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Topic subjectyeah i think i was in the 4th or 5th grade
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13497559&mesg_id=13497691
13497691, yeah i think i was in the 4th or 5th grade
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Tue Jan-23-24 12:21 PM
pretty sure i told this story on here before.

it was the time we all discovered punching each other in the nuts as humor/horseplay. and this one white kid that participated in it, told a teacher on me and a couple other black kids and they got the SRO to come threaten that he was going to take us to jail for assault if we kept it up. and the other kids were crying and carrying on and i'm like "bet i can't wait to tell my mom about this cause yall are in for it"

long story short, the white kid ended up having to admit he was in on it too. the SRO got reassigned to desk duty or some shit. and we got a written apology from the principal and the school board. im pretty sure she still has it collected somewhere like a trophy

ive never really had issues maneuvering or identifying racism because my grandma always told me white people were the devil. i never really had a chance to have childhood innocence on that front

and my parents socialized me around white people and activities at an early age so i wouldn't have a limited social perspective. as long as i can remember i've been familiar w/ the ways white people move

so as i got older, things like a viet kid yelling nigger at me over and over because i did his team up in a soccer game didnt phase me nearly as much as it did my teammates (black, white and hispanic) because it wasn't a shock to me that it could happen.