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Topic subjectwtf? why did she say that shit?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13497559&mesg_id=13497683
13497683, wtf? why did she say that shit?
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Jan-23-24 11:41 AM
I grew up outside of Pittsburgh which is the birthplace of interracial dating.

I was messing with one back in HS and when prom came around she was like “so when are you going to ask me to prom” and I responded “aint no fucking way I’m taking prom photos with a white girl.. I got a momma and sisters”

She lost it. OMG, I been fighting my mom and her boyfriend and this is how you do me? You guys are just as bad as my mom”

me: “yup.. ikr? aint that some shit? Not gon be able to do it!!!”

had a friend or 2 who kept dipping after HS and these dudes been in and out of jail over these broads. I read a small town paper of my homie getting arrested that had to be written by someone we know.

“when police arrived, Jon was sitting on the curb drunk and told the cops “go ahead and arrest me now, yall always believe the white chick anyways”