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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjecti saw some reasonable people on tik tok make sense of it...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13501110&mesg_id=13501210
13501210, i saw some reasonable people on tik tok make sense of it...
Posted by PROMO, Wed Mar-27-24 08:02 AM
(unfortunately i saw a bunch of stupid ass conspiracy tik toks too)

...one guy who used to work on those exact model of ships explained how the shipping companies who run them work around u.s. laws and the u.s. allows it cuz...MONEY! and how a lot of them are maintained at minimum levls, etc. so the fact that there were mechanical issues is not SUPER surprising...and what those issues might have been and what they'd have done to the ship. he said depending on speed and other conditions, it can take those ships up to a mile to stop WITH everything working, so stopping the ship when you're having power issues? no chance.

i also saw a guy break it down in physics terms: that the force of the ship hitting the bridge support (which btw are made to support weight from above not from the sides) was 18 times the force that one of the planes hit the World Trade Center with on 9/11.