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Topic subjectIt's a myth. Created (see: Nixon) to divert black communities...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13502359&mesg_id=13502625
13502625, It's a myth. Created (see: Nixon) to divert black communities...
Posted by Walk On, Thu Apr-25-24 08:16 AM
...from radical movements of revolution towards capitalism and entrepreneurship.

Effectively, if you take your household budget and say... "oh, if I could just spend these funds for starting a business... I'll overcome."

There's a host of issues with that:
- majority of those funds are spent on housing, food, clothing and survival...
- the access to capital is effectively non-existent for the strata of black america...
- no group of people got their "wealth" through entrepreneurship, they were attained or "given" via political programs... (see Dr. King "coming to get our check..."

...I strongly encourage people to read his "Myth & Propaganda of Black Buying Power" books... latest edition was released recently...

...and to check out Black Power Media on YouTube... they have great content and analysis with levity.

He's a very solid brother with a profound resume... and is actually OKP as OKP can be.

with love,
