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Topic subjectFirst Pic of Zoe Saldana as Nina Simone
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12448330, First Pic of Zoe Saldana as Nina Simone
Posted by John Forte, Thu May-15-14 10:21 AM

And Black (female) Twitter is also hating.
12448352, damn okp...i read this comment and almost started laughing at
Posted by Cenario, Thu May-15-14 10:35 AM
her as if she said it wrong..

>I was hoping this movie would fade into oblivion...
12448357, Do you even know what hating means
Posted by DaHeathenOne76, Thu May-15-14 10:39 AM
Please retire that word.

If you have to use mantan to play a role in 2014. . .

12448379, further proof there isnt an ounce of fairness/balance in Hollywood.
Posted by Fructose Soda, Thu May-15-14 10:51 AM
She just doesn't have that A list star power that studio execs crave.
Loved her in "Pariah", btw.
Zoe is the go-to chick for anything that requires a Black (or even Latin) female lead. There can only be room for one.
12448399, Does Zoe really have it?
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Thu May-15-14 11:03 AM
she's been blessed to be part of some movies that did big business but has she ever demonstrated that she can actually carry a movie on her own back?

I don't remember Colombiana burning up the box office... and even on TV, Rosemary's Baby isn't likely to do much either.
12448411, Did Jamie before "Ray"?
Posted by John Forte, Thu May-15-14 11:10 AM
12448421, That's irrelevant.
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Thu May-15-14 11:15 AM
The casting of Jamie in Ray was not predicated on the notion that he had the power to open a movie.
12448440, Wasn't it?
Posted by John Forte, Thu May-15-14 11:29 AM
12448455, Not at all.
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Thu May-15-14 11:39 AM
It was based on the fact that Jamie was considered a good actor, who could actually sing and play the piano and seemed to evoke Ray physically.
12449090, Jamie Foxx being considered a good actor came all at once
Posted by b.Touch, Thu May-15-14 11:16 PM
with the double-hit of "Ray" and "Collateral".

At least as I recall it.

He has a dramatic part in "Ali", but I don't recall him getting much notice for it.

I still feel like casting Foxx as Ray Charles was still something of a gamble, but that's also an apples-to-oranges situation. People are primarily outraged about Zoe Saldana because she's lighter and more "European looking" than Nina Simone. Foxx didn't receive such criticism.

Moreover, with "Ray", we're still talking about an independent movie, but one that cost over four times what "Nina" cost to make and had a few more supporting known faces to balance out the cast than "Nina" has.
12448415, she got something
Posted by lfresh, Thu May-15-14 11:11 AM
not for this
she keeps picking the wrong vehicles
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12448429, I'm not talking about talent, charisma, swag, etc.
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Thu May-15-14 11:19 AM
The argument is always made that Zoe has to star in this because she's the only black actress who can open a movie... and I think that is a fair enough consideration. After all, this is a business.

But the question is: How true IS that claim? What movie has Zoe actually opened? Not as part of an ensemble with a superstar director who already has the box office power, not playing in a licensed property or cult series that already has a rabid fanbase... what movie has Zoe starred in that people rushed to see BECAUSE it starred Zoe Saldana?
12448438, yeah. Is she a household name?
Posted by luvlee2003, Thu May-15-14 11:29 AM
It seems like the powers that be are justifying this with box office success that can't really be attributed to her specifically. Star Wars, Avatar and Drumline weren't really about her.

>The argument is always made that Zoe has to star in this
>because she's the only black actress who can open a movie...
>and I think that is a fair enough consideration. After all,
>this is a business.
>But the question is: How true IS that claim? What movie has
>Zoe actually opened? Not as part of an ensemble with a
>superstar director who already has the box office power, not
>playing in a licensed property or cult series that already has
>a rabid fanbase... what movie has Zoe starred in that people
>rushed to see BECAUSE it starred Zoe Saldana?
12449088, It was the fact that she was _in_ Star Wars and Avatar that make
Posted by b.Touch, Thu May-15-14 11:12 PM
the difference, not that she was the lead or not.

And when I say makes the difference, I mean to the money people who are bankrolling the film. I'm fairly certain that if it was purely artistic decision (which it never is for a movie that other people are paying for you to make), they'd've chosen the girl from Pariah and not Zoe Saldana.
12449149, she wasn't in Star Wars, it was Star Trek
Posted by Bombastic, Fri May-16-14 03:38 AM
>the difference, not that she was the lead or not.
>And when I say makes the difference, I mean to the money
>people who are bankrolling the film. I'm fairly certain that
>if it was purely artistic decision (which it never is for a
>movie that other people are paying for you to make), they'd've
>chosen the girl from Pariah and not Zoe Saldana.
12449153, My bad - I meant Star Trek.
Posted by b.Touch, Fri May-16-14 04:12 AM
12448437, exactly
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Thu May-15-14 11:28 AM
She is doing well in big budget action movies. Just stick with that.
maybe show up in an indie project here and there.
12448509, thats assuming this isn't an indie/art-house film.
Posted by Fructose Soda, Thu May-15-14 12:10 PM
I don't know the exact specifics about the studio backing this film, or the distribution.
It could be Focus Features, or IFC for all I know.
Even still, Zoe is more bankable in the mainstream than most Black actresses.
Besides, all it takes is an oscar nod during the "December academy-award rush" to ensure a victory.
I see how Hollywood wants to groom Zoe into the next "Halle Berry" (if you will).
12449085, re-"Colombiana" - the movie was poorly reviewed, but she was not.
Posted by b.Touch, Thu May-15-14 11:03 PM
It didn't do what it should have. Its implausibility (and ambiguity in tone and storyline) may have had something to do with that, as well the fact that, no matter what its quality, it was coming out in August through a secondary distributor and Saldana was _the_ only known face in the film.
12448807, there isnt an ounce of fairness/balance ANYwhere in the world
Posted by b.Touch, Thu May-15-14 03:52 PM
12448359, If you didn't have a problem with Denzel as Malcolm
Posted by John Forte, Thu May-15-14 10:39 AM
but you have problems with this, you might be the one with race/color issues.
12448362, Casting isn't a look-alike contest
Posted by John Forte, Thu May-15-14 10:41 AM
It's about who can play the role AND open the movie.
12448395, not accepting that kind of diagnosis. sorry.
Posted by Fructose Soda, Thu May-15-14 11:01 AM
Then why not give the role to a White woman, or asian?
Hell.....why stop there? Give the role to Rupal.
Oversimplifying the real issue by deeming any criticism as having color issues just doesn't fly.
12448380, Cool "reverse racism" trolling attempt, bro
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Thu May-15-14 10:51 AM
>but you have problems with this, you might be the one with
>race/color issues.
12448390, Denzel was not colorized or made "blacker" to play Malcolm
Posted by Marla, Thu May-15-14 10:57 AM
He looked like Denzel, but embodied the role of Malcolm.

They did not just dye her hair for this role, they changed her face, her skin color and her overall appearance for her to play the role. This isn't a role about a blue alien, this is a person that exists. There are people who are just as talented who could have played the role without the added blackening-up. The producers didn't even try, they just went Klump as a first resort.

