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Topic subjectYeah, restricting our political imagination is only a win for reaction
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13499928&mesg_id=13500068
13500068, Yeah, restricting our political imagination is only a win for reaction
Posted by Walleye, Tue Feb-27-24 05:09 PM
>"If you are a soldier sacrificing yourself to protect US
>interest, you are a rational, noble hero. But if you sacrifice
>yourself to protest the genocide your country is funding, you
>are mentally ill.

Ugh. That's so good that I hate it. And it works so well because people are told to treat our current political order as a natural force on the order of gravity. A momentary historical "is" like American military power, political states with defined borders, capitalism, whatever becomes an "ought" where questioning it makes you infantile or crazy. But it's all going to disappear in a decade, a century, a millenia like a fart in the wind, so maybe the people that are looking back before our present moment or beyond it aren't crazy babies but just have a sense of perspective.

Look, I expect reactionaries to tell me that I have the politics of a teenager. They're thugs and monsters who would drink your blood to preserve their place in American hierarchy, so insults are whatever. Watching liberals do it is so screwy, though, because reactionaries do it to them too. Like, to a Trump supporter we're *all* communists, so maybe try to find some common ground with a communist, right?

>There are no truths in the US. Only narratives that serve the
>ruling class."

Yep, and you can spot it when it happens because the concept of power is completely unaccounted for. Why are we doing something? Well, the voters must want it. Capital doesn't have weight. Institutional capture is paranoid fantasy even though we're watching in real time as liberals lose a multi-decade grip on both the media and higher education.

>And for those who may read this and are un-aware, Mohamed
>Bouazizi (who was referenced and ignored earlier in this
>thread) self-immolated in 2011 and accelerated the Arab
>Spring. Several others did the same afterwards. The New York
>Times called them "heroic martyrs of a new North African and
>Middle Eastern revolution." The (British) Times and Israeli
>publication The Jerusalem Post both named Bouazizi Person of
>the Year. And he was posthumously awared the Sakharov Prize.
>The difference between Bouazizi and Bushnell? See the tweet

Jesus hell. For real? That's incredible. No memory with these people. Just a series of unrelated events punctuated by periodic elections.