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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectYea for sure.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13497559&mesg_id=13497678
13497678, Yea for sure.
Posted by Brew, Tue Jan-23-24 10:35 AM
>Like the folks show here at some point black people/kids are
>going to have to talk about race but it is remarkable how in
>this country its relatively easy for white people to never
>have to talk about race which is why so many find it so
>difficult or default to "what's the big deal?"

Definitely. These past few years have really highlighted this for me. I'd long assumed that since I grew up in the Boston area among mostly "liberals," that my situation was typical, and that most of my friends' parents would have had similar discussions with them.

Learned the hard way that that is *definitely* not the case and that I was one of the very, very, very few. Which has made for some very frank and very hard discussions with some close friends. Harder for them than me; the only hard part for me was realizing how ignorant (willfully or otherwise) so many of my friends have always been, without my realizing it. And that's saying something, cuz I'm pretty ignorant in the bigger picture, because of the bubble I grew up in, even having had those types of conversations at an early age.