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Topic subject"shiftless" is that big of a pejorative?
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12401571, "shiftless" is that big of a pejorative?
Posted by chinyre, Thu Apr-03-14 02:55 PM

English isn't my first language so pardon me and explain something to me.

I was talking to a friend yesterday and he basically clutched his pearls because I called someone shiftless (which they were). Mind you this guy calls people all kinds of hos and bitches. He basically said that calling someone shiftless is like damning that person. Meanwhile the dictionary states it is a lazy directionless person. Is this a southern/eastern thing?
12401579, what's your mother language?
Posted by Deadzombie, Thu Apr-03-14 02:58 PM
no, it's not that big a deal.

it's more a commentary. less of a joke or sensationalizing.

still very offensive.
12401593, tagalog (Philippines)
Posted by chinyre, Thu Apr-03-14 03:05 PM

So its not big a deal but is it worse than calling someone a bitch or cunt or ho?

Is there a historical basis as to why it's so offensive. Cause on paper it doesn't sound that offensive
12401588, To (B)lack men it is
Posted by 8-bit, Thu Apr-03-14 03:02 PM
It's how we've been stereotyped since we've been here.
12401597, and it has a 'special' meaning to us.
Posted by spades, Thu Apr-03-14 03:06 PM
Basically, calling a black man shiftless is the equivalent of saying he's a loser/POS, etc.

It is a HEAVY term.
12401615, I see. I'm gonna need another term
Posted by chinyre, Thu Apr-03-14 03:13 PM
In its place then.
12401599, yeah because it's usually followed by 'negro'
Posted by ALmighty44, Thu Apr-03-14 03:09 PM
Thanks for reminding me...I need to hit my friend's mom up for some lumpia
12401626, I hear ya. I want some lumpia too but
Posted by chinyre, Thu Apr-03-14 03:17 PM
It's such a hassle to make.
12401678, haha
Posted by ALmighty44, Thu Apr-03-14 03:40 PM
That's why I ask her to make it.
12401936, Ugh, how lazy and shiftless of you
Posted by Mgmt, Thu Apr-03-14 08:08 PM
>It's such a hassle to make.
12401957, I'll be that
Posted by chinyre, Thu Apr-03-14 08:47 PM

Cause making lumpia by hand is a bitch.
12401994, Naw it ain't
Posted by Mgmt, Thu Apr-03-14 09:44 PM
>Cause making lumpia by hand is a bitch.

Fresh or shanghai?
The only thing about Shanghai is breaking out the fryer
12402000, Both but more shanghai
Posted by chinyre, Thu Apr-03-14 09:59 PM

Hey if you're all for it make some and send some to me
12401623, basically means that person isn't shit
Posted by Zion3Lion, Thu Apr-03-14 03:16 PM
Used to be one of my favorite words in early 2000s
12401641, I like the word. it's so efficient
Posted by chinyre, Thu Apr-03-14 03:21 PM

It encompasses everything I want to describe in one word short of calling something a pos. But if it's that loaded then I'm going to stop using it.
12401642, it's often used to emasculate.
Posted by MiQL, Thu Apr-03-14 03:22 PM
12401676, I don't want to emasculated anybody..
Posted by chinyre, Thu Apr-03-14 03:39 PM
12401648, See also, uppity
Posted by John Forte, Thu Apr-03-14 03:24 PM
12401724, you stumbled into a loaded historical term
Posted by lfresh, Thu Apr-03-14 04:14 PM
and a stereotype used to describe black males

"The Shiftless Negro"

if you are in the mood to read:



When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12401730, Wow. Thank you I'm definitely going to read
Posted by chinyre, Thu Apr-03-14 04:23 PM

I mean I've read/heard somethings before but
I didn't get the historic implications and how it affects the Black man today.
12401969, ip you tella that to pive men
Posted by deejboram, Thu Apr-03-14 09:04 PM
i dont think you will like the results
12401972, Terrible! lol
Posted by Sarah_Bellum, Thu Apr-03-14 09:07 PM


“The morality of work is fading because people can see that whether they’re working or not, they’re not being rewarded according to their efforts.”

My sites...
12401999, What are they going to do to me?
Posted by chinyre, Thu Apr-03-14 09:56 PM
12401988, I'm a white dude in my 30s. I read that subject line and winced.
Posted by magilla vanilla, Thu Apr-03-14 09:39 PM
Yeah, man. That shit is LOADED.
12402002, What are you trying to say I'm crass
Posted by chinyre, Thu Apr-03-14 10:03 PM

And insensitive?

Cause tthat's true. I don't disagree.
12895714, I have a friend who had a baby with a non-black women. When she called
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Sep-14-15 02:49 PM
their son "lazy" because he hasn't learned to walk yet (he is about 16 months), we were all like "that don't sound right".

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star - https://goo.gl/jBHbVv
Appropriate Behavior - http://goo.gl/isCzTM