Keep Penis Clean Or Find Genital Spots
12448397, Zoe doesn't look any darker in that pic than she looks here
Posted by John Forte, Thu May-15-14 11:02 AM

Have you ever considered the possibility that she's often lit and retouched to look lighter than her actual skin tone?
12448410, LOL...c'mon, son!
Posted by Pete Burns, Thu May-15-14 11:10 AM

What the blood claaat???
12448416, RE: Zoe doesn't look any darker in that pic than she looks here
Posted by Marla, Thu May-15-14 11:12 AM

Or you can look at her hand in comparison to her face in the same picture that was originally shared.

Keep Penis Clean Or Find Genital Spots
12448433, Wait, that's Zoe?
Posted by John Forte, Thu May-15-14 11:25 AM
Okay, they're darkening her up. That's some ol fuck shit.
12946038, you are really reaching
Posted by GirlChild, Sun Dec-20-15 04:31 PM
plus nina's complexion was something she found pride in

this is just ridiculous. saldana's make up doesn't even look natural, she just looks dirty.
12448466, nice try, but no.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu May-15-14 11:46 AM
considering a big part of Nina's thang was speaking up for dark-skinned black women and was also about speaking up for black women who aren't considered classically beautiful in that European sense, casting Zoe just doesn't work at all. it'd be like casting a white guy to play Malcolm.
12448504, RE: If you didn't have a problem with Denzel as Malcolm
Posted by murph71, Thu May-15-14 12:08 PM

U smarter than this....
12448507, we poasting
Posted by John Forte, Thu May-15-14 12:09 PM
but I have noticed that skin-color casting complaints are a lot quieter when the actor is darker than the subject.
12448544, RE: we poasting
Posted by murph71, Thu May-15-14 12:39 PM
>but I have noticed that skin-color casting complaints are a
>lot quieter when the actor is darker than the subject.

Nobody is talking about skin color...That would be simplistic, no?

People in the know are discussing Nina's actual history and how her looks (nose, weight, color, hair, ect...)played into her empowering message...

I think you know that, homie...

This ain't no silly paper bag debate...
12448547, I refer you to the subject line of #56
Posted by John Forte, Thu May-15-14 12:40 PM
12448558, RE: I refer you to the subject line of #56
Posted by murph71, Thu May-15-14 12:47 PM

Nah...I'm going to let u rock on this strawman steez, homie...lol

Bringing up every black actor in Hollywood on some "See, Denzel did it...Jaimie did it!!!!," ect ain't cutting it (dull knife and all...word to JB)...

Maybe this movie will push people to actually read a couple of books about Nina to get what folks are talking about....

12448589, name one time someone had a problem with the darker actor
Posted by John Forte, Thu May-15-14 01:09 PM
a list of actors who've played Frederick Douglass:

12448664, RE: name one time someone had a problem with the darker actor
Posted by murph71, Thu May-15-14 02:01 PM

Again...I think u r trying a one size fits all approach to this...

And you are using a pretty fucking big shoe horn....
12980784, u wrong fam...here is the key
Posted by MiracleRic, Tue Mar-01-16 02:05 PM
Malcolm's looks were relatively unimportant as far his story

Nina's looks and complexion is a large part of her story and her message

other than Malcolm being known as "Red" (which Denzel pulled off with minimal obvious makeup issues) not withstanding
12448375, They're STILL doing this shit???!!!
Posted by spades, Thu May-15-14 10:51 AM

12448377, I highly doubt that Zoe can pull off an authentic accent
Posted by 8-bit, Thu May-15-14 10:51 AM
You ever hear the way that girl talks? Zoe doesn't have much of a "Blaccent." She doesn't look anything like her, either. And she can't sing. So why was she cast in this role again?

12448396, That... BLACK-ness. That BLACK power, pushing them...
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Thu May-15-14 11:01 AM
I never ever ever ever get tired of watching that clip lol
12448400, because she's a decent black actress who can open a movie
Posted by John Forte, Thu May-15-14 11:03 AM
and she wanted the role. it's not rocket science
12448404, #15.
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Thu May-15-14 11:05 AM
12448388, nah i'm good
Posted by lfresh, Thu May-15-14 10:56 AM
12448393, *likes*
Posted by Marla, Thu May-15-14 10:58 AM
Vote with your dollars.

Keep Penis Clean Or Find Genital Spots
12824196, exactly
Posted by iammindful, Sun Jun-07-15 12:56 PM
12448408, lol, she in black face but not black HAND. What's the title of this shit?
Posted by placee_22, Thu May-15-14 11:06 AM
Soul Woman: The Nina Simone Story
12448413, I would have loved to see L. Boogie in this role...
Posted by Belief, Thu May-15-14 11:11 AM

12448432, Damn, that would've been perfect.
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Thu May-15-14 11:24 AM
12448426, There's also the cultural aspect of this as well
Posted by 8-bit, Thu May-15-14 11:17 AM
I can see why some people would be offended if (for example) Nia Long was cast to play Celia Cruz in a film. I can see the same dynamic here. Remember the controversy that ensued when Jennifer Lopez was cast as Selena?
12448431, great point.
Posted by luvlee2003, Thu May-15-14 11:24 AM
12448435, I can see it, but I don't think that should matter.
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Thu May-15-14 11:25 AM
End of the day, Zoe Saldana is a black American (even if she ain't a Black American)
12448463, It *should* matter, if culture is a big part of the role
Posted by 8-bit, Thu May-15-14 11:45 AM
In this case, I agree that it's not that big of a deal. Zoe is a black American.

If a role called for subtle nuances, then I definitely think that culture matters a lot. It's like when non-American Blacks (or even non-southern American Blacks) try to play roles set in the south back-in-the-day. Their accents are so fake and terrible that it's actually a little annoying.

I picked out Stringer Bell and Chris Partlow were easy to spot as being "dropped in" to a role (for example). Their accents, body language, mannerisms, etc. were all so obviously contrived. They just didn't match the setting of the Wire.
12448484, I was about to mention Stringer Bell lol
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Thu May-15-14 11:56 AM
I felt his accent work and mannerisms were strained, but Idris claims that a lot of street dudes really felt his performance on a deep level... to the point that he has to address fans in an American accent so as not to traumatize them with his real voice.

As for Chris Partlow... I don't know why you would say that; Gbenga is a black American of Nigerian descent. Ultimately, all of these cats are ACTORS. In the end, it's about whether they do a good job or a bad job. But the culture in which they actually grew up should not be relevant. It's like arguing that Leonard Nimoy can't play Spock well because he's not a Vulcan background.
12448495, I'm saying that if the role requires a level of "authenticity"
Posted by 8-bit, Thu May-15-14 12:03 PM
In the Wire, the hood in Baltimore was being portrayed, and Chris just didn't fit into that setting. He didn't even sound like a hood dude to me.

Kinda like, if they were filming a flick about hip hop in the Bronx in 1985, and there were people that were cast as NYC natives, but had California or Mississippi accents. That would stand out right away. Or a film set in the deep south, but the dude cast as the sharecropper's son had a Boston accent. Wouldn't fly.

