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Topic subjectHe's limping more so I brought him back to TJ
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13493791&mesg_id=13498409
13498409, He's limping more so I brought him back to TJ
Posted by handle, Fri Feb-02-24 12:45 PM
They took an X-ray and it's all good, but needs another x-ray in two weeks, then possibly a minor surgery to remove a little of one of the plates depending on how everything heals.

My older, 17 pound cat, is chasing him - and rough housing because he doesn't like him and I've had to separate them at night and they both screech ALL NIGHT long and I can't sleep at all.

I'm hoping in 6 weeks that everything will be back to 'normal.'

Thank god I don't have kids - if one broke their arm I wouldn't be able to cope.