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Topic subjectto a degree yeah, but I forgot she was the who got gang raped
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13501110&mesg_id=13501346
13501346, to a degree yeah, but I forgot she was the who got gang raped
Posted by Mynoriti, Thu Mar-28-24 02:58 PM
during the Arab spring, like amritsar pointed out above

so yeah, she likely leaned somewhat right but tried to keep it professional. I also remember seeing some people being skeptical of her putting extra on her assault. Not denying it happened but to the degree she said it did. It's impossible to know, especially given some of the looney shit she says now, but one way or another, its likely what broke her. I don't think she's trolling for clicks as much as shes just mentally screwed up

>and maybe that is what makes her abnormal but I feel like
>these folks are trolling for followers.