I don't think it matters as much in this Nina Simone flick tho.
12448543, It's crazy because looking back on stringer bell
Posted by Mahogany, Thu May-15-14 12:38 PM
You can kinda hear his accent, but at the time most people had no clue that he wasn't American. I was definitely shocked when I found out and i'm from Md

I think him playing a person from bmore helped a lot with that though. I've always thought that md accents sound slightly brittish in some crazy way
12448510, RE: I can see it, but I don't think that should matter.
Posted by murph71, Thu May-15-14 12:10 PM

It matters when said subject's looks was a huge part of her message...
12448588, We were talking about 'culture', not looks.
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Thu May-15-14 01:09 PM
12448641, RE: We were talking about 'culture', not looks.
Posted by murph71, Thu May-15-14 01:46 PM

When I read lines like:

"Nobody has a problem when Af-Ams play Africans or Jamaicans"

"It's pure blackness policing"

I don't see much specifics culturally being discussed....

I think one of the proper ways to go at this is with the understanding of the Nina's specific message and how she utilized her looks for that message...Not blanket statements about "culture"....Of course there are some folks that are on some WHY A DOMINICAN-AMERICAN PLAYING AN AFRICAN AMERICAN?!!!"

But most people in this thread are coming with more direct gripes...Like Zoe's make-up looking totally idiotic...Or the fact that the woman she is playing made her looks an important part of her message of black self love....

12448647, Yeah, but in THIS particular corner of the conversation
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Thu May-15-14 01:48 PM
it was not about Zoe's looks or the makeup or anything.

Someone introduced the notion that she was not culturally in tune to play Nina (perhaps because she's a Latina? I dunno... that was not really explored)

I say that part is irrelevant. As long as she ain't playing Nina with a Spanish accent, it don't matter where her parents come from.
12448653, And that argument NEVER comes up
Posted by John Forte, Thu May-15-14 01:52 PM
When an AfAm, African or AfroBrit is cast.
12448662, RE: Yeah, but in THIS particular corner of the conversation
Posted by murph71, Thu May-15-14 01:57 PM
>it was not about Zoe's looks or the makeup or anything.

Nah...it's strawman direction that JF wants this convo to go...lol

I already know the angle u r coming at this with (the African being amused by the inner race politics of African-Americans...)

But the OP is merely doing the old "y'all mad because she ain't black enough" shit...

If people would only open up a book and read something about Nina Simone they would understand that this casting is deeper than cosmetics...I mean I even saw the word "hating" used...lol...Like for real?

But yeah...it's all good...
12448663, I didn't introduce this angle
Posted by John Forte, Thu May-15-14 01:59 PM
and Nina Simone's history be damned. You think Hollywood is going to greenlight a film starring an unattractive Black woman? The days of "Sister Act" are long gone.
12448671, RE: I didn't introduce this angle
Posted by murph71, Thu May-15-14 02:09 PM

This is what I'm reading from you, homie:

"Zoe black, but not black enough and they mad. There would be
a fraction of this outrage if they cast Nia Long or Gabrielle

And I guess my point is you are boiling this down to some very A + B = shit...lol...And I guess if we were on Bossip that would be a huge part of the debate....

Using the word "mad" and "hating" kinda drags this discussion down to bullshit levels like we were discussing a Dipset song from 10 years ago...

Especially when all anyone has to do is do a little knowledge on who actually Nina Simone was and what she stood for....

But I guess I'm asking for too much, brother JF...

Do you, dog....And see u at the top...

12448680, You've been here long enough to know the power of bait words
Posted by John Forte, Thu May-15-14 02:16 PM
I don't have a horse in this race. I'm not a big fan of Nina Simone or Zoe Saldana, and probably won't see the film.

I have, however, noticed an odd intra-racial dynamic developing on this site #THATSITE), twitter, and "the black internet" in general. Call it a baclkash to euro-centric beauty standards, but there is a rise in "light-skinned" othering, and a reluctance to claim multi-racial or multi-cultural black people as black.

25 years ago, Black America would have laid FULL claim to Zoe, Drake and Lolo.
12448686, RE: You've been here long enough to know the power of bait words
Posted by murph71, Thu May-15-14 02:19 PM

Oh...so this is a TROLL post?

Ah...carry on, homie...And on the real...no beef...U r one of my dude's on these here threads...

I'm just saying...Shit ain't always straight no chaser...Ya dig?
12448691, It's not a straight-up troll post though
Posted by John Forte, Thu May-15-14 02:22 PM
I mostly believe this shit, but I'm being extra provocative to get people to say what they really feel.

I fucks with you too, Murph.
12450348, Yo...
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Sat May-17-14 02:58 AM
>I don't have a horse in this race. I'm not a big fan of Nina
>Simone or Zoe Saldana, and probably won't see the film.

That actually proves what Murph is saying about actually knowing something
about Nina Simone. Not only do you not, but you aren't even interested.

>I have, however, noticed an odd intra-racial dynamic
>developing on this site #THATSITE), twitter, and "the black
>internet" in general. Call it a baclkash to euro-centric
>beauty standards, but there is a rise in "light-skinned"
>othering, and a reluctance to claim multi-racial or
>multi-cultural black people as black.
>25 years ago, Black America would have laid FULL claim to Zoe,
>Drake and Lolo.

What's wrong with that though? That's called waking up.
There are two reasons I say that.
1)Look what happens when black people claim interracial people They
replace black people. "We need a black actress.... we'll go with Halle Berry."
How mad would white people be if she played Marilyn Monroe? I mean, she
is half white right?
2)No other race of people will even claim anyone mixed with black.
Tommy Sotomayor would say "black people are the world's trash can".
I don't really like saying it like that, but see what he's trying to say.
We accept everyone and end up being an instrument of our own exclusion.
At any rate, we need to call biracial people biracial, so that we aren't
passed over when a black person is needed.
12448665, For the record, this is not my angle at all.
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Thu May-15-14 02:02 PM
>I already know the angle u r coming at this with (the African
>being amused by the inner race politics of

I'm a player in the politics as much as anybody else... this stuff is not frivolous to me at all.

>If people would only open up a book and read something about
>Nina Simone they would understand that this casting is deeper
>than cosmetics...I mean I even saw the word "hating"
>used...lol...Like for real?

I agree 100%.

I think Zoe Saldana should not play this role because of how she LOOKS. The aspect of her being Latino is not relevant, though.

But I think it is a valid question: Why was it okay for Denzel to be Malcolm X? One could argue that Malcolm's skin tone was also an essential part of his persona... I mean, cat was called "Red" when he was younger.

Why were were able to get past chocolate wonderboy Denzel playing him if we're so upset at Zoe's physical incongruity to Nina?

