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Topic subjectthank you for acknowledging my reply... I truly appreciate...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13502359&mesg_id=13502674
13502674, thank you for acknowledging my reply... I truly appreciate...
Posted by Walk On, Thu Apr-25-24 04:04 PM
you continuing this dialogue and glad we're doing so in earnest...

...i'd challenge that what you're describing isn't a model of capitalism... yet collective social organizing... and is also a model I actively support and conduct my passion with...

capitalism is a completely different beast that we don't and should not employ... namely because we don't control the means of production or the weaponry via military or sanctions to maintain such a model...

...I'd also just to nudge you toward looking at the model you've described as a not a new tactic... but one that we've leverage and continue to ever since we've found ourselves in this situation...

our culture is that of fight against... we would have been eradicated long ago, if it were not...

it's the being distracted by the myth, spell, allure of capitalism that would divert us off the path to play the game their way...

to your point, revolution is an intellectual endeavor... not to imply from a college degreed perspective... rather from a perspective of learning the system and it's operation and countering with a radical approach and idealogy... such as Fred Hampton, Ida B. Wells Kwame Ture, Ella Baker, Maurice Bishop lens...