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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectFun Friday: Check out my new podcast :)
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13501015&mesg_id=13501015
13501015, Fun Friday: Check out my new podcast :)
Posted by Damali, Fri Mar-22-24 08:06 AM
if there's any oldheads still loggin in, they would remember that i used to do radio back in the day...like 20 years ago

so i'm back, with a silly, goofy, corny, weird new podcast...15 ish min episodes that will drop roughly every two weeks

I'm the co-host, writer, producer & editor LOL


"From the mind of Maurice Thompson, and the heart of Damali, Good Morning Everyone, Except is an independently-produced (read: janky & weird) podcast where we examine the idiosyncrasies of day to day life that happen to grind Maurice's gears."

its also on Spotify



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