(I have my own theories about that, but I won't get into it)
Posted by John Forte, Thu May-15-14 02:04 PM
12448669, To be honest, I think the answer is in the glasses.
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Thu May-15-14 02:08 PM
12980798, a few things
Posted by MiracleRic, Tue Mar-01-16 02:16 PM
the glasses

and the fact that light-skin = pretty boy

denzel is a shade and a half short of "chocoloate" as i am myself

i get called light skin all the time and i'm darker than Malcolm too

all he had to do was act like-skinned and he was close enough to not ruin it...

it's not as if people envision Malcolm as light as Drake or anything...

people definitely view Nina as past chocolate though

it's multiple dynamics...Denzel considered light enough to pull off the pretty boy but Zoe not dark enough and far too conventionally attractive to pull off Nina

the darker makeup wouldn't be so bad if it didn't look like they were unsuccessfully trying to "uglify" her
12448678, RE: For the record, this is not my angle at all.
Posted by murph71, Thu May-15-14 02:16 PM
>>I already know the angle u r coming at this with (the
>>being amused by the inner race politics of
>I'm a player in the politics as much as anybody else... this
>stuff is not frivolous to me at all.
>>If people would only open up a book and read something about
>>Nina Simone they would understand that this casting is
>>than cosmetics...I mean I even saw the word "hating"
>>used...lol...Like for real?
>I agree 100%.
>I think Zoe Saldana should not play this role because of how
>she LOOKS. The aspect of her being Latino is not relevant,
>But I think it is a valid question: Why was it okay for Denzel
>to be Malcolm X? One could argue that Malcolm's skin tone was
>also an essential part of his persona... I mean, cat was
>called "Red" when he was younger.

Because Malcolm himself never made his looks part of his overall message...Malcolm never wrote specific songs about his looks...Malcolm never was quoted in interviews stating that it was important to him that other light skinned, red headed black kids saw another "red" succeed to give them some sense that they can be accepted on their own merits...

KAP.....Come on dog....lol

Let's bury THIS part of the discussion....Shit is silly...

12448694, ironically, back then...
Posted by Selah, Thu May-15-14 02:26 PM
....folks talked about how much Washington was able to pull off the look, sound, and mannerisms of Malcolm X (the word "channeled" was thrown around a lot)

more to your point though, perhaps a reason there was less umbrage about the casting then is because Washington had already done well playing malcolm x in plays AND has a much higher credibility as an actor than Soldana does particularly withing the "Black Acting Pantheon"

game recognize game

the swerve you all are pulling (why y'all ain't get mad when...) pokes at several sore sports

part of the reason folks are upset (not me, i'll wait to see how she actually does in he role) is because of the perception that there is a large group of Black actresses and talents that are untapped. similarly there is a belief that there aren't that many meaty roles for women of color. perhaps folks feel lime Soldana is "getting ALL the roles" and the other talented folks are being frozen out of those opportunities

likewise, and it seems that the selection of Soldana is more about $$$ (as acknowledged), on some who is Black and female we can throw in there?, that about art or paying respect to the "legacy" of Simone - who is pretty much venerated by the folks who know/care.

and finally: folks just seem to generally like being "mad" about something more nowadays than at any time I can personally recall
12448696, thoughtful reply
Posted by John Forte, Thu May-15-14 02:29 PM
Thank you
12448707, RE: ironically, back then...
Posted by murph71, Thu May-15-14 02:38 PM
>....folks talked about how much Washington was able to pull
>off the look, sound, and mannerisms of Malcolm X (the word
>"channeled" was thrown around a lot)
>more to your point though, perhaps a reason there was less
>umbrage about the casting then is because Washington had
>already done well playing malcolm x in plays AND has a much
>higher credibility as an actor than Soldana does particularly
>withing the "Black Acting Pantheon"

Yeah...this is true...But also? Denzel was a critical darling with an Oscar in his hand for Glory...So he was already viewed as a gifted actor...Something Zoe is not viewed as at this time...

As for the money angle...Well, yeah...Hollywood is all about the money...The problem though is this is being pitched as an "art-film"...Not a comedy or a big budget flick that has to do well in its first week to survive...

And yep...Some people just want to be mad...But they only feed into the premise that its all about Zoe not being dark enough to play Nina...

12448436, Nobody has a problem when Af-Ams play Africans or Jamaicans
Posted by John Forte, Thu May-15-14 11:28 AM
12448451, Morgan Freeman was criticized for playing Mandela
Posted by 8-bit, Thu May-15-14 11:36 AM
The casting of Jennifer Hudson as Winnie Mandela also caught caught flack (as well as Terrance Howard playing her husband).

There are probably others, but I'm not much of a film buff to be able to keep up with these things.
12448552, because they were both kind of terrible in their roles
Posted by woe.is.me., Thu May-15-14 12:44 PM
>The casting of Jennifer Hudson as Winnie Mandela also caught
>caught flack (as well as Terrance Howard playing her

though a South African friend did tell me she was impressed with Howard's Xhosa. Not sure how widely held that opinion is.
12448471, Yeah...you say that....
Posted by Pete Burns, Thu May-15-14 11:48 AM
*remembers 'The Mighty Quinn'*


What the blood claaat???
12448473, nah, people were outraged because the culture was carricatured
Posted by John Forte, Thu May-15-14 11:49 AM
not because they chose an AfAm actor.
12448506, Nah, I was pissed off that they couldn't even do the accent.
Posted by Pete Burns, Thu May-15-14 12:09 PM


None of them.


What the blood claaat???
12448520, yes...yes they do
Posted by lfresh, Thu May-15-14 12:22 PM

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12448443, Jennifer Lopez did a great job in Selena btw. probably
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Thu May-15-14 11:31 AM
her only decent acting role.
12448444, U-Turn, Out of Sight
Posted by John Forte, Thu May-15-14 11:33 AM
She was a good actress until they started putting her in rom-coms and having her play Greeks and Italians.
12448449, I've always liked her as an actress. Much better
Posted by luvlee2003, Thu May-15-14 11:36 AM
actor than singer. But I think she'd rather keep trying at the singing thing than go hard with acting. Sucks.

12448569, forgot about those movies. Add The Cell to the list
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Thu May-15-14 12:54 PM
especially since she was walking around in her underwear.
12448434, This will be in the $5 movie bin quickly
Posted by MistaGoodBar, Thu May-15-14 11:25 AM
Netflix will have it in a month

12448457, I have no desire to see this
Posted by John Forte, Thu May-15-14 11:40 AM
but somebody gotta stir the pot
12448453, nah
Posted by Nick Has a Problem...Seriously, Thu May-15-14 11:38 AM
12448480, Black people are so fucking stupid.
Posted by ansomble, Thu May-15-14 11:54 AM
No one was whining when JGL was wearing a prosthetic nose and makeup to look like Bruce Lee in Looper.

Just love to complain about nothing.

A goddamn NINA SIMONE biopic is being made on a REAL budget, most people have NO IDEA WHO SHE IS and all you niggas can focus on is if the nigga playing Nina is nigga enough.

12448483, it's especially imporant BECAUSE ppl don't know who Nina is.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu May-15-14 11:56 AM
and this introduction via this movie w/that actress in the lead role is likely to give ppl the wrong impression of Nina and what she was about.
12449098, and this is why people should not be using movies as
Posted by b.Touch, Thu May-15-14 11:29 PM
historical education tools.

It's a narrative film. It's a work of historical fiction, emphasis on "fiction". Even if they had picked a Nina Simone lookalike, the story is still heavily fictionalized to fit the desired narrative that will fill a two hour story and attracted the average American moviegoer to the cinema.

It is not a documentary. It is not a scholarly work. It is not even a biography in the literary sense. It's a damn movie.

This movie, by the look of it, could very well turn out to be horrible. Awful, even. It doesn't mean that Nina Simone is awful or that an indie art film made without her heirs' input should be taken as a definitive statement on her life. Yes, people will take it that way, but that's their problem.

