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Topic subjectThat page is playing SOOO fast and loose with data.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13496909&mesg_id=13498948
13498948, That page is playing SOOO fast and loose with data.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Fri Feb-09-24 04:05 PM
First off the page keeps going between NYC and US stats. Then they are using old ass stats!!!! Look here:

>FACT: This is not an unprecedented surge in immigration
>While New York City is seeing an unprecedented number of
>asylum seekers relying on the City’s shelter system, the
>U.S. and New York City have seen periods of comparable or
>greater growth in our immigrant population in the past:

I mean up top they are admitting that it's an unprecedented numbers of asylum seekers. That's the story. That's the whole issue. The system for Asylum seekers are overwhelmed in the US. It's weird they try and throw away that fact when that's the fact New Yorkers care about.

> The immigrant population in the U.S. has only risen
>marginally since 2021 — the growth of our immigrant
>population in 2022 is 2 million less than what the U.S.
>Census Bureau previously projected.
> The period from 2012 to 2022 saw slower growth in the
>immigrant share of the population than the 2000s, 1990s,
>1980s and 1970s.
> In the 1990s, the U.S. immigrant population grew
>exponentially. The number of immigrants in the U.S. grew
>from 19 million to over 30 million between 1990-2000, an
>almost 5% increase in immigrants as a share of the total U.S.
>The undocumented population in the U.S. has largely remained
>stable over the past 15 years.

> The undocumented population peaked in 2007. The number of
>undocumented immigrants in the U.S. rose from an estimated
>3.5 million people to a high of 12 million people between 1990
>and 2007.
> Since 2007 until 2021, the undocumented population in the
>United States has remained stable. It has not grown, but
>rather hovered around 11 million people nationwide for the
>last 15 years.

OK. Now they are using US stats. OK. Maybe that has remained stable but people have been saying it's a crisis for a long time. If we all acknowledge that the system is broken and not working, how can that not be a crisis?

New Yorkers are now getting to understand it's a crisis because now they have to deal with it.

The undocumented population in New York City has been
>declining over the last decade. Approximately 476,000
>undocumented immigrants lived in NYC in 2019, the most recent
>year data is available, as compared to 504,000 in 2018.

OK now they are back to talking about NYC and going to try and say with a straight face that the number is declining by looking at the last decade. But look at footnote 59. The citation for that is a document from 2020. A year that include the pandemic!!!

As the page later admits there is a global migration crisis in the last few years but why are they citing numbers that are 4 years old!?!?!?!

Venezuela, a country of 28 million, has had about 7 million people flee the country. Now only a fraction of them are ending up in the US but with numbers like that how can there not be a migration crisis?!?!

>I'm not denying that it's not an issue, and a serious one at
>that, but we as a country have more pressing issues. I think
>housing as a whole is much more of a crisis, and the reason
>why immigrants seem so much more visible now then they have in
>the past. NYC has always struggled with adequate housing for
>lower and middle class people, and now the entire country is
>being buried under high interest rates for buying and higher
>rents for renting, which of course leads to less housing for
>people whom are under even more financial strain and the added
>pressure of not being documented.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

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