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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectAll facts, and I appreciate your response.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13502359&mesg_id=13502682
13502682, All facts, and I appreciate your response.
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Thu Apr-25-24 06:29 PM
I really didn't want you to say all of this and only get the dismissive response you got.

>- the access to capital is effectively non-existent for the
>strata of black america...
>- no group of people got their "wealth" through
>entrepreneurship, they were attained or "given" via political
>programs... (see Dr. King "coming to get our check..."

Yvette Carnell talks a lot about the gov't intervention point as well. I have trouble understanding why so many refuse to grasp that. I understand us having a "gotta get it ourselves" mentality, but that's not how the capitalism game is played at the highest level. Elon Musk gets got BILLIONS in federal grants and contracts for SpaceX. They not giving my Black ass that kind of money no matter how good my idea, and would rather kill me and put a white face on my idea than do so, but I digress.

>...I strongly encourage people to read his "Myth & Propaganda
>of Black Buying Power" books... latest edition was released
>...and to check out Black Power Media on YouTube... they have
>great content and analysis with levity.

^^ That's where OKP is going to bow out and opt for dismissing you or calling you names. I takes time to understand where someone is coming from with such ideas, mostly because they go so directly against what so many Black people have been taught to believe. It's a process of mental reconstruction and understanding the idea in varying contexts. I'm pretty done and have just started waiting on people to come around after bumping their heads. I appreciate you towing the line tho.