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Topic subject^^^^^^^^^ 100%
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13502182&mesg_id=13502240
13502240, ^^^^^^^^^ 100%
Posted by soulfunk, Tue Apr-16-24 04:25 PM
>Whenever people
>see my car I get the same few questions like they're reading
>off a script.

I know right? Same questions. "I heard the battery can explode and burn your house down!" "But you can't go on long trips!" "I heard the battery only lasts a couple years!"

>Unfortunately most people associate EVs with Tesla/Elon. I
>just like to remind people that all EVs are not Tesla. They
>may be the most well-known but there are MANY MANY other

Yep. Like it or not Elon has been the face of the EV world. Sucks because he's an idiot. Also I'd say that those who buy EVs are more likely to be liberal leaning, and his takes on politics have killed a lot of the ownership pride that folks used to have. I know my next EV won't be a Tesla...I'll likely go with a Rivian R1S.