown at them to rob it of its power to be used as a weapon and to celebrate their ownership of their sexuality and their identity. so yeah, they thots. and if you hate it they love it. fuck you. basically, i think that's what they're getting at. and i love it. LOL
12497934, Cool theory, but naw dude.
Posted by 8-bit, Wed Jul-02-14 09:29 AM
What 30+ women are having the word "THOT" thrown at them as an insult? I never even...

You know what... never mind. I'll let you break out the lard & skillet on this one.
12497951, they call it 'solidarity', holmes.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jul-02-14 09:38 AM
even if the women you see on the Internet using the '#THOTlife' hashtag (and OH MY GOD LET'S CLUTCH THE PEARLS ABOUT THE FACT THAT WOMEN ARE USING A HASHTAG ON THE INTERNET THAT MAY BRING SHAME UPON THEIR FAMILY NAMES! HEAVENS TO BETSY!!!) haven't had the word 'thot' thrown at them personally they have likely seen it thrown at some woman w/whom they relate. even if the woman is younger than them and hooder than them, the point is castigating one woman w/that word castigates them all. it seeks to control them all. it says to all other women 'watch your ways or you'll be next on the summerjam screen'. and women be like 'that shit ain't right! fuck that!' and so they reclaim that thot shit. and, also, they mimic the foolish assed, milk-breathed heathen-like lil niggas who seek to control the expression of women's sexuality by calling women thot (et al...b/c we know the litany, don't we?). they making fun of you bitches, basically. and i love that shit. again, you hate it they love it. hell, YOU hate it WE love it. b/c i'm w/them on that.
12497844, yes, and small minded people just follow right along with that shit.
Posted by Binladen, Wed Jul-02-14 08:51 AM
12497945, I been saying it since forever so it don't bother me. ..thot irks me
Posted by ambient1, Wed Jul-02-14 09:36 AM
Ery now and then

12498047, this lil girl on my block called this boy a "thot nigga" last night
Posted by Mahogany, Wed Jul-02-14 10:30 AM
I don't even know what that means exactly but I was cracking up

Outside of that I kinda hate "thot" it just sounds real forced...
12750450, lol
Posted by Roadblock, Thu Mar-12-15 10:07 PM
12497898, that whole movement comes of corny to me...
Posted by Calico, Wed Jul-02-14 09:13 AM
...some of my female coworkers say it ALOT...
12497901, I see men saying it to
Posted by GrumpySmurf, Wed Jul-02-14 09:16 AM
12497882, ...but that's none of my business..
Posted by infin8, Wed Jul-02-14 09:08 AM
12497891, What's in my mind *is* my business
Posted by 8-bit, Wed Jul-02-14 09:11 AM
*smacks mug out of Kermit's hand, yells "what?" at him*
12497910, I still like the Squinty Chihuahua ones
Posted by wluv, Wed Jul-02-14 09:19 AM
12497915, my only gripe is the grammar and syntax
Posted by Sha, Wed Jul-02-14 09:21 AM
when i read some i feel like the squinty chihuahua meme though. hahaha
12497923, What about the word "niggas?"
Posted by 8-bit, Wed Jul-02-14 09:23 AM
I find that somewhat offensive.
12497928, that what I meant by illiterate
Posted by GrumpySmurf, Wed Jul-02-14 09:26 AM
12497924, Niggas be lettin shit just fly over they head.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jul-02-14 09:24 AM
po' babies.
12497929, Niggas be fightin over which one is Waldorf and which is Statler.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jul-02-14 09:26 AM
12498032, please stop lol
Posted by MiracleRic, Wed Jul-02-14 10:24 AM
12498432, I'm saying, I'm at work!
Posted by spades, Wed Jul-02-14 01:11 PM
12498063, LOL!
Posted by luminous, Wed Jul-02-14 10:39 AM
12750375, LOL! Now get off the stage!!
Posted by Atillah Moor, Thu Mar-12-15 08:25 PM
12750550, ok i laughed pretty fuggin hard at that one
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Fri Mar-13-15 01:42 AM
12498049, Nigga said "our history".
Posted by PlanetInfinite, Wed Jul-02-14 10:31 AM

>Are they just plain fun or will they be a begative piece of
>our history?

