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Topic subject...what sustaining control mechanism was implemented with purchase...
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13502679, ...what sustaining control mechanism was implemented with purchase...
Posted by Walk On, Thu Apr-25-24 05:10 PM
of those taxi fares?

...that's where the myth lies...

(note: the following is by no means intended to downplay the extraordinary effort of the Montgomery Bus Boycott... it is and will remain an amazing feat of collective action...)

...to convert the notion of leveraging another service (temporarily) towards a goal of change isn't 'capitalism'.

They didn't create a toll roads... stand up an independent bus system... hike up fuel prices of the existing bus system... use agents of the state to force drivers to work obscene shifts... add a higher tax on tires used by the buses... enforce new changes on what types of buses could be used on the roads...

...those and a number of other things would be leveraging 'capitalism'...

...they significantly sacrificed convenience and efficiency for a greater good...

that's not buying power nor any arm of capitalism... that's collective social action.

You don't defeat capitalism with more capitalism.

You do so with social change... not a marketing tool of "buying power."