I'm going to save this and copy/paste it every time a movie based on a real person or event comes out because I feel like I am forever pointing this out every time.
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Sat May-17-14 07:52 AM
Say it again
12448493, It's pure blackness policing
Posted by John Forte, Thu May-15-14 12:01 PM
12448516, she looks stupid tho
Posted by Mahogany, Thu May-15-14 12:14 PM
Like its not even a good makeup job. For this to be a big budget movie you would think they would do better. She looks like she's doing a comedy skit

Not to mention Nina Simone's looks are a huge part of her story. You really can't compare biopics and who looked like what because the way the person looked may not be that important in the grand scheme of things, but to handle it like this in this particular instance is not a good look imo

I don't even know how Zoe could look at herself made up like that and not be even a lil bit embarrassed...it just doesn't feel right.

12818409, But Bey could play Etta James, tho.
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Sun May-31-15 11:31 PM

I'll letchall haddat.
12818419, if they were trying to get someone to do an accurate depiction, no.
Posted by b.Touch, Mon Jun-01-15 12:02 AM
But "Cadillac Records" even being made was partially about Sony and Beyonce finding a movie to make Beyonce look like a viable movie star.

And to be honest, people looked at Beyonce sideways when "Cadillac Records" came out too. Also, Nina Simone, I would argue, is more popular and has a far more devoted fan base than Etta James in the modern era.
12818709, Bey was way closer to Etta James than
Posted by StephBMore, Mon Jun-01-15 11:09 AM
Zoe is to Nina.

I mean, how can you really compare the two.

Beyonce and Etta:

Zoe and Nina:

Zoe is in black face, doesn't have the same features, and just looks ridiculous. Beyonce just put on a blond wig.
12448522, No.
Posted by lfresh, Thu May-15-14 12:23 PM

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12448573, Hope you're saying the same about the Fantastic Four backlash.
Posted by MistaGoodBar, Thu May-15-14 12:57 PM
12448794, this actually isn't being made on that real of a budget
Posted by b.Touch, Thu May-15-14 03:42 PM
Estimated budget is $7 million - a third of the cost of your average Tyler Perry movie. It's some Hollywood lady's pet indie project.
12448862, ^^^finds black ppl annoying in general
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Thu May-15-14 04:36 PM
I be seeing how some of u niggas post over the year smh
12450020, It was to look like Bruce Willis bruh NOT Bruce Lee.
Posted by no_i_cant_dance, Fri May-16-14 03:15 PM
12450125, If they'd used makeup to make JGL look Bruce Lee...
Posted by Frank Longo, Fri May-16-14 04:28 PM
... there'd be backlash.
12450144, Exactly & Asian Americans rightfully had a fit about The Last Airbender
Posted by no_i_cant_dance, Fri May-16-14 04:46 PM
b/c of the makeup, prosthetics, & overall whitewashing of that movie.

*sidenote* Ever since Angels in the Outfield, I swore JGL was happa.
I was shocked to find out he was white & that Keanu + Zach Morris were happa, blew my little mind lol.
12980810, its not just bc she not dark though...it's like casting me as Biggy
Posted by MiracleRic, Tue Mar-01-16 02:30 PM
its bc of how her darkness influenced people (and her) views of her attractiveness and how that impacted the art

that's it...it's integral to her character that she not be light nor considered and unattractive by euro-centric ass standards

it's like Jamie Foxx not acting blind...it's too key to fuck up with shitty makeup

and it's partially about complexion too...aint no way that this can't be considered a bad casting unless she really has the chops to convince us our eyes don't work
12448498, RE: First Pic of Zoe Saldana as Nina Simone
Posted by murph71, Thu May-15-14 12:05 PM
>And Black (female) Twitter is also hating.

Actually...everybody--black, white, brown, purple--should be hating...
12449099, for what? Let this movie fall on its own sword.
Posted by b.Touch, Thu May-15-14 11:31 PM
All the hating and outrage will only serve to raise the movie's profile and make it into more of an issue (and probably more of a success from curious lookie-loos) than it deserves.
12448502, I wonder how Nina Simone would feel about this
Posted by dafriquan, Thu May-15-14 12:07 PM
Alot of times when you ask people, "Who would play you in your Hollywood biography?", they often just pick an actor they really like with minimal consideration for what the actor looks like.

Ps Did Nina Simone end up marrying or living with a white man? For such a big fan of her music, I know very little of her life after 1980.
12818444, I don't think anyone can call it.
Posted by AFRICAN, Mon Jun-01-15 01:31 AM
As much as she embodied Blackness she had a lot of internal turmoil with race.
I posted this swipe awhile backbut it was an interesting read.
12448513, I see....
Posted by murph71, Thu May-15-14 12:13 PM

the eye-wink troll/Contrarian contingent are walking hand-in-hand on this one...lol
12448564, whats the problem? hands aint black enough?
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu May-15-14 12:53 PM
I need to see a clip before faking outrage
12448567, well, she needs some controversy before finishing Avatar 2, 3 & 4.
Posted by Fructose Soda, Thu May-15-14 12:53 PM
She's doing to the public in movies what John Forte is doing to us with this post.
12448579, They should have picked someone from the help if they wanted
Posted by ndibs, Thu May-15-14 01:01 PM
Mainstream audiences aka white people to care...

I know they don't care what we think.

It's too bad nobody is going to see this movie.
12448599, wouldn't get greenlit
Posted by John Forte, Thu May-15-14 01:18 PM
Zoe black, but not black enough and they mad. There would be a fraction of this outrage if they cast Nia Long or Gabrielle Union
12448649, RE: wouldn't get greenlit
Posted by murph71, Thu May-15-14 01:50 PM
>Zoe black, but not black enough and they mad. There would be
>a fraction of this outrage if they cast Nia Long or Gabrielle

That Strawman has gone Godzilla on us ya'll!!!!

Hide the women and children!!!!
12448650, I like it. Very intense
Posted by kevgalaxy, Thu May-15-14 01:51 PM
12448661, she looks strangely...orange
Posted by Selah, Thu May-15-14 01:55 PM
very strange looking pic

if you didn't already *know* she was supposed to be nina simone, and saw that pic, what are the chances that you would GUESS that is who she was supposed to be?

like zero?

12448731, The fuck is wrong with yall?
Posted by GrumpySmurf, Thu May-15-14 02:50 PM
12448735, She's a very gifted actress. I'm sure she'll do great in this role.
Posted by Vex_id, Thu May-15-14 02:54 PM
I think she's under-regarded as an actress.
Her work in "Out of the Furnace" was excellent.

12449052, RE: She's a very gifted actress. I'm sure she'll do great in this role.
Posted by j0510, Thu May-15-14 09:55 PM
>I think she's under-regarded as an actress.
>Her work in "Out of the Furnace" was excellent.

Her work ethic is unbelievable.

