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Topic subjecteven if your only concern is Joe Biden winning in November
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13498843, even if your only concern is Joe Biden winning in November
Posted by Stadiq, Thu Feb-08-24 03:47 PM
the last few months have been a disaster.

Even if you give Democrats the benefit of the doubt that they *thought* this was some type of brilliant move (I don't) it is pretty clear they are shedding votes from their alleged big tent to chase the mythical moderate republican.

On this instance, they abandoned their own voters to chase people who will never, ever vote for them,

There is literally no one who is going "you know, I thought Joe Biden and the democrat cabal were a bunch of communist pedophiles, but now that he's adopted Trump's border policies I'm going to give this guy a shot"

That person doesn't exist.

The people do exist are people who showed up to vote for Joe Biden and he's alienating groups at an alarming rate.

Honestly sometimes seems like he is trying to lose. Young people, anti-war people, pro-immigration people, latinos, etc. He's even underwater with Black voters for the first time. Shedding support left and right.

Joe Biden is one arrogant motherfucker. He thinks because the other guy is Trump he doesn't have to do anything but say "look at Trump" and he'll win.

Big '16 energy. It isn't looking good.

It does explain why the Biden DOJ was in no rush to hold Trump accountable, though. He thought/thinks running against him will be a lay up.

On immigration this has absolutely been a disaster. Democrats have allowed the entire conversation to change- by engaging this way they have basically admitted that the border is in crisis (its not) and validated the fascist position.

No talk of dreamers, etc. No argument that immigration helps the economy. Just validated the GOP argument.

They can't play "gotcha" with the GOP either. These people can't be reasoned with. And the right believes this border crisis is Joe's fault and he could solve it if he wants to, etc.

In other words, a voter that says "wow, the GOP nuked their own bill...I'm voting for the people I was calling communist pedophiles yesterday" also does not exist.

Reminds me of when Obama nominated Garland rather than a Black woman, and everyone thought he was playing 3d chess because the GOP would HAVE to cave since they look like hypocrites. That...didn't work out.

So the best case scenario is Democrats are trying to pick up votes that aren't there, or they think they can play "gotcha" to win elections...even though it has literally never happened.

There's probably some of that. There is also a lot Joe Biden showing his true colors without Klein there, and we are witnessing in real time what a horrible candidate Joe Biden can be. Arrogant, dismissive, out of touch, overly donor friendly, stuck in the 90s, etc. No to mention he looks older by the day.

Either way, November SHOULD be a fucking bloodbath in favor of Democrats based on how terrible the other party is. But Biden and dems keep finding ways to move *CLOSER* to those nutjobs.