I bet you steepled your fingers under your chin pensively as shit when you typed that shit too.

i'm out.
12498057, this is all you have to add to the discussion?
Posted by GrumpySmurf, Wed Jul-02-14 10:37 AM
>>Are they just plain fun or will they be a begative piece of
>>our history?
>I bet you steepled your fingers under your chin pensively as
>shit when you typed that shit too.
>i'm out.
12498170, You really overstating this post by calling it a "discussion".
Posted by PlanetInfinite, Wed Jul-02-14 11:19 AM

i'm out.
12664837, Lmao
Posted by Ms. Pele, Tue Dec-02-14 12:52 PM
12498086, this place is the worst, man
Posted by Mgmt, Wed Jul-02-14 10:45 AM
12498157, lol
Posted by The Wordsmith, Wed Jul-02-14 11:10 AM

Since 1976
12498236, can't wait for the Kenyatta Burns documentary exposing the Chatline Era
Posted by illegal, Wed Jul-02-14 11:48 AM
12498273, lulz
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Wed Jul-02-14 12:02 PM
12664508, LOL
Posted by Starks dunked on Bulls, Tue Dec-02-14 12:04 AM
>>Are they just plain fun or will they be a begative piece of
>>our history?
>I bet you steepled your fingers under your chin pensively as
>shit when you typed that shit too.
>i'm out.
12498433, Y'all negros up in here cooking with gas.
Posted by spades, Wed Jul-02-14 01:12 PM
I'm dying.
12498613, Have yall seen the one about the woman with no womb having a baby?
Posted by Sarah_Bellum, Wed Jul-02-14 03:26 PM
t's a picture of a big black women, half dress with a black bar over her eyes.
The Abbreviated version of the story is...
She used to be trade. Had mad abortions. Lost her "womb" due to said abortions. Got saved and married but didn't tell her new husband she's wombless. Pastor told her to buy gifts for other people's babies.
Then the lawd get her 3 children.

12498761, lol! Cant say Ive seen that one
Posted by GrumpySmurf, Wed Jul-02-14 08:14 PM
12500170, These are the ones that I hate with a fiery passion
Posted by DaHeathenOne76, Fri Jul-04-14 06:40 PM

A baby was born in hospital laughing instead of crying, the more the nurses beat him, the more he laughed so hard,suddenly the doctor noticed he had something in his hands, so he pulled
the tiny hands apart and discovered he was holding 3 abortion pills.

The baby then turned his head looking at his mother, laughed again and said "NO WEAPON FASHIONED AGAINST ME SHALL PROSPER! s

Press like and say AMEN

12549037, #tooBlessed2BeStressed
Posted by Hussein ibn Malik, Mon Aug-18-14 11:57 PM
12549739, This is a lie!
Posted by quadrush, Tue Aug-19-14 01:47 PM
This is not floating around the internets!
I REFUSE to believe it!
12664620, i've already seen this one but i'm cracking up again
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Tue Dec-02-14 09:13 AM
12549512, I read one about some lady's son needing a new heart....
Posted by The Wordsmith, Tue Aug-19-14 11:42 AM
...and how he unknowingly received a new heart via his mother voluntarily donating hers. He then read a note she left him about how she loved him and how she donated the very organ he needed. I wonder who actually takes the time to come up with that horsecrap? Worse; who actually believes that bull?

Since 1976
12500091, shit like this
Posted by Binladen, Fri Jul-04-14 02:44 PM
12500158, and why are the images so fuzzy/grainy?
Posted by Mr Teeth, Fri Jul-04-14 05:43 PM
12502038, I be wondering that
Posted by MizClayton, Tue Jul-08-14 07:48 AM
I haven't seen a non-fuzzy Kermit meme

12502040, Bc people are reposting and retweeting screenshots
Posted by MiracleRic, Tue Jul-08-14 07:52 AM
this gradually shrinks the photos down and eventually they get blown back up to full size based on that smaller screenshot of a pic...

so the more a particular one gets circulated..the more likely it is to have developed from a shitty screenshot

12664529, RE: Bc people are reposting and retweeting screenshots
Posted by guru0509, Tue Dec-02-14 01:35 AM
12548990, http://instagram.com/p/r3Ueozuaq2/
Posted by Binladen, Mon Aug-18-14 10:44 PM