12448736, I just worry about her unremarkable acting
Posted by mwasi kitoko, Thu May-15-14 02:54 PM
12448738, Zoe as Nina inspired this
Posted by John Forte, Thu May-15-14 02:55 PM

Black twitter clearly doesn't think Zoe is black.
12448741, This makes me sad.
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Thu May-15-14 02:58 PM
12448747, I should have shared this earler
Posted by John Forte, Thu May-15-14 03:05 PM
to show that I wasn't strawmanning
12448754, That's wack.
Posted by 8-bit, Thu May-15-14 03:15 PM
I brought up her being Latina above just to bring it up, but that really has nothing to do with my opinion of her suitability for this particular role. For me, it's more about her appearance (and honestly, I don't know if she has the chops to authentically channel Nina). If they would have cast Solange or Kerry Washington I'd have the same issue. I don't question Zoe's Blackness at all here, I question "why her, over other actresses that actually look a lot more like Nina?"*

*I think someone mentioned that SHE chose this role, and not the other way around, so that kinda negates the whole discussion about "why not..."
12448757, that is very ugly.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu May-15-14 03:17 PM
12448848, so, that can't just be jokes?
Posted by Selah, Thu May-15-14 04:24 PM
on some "lets pile on with our own opposite" comparisons?

you don't see how you're putting words in their mouth with the whole "they don't think she's black (enough)"?

i know "black on black crime" is the meme folks wanna run with but really dog?


tom hanks as fredrick douglas *IS* funny
12448863, All jokes have a premise.
Posted by Monkey Genius, Thu May-15-14 04:37 PM
12448871, sometimes you gotta laugh to keep from crying
Posted by Selah, Thu May-15-14 04:44 PM
that's pretty much the basis for most of Black comedy in America


12448806, The hate will probably drive more box office returns
Posted by b.Touch, Thu May-15-14 03:51 PM
than this indie pic would have otherwise drawn.

So, everybody wins.

I'm probably just going to ignore this film unless I hear that I need to do otherwise.

It is fun, however, to read the uninformed "WHY DIDN'T THEY CAST XXXX" commentary and the commentary about how "Hollywood" - some sort of hive-mind bog, I imagine - hates black people so "they" did this to "us".
12449150, this movie was gonna brick when it was to star Mary & will do same w/Zoe
Posted by Bombastic, Fri May-16-14 03:49 AM
12449155, Oh, it'll still flop - but it'll gross like $500K extra now
Posted by b.Touch, Fri May-16-14 04:16 AM
from "the curious".

Not enough to make an impact.

Odd that Mary J. Blige, _no one's actress_, let's be clear, didn't receive a twentieth of the hate Zoe Saldana is getting. It was mostly a mix of indifference tinged with concern.

Now, I _understand_ why Saldana is getting the backlash she's getting...it's just sociologically interesting how much the appearance of the actress is valued over their ability to, well, act when people play armchair casting director.
12450075, Agreed.
Posted by Bombastic, Fri May-16-14 03:57 PM
>from "the curious".
>Not enough to make an impact.
>Odd that Mary J. Blige, _no one's actress_, let's be clear,
>didn't receive a twentieth of the hate Zoe Saldana is getting.
>It was mostly a mix of indifference tinged with concern.
>Now, I _understand_ why Saldana is getting the backlash she's
>getting...it's just sociologically interesting how much the
>appearance of the actress is valued over their ability to,
>well, act when people play armchair casting director.
12448818, OH BUT THIS WAS FINE??
Posted by BlaizeBlack26, Thu May-15-14 04:02 PM
this guy

playing this guy

12448830, "Why Do Fools Fall in Love" was not well reviewed when it
Posted by b.Touch, Thu May-15-14 04:10 PM
came out.

One of the key complaints was that casting - not even just because they didn't look alike, but that they tried to pass off a grown man as a very young teenager and Larenz Tate made no attempt to play a 1950s/1960s young black man instead of O-Dog or Willie Fuffner.
12448850, who was gonna play him.......gary coleman?
Posted by Selah, Thu May-15-14 04:25 PM


i LOVE that movie (why do fools...)

that's that grade-A, C-plus black cinema

we didn't know how good we had it back then relative to just being able to go see some blackfolks not having to be "representative of the people" all the time

it's definitely on the so-bad-its-good playlist

ANY movie with halle berry going all sistagirl is g-o-l-d
12448857, I actually think it's a very good base script
Posted by b.Touch, Thu May-15-14 04:33 PM
the problems are all in the execution to me.
12448865, nah b...the execution was what makes it hilarious
Posted by Selah, Thu May-15-14 04:39 PM
some stuff is great for how great it isn't
12448870, I'm offended in part by the execution because my hometown is depicted
Posted by b.Touch, Thu May-15-14 04:43 PM
as one of the film's main settings, and they shot those scenes in the most country corner of another city in another southern state that they could find.
12448873, budget man
Posted by Selah, Thu May-15-14 04:45 PM
they ain't got no money for all that realism
12448878, I dunno. That movie doesn't look that cheap
Posted by b.Touch, Thu May-15-14 04:51 PM
It was made after Gregory Nava had a big hit with "Selena" and after Disney had their own music period piece biopic with "What's Love Got to Do with It"

My problems are all in the acting and the direction. Gregory Nava may not have been the best choice - it def feels like he couldn't connect to the film or properly establish the tone.

And then there's Larenz & Vivica's acting...

There is a really, really nice tracking shot when we first go back into the past to see Frankie Lymon & the Teenagers on stage.
12448885, they made that mess for $12 and some cheese fries
Posted by Selah, Thu May-15-14 04:54 PM
you went into a VIVICA FOX movie looking for acting and direction

12448890, :( LOL
Posted by b.Touch, Thu May-15-14 04:59 PM
The rest of the cast of Soul Food did fine in spite of her!
12450328, You stupid.
Posted by godleeluv, Fri May-16-14 10:57 PM

♥♥Church Diva♥♥
12818411, Reboot. Get me Bobbe J. on the phone.
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Sun May-31-15 11:36 PM
12448841, Good news! The director hates the movie too! (swipe)
Posted by b.Touch, Thu May-15-14 04:19 PM

Nina Simone Biopic Director, Cynthia Mort, Files Lawsuit Against Film's Production Company
Posted: 05/15/2014 1:05 pm EDT Updated: 2 hours ago Print ArticleNINA SIMONE

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The highly-anticipated Nina Simone biopic, “Nina,” is set to make its debut during a screening at this year’s annual Cannes Film Festival on Thursday, but a new lawsuit filed by the film’s director, Cynthia Mort, is the latest source of controversy for the film.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Mort filed a motion in Los Angeles Superior Court against the film’s production company, Ealing Studios Enterprises Limited, alleging a breach of the terms outlined in her contract as director, which reportedly affected the filmmaker’s decision-making on the project.

"She worked tirelessly to prepare the Film for a wide and successful commercial release," says the lawsuit. "Yet, throughout the course of the Film's production and post-production, Defendants consistently acted to frustrate Mort's involvement in the Film, thereby breaching the Director Agreement. These breaches by the Defendants include, but are not limited to: taking complete control of editing the Film in June 2013 and failing to consult with Mort about subsequent cuts and changes; abandoning Mort's previous cuts of the Film; failing to disclose the Film's financials, finishing budget, and financing deals; and failing to keep Mort informed of other crucial creative and budgetary developments and decisions throughout production and post-production of the Film."

The film chronicling the life of the late jazz icon was also engulfed in controversy surrounding the casting of Zoe Saldana, which led to a Change.org petition requesting the replacement of the Afro-Latina actress with "an actress who actually looks like Nina Simone."

