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Topic subject16 years old, got invited to a "white party"
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13497559&mesg_id=13497575
13497575, 16 years old, got invited to a "white party"
Posted by Ray_Snill, Sun Jan-21-24 01:06 PM
kid's parents were loaded. we're in a big cul de sac in a house FULL of white kids smoking weed, doing coke, drinking etc. me and my 2 guys, the only black people there fell back and stood in the street, talking to some other white kids who were hesitant about going in at all. police rolls up and immediately start harassing me and my dudes talking about there's been complaints, pretty much ignoring all the debauchery going on in the background. one of my dudes (white kid) had a big brother home from college who came to our rescue and basically lit into the police for messing with us. that was my first experience with learning that there are 2 justice systems in the US. me and my guys left around 11 but the word around school was the party lasted til about 3:30 that morning. so much for the complaints huh.
