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Topic subjectYeah I'm not saying it wrong, but I recognized long ago it was the root
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13497559&mesg_id=13497841
13497841, Yeah I'm not saying it wrong, but I recognized long ago it was the root
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu Jan-25-24 10:59 AM
of some of MY issues...

Since my kids are at that age where they absorb EVERYTHING and HEAR everything even when you think they aren't paying attention, I'm just super sensitive to it.

It's more of a problem for us when we're back home and I'll saying something like: "Let's go and check that new _____ out" or "Did y'all hear anything about ____?" Now _____ could be a store, a restaurant, a park, a person or anything...

Response will be something along the lines of: "Naw, that's where the white people be going" or "Do any Black folks be there?" or "Them Mexican's be doing that" ...

Meanwhile, my kids just want to try the new restaurant, or go to some store they saw a commercial for on TV (since the damn TV is ALWAYS on back home).......but the tone in which they hear that response is one of fear or restriction... so the connection they make is that they can't experience or do certain things back home in NC because they are Black. I don't want that for them. And most of the time, damn near ALL of the time, shit ain't that serious at all.

I recall a whole LOT of shit I missed out on growing up because family was so hung up on race and whether or not it was something Black folks would/should/could be doing.. We coulda,shoulda done ALLLLLLL that shit!.

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
"Bury me by my Grand-Grand and when you can come follow me"