The “Avatar” star responded to the widespread backlash during a 2013 pre-Oscar event, where she shared her thoughts on the negative comments.

“The reality is what keeps me focused and what kept me from I guess getting stressed or being hurt by the comments is that I’m doing it for my sisters,” she said. “I’m doing it for my brothers. I don’t care who tells me that I am not this and I am not that. I know who I am and I know what Nina Simone means to me. So that is my truth and that set me free.”
12448864, I'll catch it on a movie channel, that pic makes me even less interested
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Thu May-15-14 04:38 PM
In seeing this film, but i will prolly watch it eventually
12448907, they should've gotten india arie.
Posted by kinetic94761180, Thu May-15-14 05:34 PM
12448909, Yeah, she's a far better actress
Posted by John Forte, Thu May-15-14 05:37 PM
12448927, this is one instance where you CAN be too pretty
Posted by Grand_Royal, Thu May-15-14 06:09 PM
12450329, smh
Posted by godleeluv, Fri May-16-14 10:58 PM

♥♥Church Diva♥♥
12449040, RE: First Pic of Zoe Hellnada as Nina Simone
Posted by darius heyward bey, Thu May-15-14 09:31 PM
Chick from Pariah woulda "fit" better.

12449080, She auditioned, was in the running, and did not get picked.
Posted by b.Touch, Thu May-15-14 10:52 PM
12451017, She was great in parish
Posted by GirlChild, Sun May-18-14 06:11 PM
Horrible in 12 ys a slave
12449056, The fact that India Arie has been brought up by multiple people...
Posted by daryloneal, Thu May-15-14 10:12 PM
in different places on this topic just shows how ridiculous many people are being about this.
12449082, Well, that's why these folks don't work as casting directors
Posted by b.Touch, Thu May-15-14 10:58 PM
in Hollywood.

India.Arie played Nina Simone before - in a guest-shot on a TV show in 2003 ("American Dreams"). That and one other part are literally the only times she has ever acted in mainstream media. Who's going to bankroll a film behind her?

While you will never hear me say hiring Zoe Saldana and slathering mud on her face is a good idea (maybe just having her naturally tan - or just using better makeup - would be better), neither is hiring a non-actress musician who hasn't really been what is considered famous since before the recession as the lead in a movie you want to sell tickets too.

Looking like Nina Simone isn't going to carry India Arie through a two hour picture.
12450158, I mean mary j blige was supposed to play her initially...
Posted by Mahogany, Fri May-16-14 05:01 PM
12450184, I woulda caught the movie on BET just to see
Posted by b.Touch, Fri May-16-14 05:30 PM
Nina Simone doing The Mary onstage in a scene set in 1960-something, lol
12449156, I'm not trying to sass or snark wit hthis
Posted by b.Touch, Fri May-16-14 04:25 AM
I genuinely want to know: what would you have done?

As I understand it, the financiers backing the project wanted a bankable star to replace Mary J. Blige when she dropped out. That's obviously a short list in Hollywood, and Zoe Saldana was apparently the only person free to shoot when they needed her (which was like six weeks or so after he casting was announced) on that short list.

What would _you_ have done, OKCastingDirectors, if the money people said "either you cast Zoe Saldana or there's no movie"? I ask because I sincerely couldn't answer that definitively one way or the other. One could just close one's eyes and point, like the Genie in "Aladdin" when Jafar turned him evil, but my name is still going to be on this damn movie, which I'm certain will be a panned bomb.

On the other hand, everything else was already in place to start filming, the director had been trying to make this picture for nearly a decade, and if we refuse to cast ole girl, somebody's gonna end up on the hook. Probably not the casting director, but blame fingers will be pointed and people will "remember" this incident in the future.

I don't want you to have sympathy for a bad decision, mind you I dunno what sort of loan sharks Jimmy Iovine & Paul Rosenberg (they're the producers) brought in on this picture, but is it at all possible that they could have found their seven million elsewhere or was it too late? They've taken this thing to Cannes in hopes of getting an American distributor to pick it up, but who wants this thing?
12450159, I would've waited
Posted by Mahogany, Fri May-16-14 05:05 PM
Im sure that's not how it always goes in hollywood, but I wouldn't want to put all that time and effort into it knowing it's not gonna be what I want it to be.

But that's just me.

Viola Davis was busy too? She seems like the obvious choice for the role.
12450181, when this shit first went down 2 years ago
Posted by b.Touch, Fri May-16-14 05:29 PM
I IMDb'd everyone everyone was naming as alternates (who were actually actors and could ideally open a picture)

Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer, etc - they were all currently filming pictures and had like three or four on deck.

And as much emphasis has been placed on the argument that Zoe Saldana could open a film better than the girl from Pariah or *insert OKFamous actor or non-acting singer here*, I betcha her "indie discounted quote" is still lower than Davis' or Spencer's.
12450234, i wouldn't have cast MJB to begin with.
Posted by SoWhat, Fri May-16-14 07:27 PM
so i'm already not myself in this hypo.

given that, i would've rolled w/Zoe.

12449159, Zoe should have been cast as Storm and Viola Davis should be Nina Simone
Posted by munehamon, Fri May-16-14 04:39 AM
Lets not forget Viola has an Oscar and Zoe does not, for those if you keeping score. Hell Viola already has the hair texture and skin color. Zoe running around with makeup to darken her skin, afro wigs that look a hot mess and a prosthetic nose.. SMMFH

Whoopie Goldberg was Nina Simone's choice for who would play her in a film, that should tell you something right there !

12450327, I feel you
Posted by godleeluv, Fri May-16-14 10:55 PM
♥♥Church Diva♥♥
12450347, Viola Davis has never won an Oscar.
Posted by b.Touch, Sat May-17-14 02:18 AM
And she wasn't available when they were filming.
12450727, RE: Viola Davis has never won an Oscar.
Posted by munehamon, Sun May-18-14 02:57 AM
Thanx, I stand corrected.. Viola was nominated

My brain is stuck in pre Oscar hype confusion mode.. lol
12450386, RE: Zoe should have been cast as Storm and Viola Davis should be Nina Simone
Posted by murph71, Sat May-17-14 07:36 AM

>Whoopie Goldberg was Nina Simone's choice for who would play
>her in a film, that should tell you something right there !

And this....^^^^
12450728, RE: First Pic of Zoe Saldana as Nina Simone
Posted by munehamon, Sun May-18-14 03:15 AM
Even Nina's brother wanted Viola Davis...

The real B.S. is the fact the story is based on a fictional love affair between Nina and this white dude named Clifton Henderson who was Nina's assistant and gay. The love affair never happened.. What the fuck!!!!??

Some white Latina name Cynthia Mort is directing and writing this film. Now I don't have an issue with a white person directing a film about a black person, though when you add in all the other bullshit surrounding this film it seems as though Cynthia is out for self, using this film as a means to spring board her career and cares nothing about a historical figure of Nina's magnitude.

Up until this "Nina" film Cynthia had only directed episodes of "Rosanne" and another show named "Tell me you love me" and a TV movie in 2011.. thats essentually it.. SMH

IMO Zoe was picked because she is considered by the white establishment to be more palatable to white folks who in general can't handle someone closer to Nina's facial features and complexion. Adding in a fabricated relationship with a white man is further evidence to the pandering to white audiences. God forbid if Nina is up there hugging and kissing on another person of color. Thats too much black on black screen time... rolleyes..

