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Topic subjectidk how much okp was all that open then
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13504267&mesg_id=13504610
13504610, idk how much okp was all that open then
Posted by Mynoriti, Tue May-21-24 06:29 PM
there were just more people before

I mainly hung out in ptp and sometimes sports, bc GD as entertaining as it could be was way too cliquish. But the dogpiling and nastiness was still there and often worse(again, way more people) You had your against the grain type posters, some were trolling and some just with differing opinions, but basically Expertise was often the lone conservative, and even though I liked watching people tear him down, it often felt like 10% of someone ripping his arguments and 90% of people calling him stupid and not really addressing anything he said. CaseOne (second time I brought him up today) was an admitted troll at times but had his beliefs. He was kinda masterful in baiting people into feeling like they could be shitty as they wanted to him

Twitter felt like a much larger worse version, X is an uglier place imo but more free. I suppose i prefer it in its alloverthrplaceness

I agree in a general sense on this place. People should feel free to speak their mind... but just saying that makes people want to pounce like "lol who says u can't speak your mind". I don't know anyone’s reason for leaving but I've def seen my share of, 'nobody wants you here' type shit thru the years