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Topic subjectHere's the current "struggle" for us. Going back home to NC to visit...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13497559&mesg_id=13497829
13497829, Here's the current "struggle" for us. Going back home to NC to visit...
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu Jan-25-24 07:52 AM
and my family approaches EVERYTHING from a race standpoint...
can't tell a story or have a random convo without race being brought into it...not even talking about serious stuff...just for instance...

I might say to my mom: "Ma, we're going up the street to grab some coffee from that new dessert shop, you want us to pick up anything for you?"

Her response: "No thank you. I went in there last week to get something but nothing looked good. This WHITE lady cashier was trying to get me to try samples but I just couldn't"....

It's like...what in the WORLD does that cashier's race have to do with this convo?? lol..

Same deal with all of my family back home...cousins, brother, aunts, uncles.... They legit look and move in the world hyper focused on black & white and boil almost everything down to that.

So when we visit, I'll look over at my kids and I can see them processing a mindset that we really don't want them to adapt.

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
"Bury me by my Grand-Grand and when you can come follow me"