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Topic subjectTwo things:
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13497559&mesg_id=13497860
13497860, Two things:
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu Jan-25-24 01:58 PM
I have two girls...no boys.
We've pretty much done the same by both of them from ages 0-7...

1st Thing:
The 11 year old never been hung up on hair or fashion and outward appearances in general....

The 7 year old, ALLLL about appearances and hair.

Now they both went to the same pre-schools and elementary schools.. Same demographics...Arlington is known for being white, but we have them in a lottery public school with probably the best mix of demographics you could hope for here....66% minority enrolment, with those minorities being black (Ethiopian, Eritrean, Somalian), Black, Latino, and Asian)... I say that to say that her hangup and focus on hair and appearances is largely because she sees such diversity in dress (Hijabs), hair textures and languages.

2nd Thing:
Youngest is 1st grade with a 22 year old white teacher from the mid-west. This year has been trying.... Our 7 year old ain't no punk...and WILL voice her opinion and WILL assert herself. That's been problematic for this young snowflake teacher...so we're navigating that in a child centric fashion rather than pulling the race card. We want daughter to know that she has to maneuver through her day in compliance with the school guidelines and teacher's expectations. We don't bring race into our discussions with her..... but when we go see the teacher and principle (3 times this school year so far)...we DO let THEM know that we watching them from racially loaded angle.

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
"Bury me by my Grand-Grand and when you can come follow me"