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Topic subjectIts a balancing act. My kids are too young for Black ish
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13497559&mesg_id=13497852
13497852, Its a balancing act. My kids are too young for Black ish
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Jan-25-24 12:52 PM
but it is a good way to spark conversations about race or see kids in scenarios where race is a topic.

2 years ago we had an AirBnb a block from Dr Kings house. We took them to the museum and it was difficult to answer some questions.

When my daughter said she wanted to march I fucking lost it. Burst into tears.

I do get what he is saying regarding not wanting to turn kids into victims but at the same time, when they come home and say they don’t like their hair I know its because of seeing white girls with long hair.

We have to address these things BEFORE the world does IMO.

Wanted to add I mentor a young Black male at my kids school. He’s big, he’s Black. First thing I said to him regarding getting in trouble is Black males and how we are treated in classrooms. I’m not going to skip over that shit like its not important. He has a white woman for a teacher and I can tell by the way she described his issues that he is “one of those bad Black boys”