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Topic subjectMy school hated seeing my mom walk into the front office
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13497559&mesg_id=13497602
13497602, My school hated seeing my mom walk into the front office
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Jan-22-24 09:05 AM
anytime a student had an issue with the school they called my mom. She didn’t play and didn’t let white folk off the hook.

She had no problem calling shit out.

She was even on the school board for a few years.

I was talking to my older sisters and aunts and they all had stories of teachers doing racist shit that they didn’t even realize until years later. My aunt said they kept the Black kids inside at recess and let them do whatever they wanted. Didn’t dawn on her they were being segregated at recess. She ran up on the teacher years later after she graduated and let him know she would never be that type of teacher.

I cursed out my 3rd grade teacher and I’m still looking for my basketball coach, lol.. bastard faked like he was separated from his wife so he could have his midget son play basketball at our school. The shit these white folks at schools is incredible.