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Topic subjectI thought it was theatrical but not impressive.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13491793&mesg_id=13499144
13499144, I thought it was theatrical but not impressive.
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Tue Feb-13-24 07:03 PM
Nothing about it wowed me. The skating part looked really cool, but that was about it. The stage effects and all that don't move me.
My favorite entertainers are incredible even if it's just them and a microphone on stage whether they're just singing or dancing too. Usher's just not in that class for me. Nigga if you can't sing your song while you dance, just perform to a recording. What's the point in showing us what you CAN'T do? I guees I appreciate the honesty. His singing has never been incredible. Neither has his dancing imo. He's a *good* artist who has overachieved. Congratulations to the brother for sure, but there's a level of talent that moves and penetrates beyond stage effects and theatrics. He's not never been on that level imo.