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Topic subjectI'm wrestling with an element of this that's hard to reslove
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13499928&mesg_id=13500083
13500083, I'm wrestling with an element of this that's hard to reslove
Posted by GOMEZ, Tue Feb-27-24 06:49 PM
So much of our interpretation of the sacrifice depends on our own reaction to it. Like my immediate reaction was 'damn, that's heavy as fuck. Am I doing enough? What should people be doing? Why are so many people willing to accept what I see as a great evil being committed with the full support of MY government?'

If enough people see his actions and wake up to the atrocities and even take a small step towards change, then his actions become highly rational and 'worth it'.

If enough people just roll with 'mentally ill' or 'idiot' then his actions become less worth it, and in their minds they're right.

My reaction isn't that self immolation is awesome or stupid. That shit feels like the rope-a-dope that we're supposed to fall for.