Hell they will probably either omit the song "Mississippi Goddamn" or change the title to "Mississippi Gosh Darn-nit"


12450741, 1. See post #134.
Posted by b.Touch, Sun May-18-14 05:38 AM
2. I keep telling y'all this is just a TV writer's pet indie art film project - it's not a major Hollywood production, and a lot of the bad decisions make sense when you look at the lack of experience and the money people controlling the project. It it very likely to fail entirely on its own without all of the think-piecing.

3. Zoe Saldana was cast because she was the closets thing to a black movie star they could toss into the film as the lead before they started shooting.

4. The Clifton Henderson character is being played by David Oyelowo, who is very much not white. If the actual person in real life was white, that makes this whole thing doubly amusing - they bought the life rights from Henderson to make the film, sort of the same way they bought the life rights from Louis McKay to make "Lady Sings the Blues" and depicted McLay as a saint compared to helpless, pot-swinging drug addict Billie Holliday.

5. Yeah, it's heavily fictionalized, just like a lot of so-called "biopics" are (see also: the aforementioned "Lady Sings the Blues"). I don't consider fictionalization of actual people/events a bad thing when making a biopic (and, well, neither do most of the people who make those films): I consider making a bad movie a bad thing. If people watch a movie and really think Tina Turner had a friend named Jackie in real life and that Ike actually sexually assaulted her in the recording booth, then that's on them. That movie worked because it was good. This one is likely not to work because it looks a mess, even beyond fictionalization.
12450919, Well, nobody bought the movie at Cannes,.
Posted by b.Touch, Sun May-18-14 03:21 PM
Likely because the director is suing.

I haven't seen any reviews or "buzz" over the film. It may very well be dead, dying, or close enough.
12815017, APparently, eOne and Universal DID buy it and just kept it quiet
Posted by b.Touch, Tue May-26-15 05:49 PM
because of the lawsuit.

Aaaaand it's coming out.

Aaaaaand UGH.

12815038, RE: APparently, eOne and Universal DID buy it and just kept it quiet
Posted by murph71, Tue May-26-15 06:13 PM
>because of the lawsuit.
>Aaaaand it's coming out.
>Aaaaaand UGH.

So fucked up in every way....
12945896, I just want people to know...
Posted by murph71, Sat Dec-19-15 07:38 PM

This post happened....
12945935, Lol...
Posted by Sarah_Bellum, Sat Dec-19-15 11:35 PM


12945972, It was good too
Posted by John Forte, Sun Dec-20-15 09:19 AM
12945944, so...just watch the documentary on Netflix instead?
Posted by TRENDone, Sun Dec-20-15 12:23 AM
12945948, RE: so...just watch the documentary on Netflix instead?
Posted by murph71, Sun Dec-20-15 01:51 AM

what a fantastic idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12945979, ........
Posted by murph71, Sun Dec-20-15 10:29 AM


12980737, Damn she darker than in the first pics
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Mar-01-16 01:27 PM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
12980739, Zoe is not lightskinned to begin with.
Posted by Teknontheou, Tue Mar-01-16 01:29 PM
12980780, Her features will lead to someone saying she's light skinned, she's
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Tue Mar-01-16 02:02 PM
more caramel/light brown than anything. Still far from Nina though.
12980799, ^^^
Posted by MiracleRic, Tue Mar-01-16 02:16 PM
12980740, RE: Damn she darker than in the first pics
Posted by murph71, Tue Mar-01-16 01:29 PM

This shit is a mockery and a disaster.....
12980777, why? is it just the skin tone?
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Mar-01-16 02:00 PM
I'm more concerned with the acting

12980782, RE: why? is it just the skin tone?
Posted by murph71, Tue Mar-01-16 02:04 PM
>I'm more concerned with the acting

It;s the skin tone...it's the acting...it's the fake nose....It's EVERYTHING that Nina Simone stood for...U can pretty much take your pick...lol
12981009, Disrespectful af, I hope it flops.
Posted by no_i_cant_dance, Tue Mar-01-16 06:37 PM
12981685, Who wore it better? http://i.imgur.com/gVGhO9K.png
Posted by Innocent Criminal, Wed Mar-02-16 10:52 PM
12981705, The Trailer!
Posted by Sarah_Bellum, Thu Mar-03-16 01:11 AM

You tell me if you think this is good....
or otherwise!

I was sitting on the sofa an my SO heard the opening song and asked verbatim "is that a white woman singing?"

David Oyelowo deserves a swift kick in the ass for producing and participating too.

12981709, i couldn't even finish the trailer
Posted by astralblak, Thu Mar-03-16 01:34 AM
She looks ridiculoid

and the tone seems like melodrama halmark bullshit

please watch the Documentary y'all

fuck this shit.
12981935, She looks soooo ridiculous
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Mar-03-16 01:25 PM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
12981943, The voice.... She ain't even got the voice down AT ALL!
Posted by Sarah_Bellum, Thu Mar-03-16 01:35 PM
Nina had such a specific vocal character and tone.
The makeup looks like someone melted brown crayola crayons on her face. The acting is bad. The prosthetic nose?!?!
I imagine after the director saw she couldn't act no parts of this role they probably threw the paint on her so people would know who the fuck she was supposed to be. It's like on Halloween when kids show up at your door and you have no idea what the fuck they are.


12981711, Nina Simone's estate with the fire tweets!
Posted by Sarah_Bellum, Thu Mar-03-16 02:17 AM

I saw the never ending reaction gifs and it made me long for the old days of okay player.


12981715, Dayum!
Posted by Pete Burns, Thu Mar-03-16 03:39 AM
12981719, RE: Nina Simone's estate with the fire tweets!
Posted by murph71, Thu Mar-03-16 07:13 AM

Not mad....At all....
12981968, Right?!
Posted by Paps_Smear, Thu Mar-03-16 02:00 PM
>I saw the never ending reaction gifs and it made me long for
>the old days of okay player.

12981712, This is the same problem I had with the Steve Jobs movie....
Posted by rorschach, Thu Mar-03-16 03:31 AM
The problem is that Zoe bears such little resemblance to Nina Simone that it becomes a distraction.

And I'm not buying the idea that someone else couldn't have played Nina Simone. Viola Davis is an Emmy-winning actress on ABC's most popular block of television. I wonder why there wasn't a push to offer that role to her.
12981721, RE: This is the same problem I had with the Steve Jobs movie....
Posted by murph71, Thu Mar-03-16 07:42 AM
>The problem is that Zoe bears such little resemblance to Nina
>Simone that it becomes a distraction.
>And I'm not buying the idea that someone else couldn't have
>played Nina Simone. Viola Davis is an Emmy-winning actress on
>ABC's most popular block of television. I wonder why there
>wasn't a push to offer that role to her.

Yeah...I had issues with that joke of Steve Jobs movie starring Ashton Kutcher....But that Aaron Sorkin Steve Jobs film? The look of the main actor was not a concern....At all (at least for me...)

This Nina Simone film is on a whole other level of ridiculousness and disrespect....
12981960, Looking like the old Kizzy Kinte
Posted by kevb, Thu Mar-03-16 01:50 PM
that was bad