Like was has this meme been thru? Lol
12502023, who the fuck is Daquan?
Posted by SooperEgo, Tue Jul-08-14 07:20 AM
12549045, Who is Felicia and why is everyone always telling her bye?
Posted by homer_pimpson225, Tue Aug-19-14 12:07 AM
12549672, I asked the same question. Crack head in Friday asking for shit
Posted by napturalmystic, Tue Aug-19-14 01:15 PM
Bye Felicia...
Makes no sense to me really but ok
12508276, http://33.media.tumblr.com/80f73d23c39e8ebf817ebedde25a0fbb/tumblr_n8k5kqNRjO1rsq803o1_1280.jpg
Posted by dEs, Sat Jul-12-14 11:40 PM

if you can't appreciate that, and memes of the same vein, then I question your Blackness
12548996, lol
Posted by rdhull, Mon Aug-18-14 10:52 PM
>if you can't appreciate that, and memes of the same vein, then
>I question your Blackness
12549006, Lol!
Posted by Binladen, Mon Aug-18-14 11:09 PM
12750260, LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Dstl1, Thu Mar-12-15 05:52 PM
12508280, this Kermit meme though?! LULZ
Posted by SankofaII, Sun Jul-13-14 12:25 AM
12549546, i always see them on white instagrams
Posted by falafel stand pimpin, Tue Aug-19-14 12:06 PM
like the whitest ig's
12549592, i motherfucking HATE memes.
Posted by mathmagic, Tue Aug-19-14 12:36 PM
they're annoying and usually not that clever. I rarely if ever amused by them. One of the reason I won't join instagram.
12549745, The ones that use this fucking fox kill me every time!
Posted by quadrush, Tue Aug-19-14 01:51 PM
12549760, i havent seen any on that fox
Posted by VAsBestBBW, Tue Aug-19-14 02:01 PM
i need to see some on that fox
12664536, When the only person you know at the party leaves you alone.
Posted by JFrost1117, Tue Dec-02-14 01:56 AM
12661603, lol! What the hell kinda Fox is that?
Posted by Binladen, Wed Nov-26-14 02:01 PM
12661596, http://s28.postimg.org/uspvv9qa5/10004033_592620024200180_6755537080870678151_n.jpg
Posted by Binladen, Wed Nov-26-14 01:55 PM

who are these people??
12661622, which people you asking about? the people that write stuff like that OR
Posted by SooperEgo, Wed Nov-26-14 02:20 PM
the people being written about who are the subject of the meme?
12664460, I think I just woke my neighbors when I was this one. Lol
Posted by GrumpySmurf, Mon Dec-01-14 10:44 PM
12664574, Lol
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Tue Dec-02-14 07:14 AM
12750292, lol
Posted by cgonz00cc, Thu Mar-12-15 06:27 PM
12750346, LOL
Posted by The Wordsmith, Thu Mar-12-15 07:37 PM

Since 1976
12750619, LMAO
Posted by Dstl1, Fri Mar-13-15 07:53 AM
12750750, *dead*
Posted by Huey, Fri Mar-13-15 09:37 AM
12664499, Being insecure about laughing at ourselves is what's negative
Posted by Atillah Moor, Mon Dec-01-14 11:54 PM
12664563, Man shut the hell up. We've been "laughing at ourselves" for decades.
Posted by GrumpySmurf, Tue Dec-02-14 05:57 AM
Stop trying to sound so deep all the time, you aren't.
12750454, lol
Posted by Roadblock, Thu Mar-12-15 10:12 PM
12664534, This
Posted by OrangeandBlue, Tue Dec-02-14 01:50 AM
12664624, dog...
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Tue Dec-02-14 09:20 AM
12664710, What makes that meme "illiterate"?
Posted by Goldmind, Tue Dec-02-14 11:03 AM

12750552, some of them are pretty close but that's true of all memes
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Fri Mar-13-15 01:44 AM
loads of grammatical fuckery but whatever.
12750220, how bout the memes portraying black woman without wigs/weaves?
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Thu Mar-12-15 05:23 PM
And Im pretty sure they aren't made by white folks either