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Topic subjectRE: Not really.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13497559&mesg_id=13497561
13497561, RE: Not really.
Posted by 3CardMolly, Sat Jan-20-24 11:05 PM
Spirit felt on that last line.

My mom told me but she still put me in negative environments like catholic school and when the shit hit the fan with a number of racist and abusive teachers, she really didnt know how to handle it. In short, I was physically attacked by my 3rd grade teacher. My mom shouldve had the bitch arrested and got a lawyer, but she took the “highroad”. I think after that experience she stopped intergrating me into places&spaces. I’ve done the same as far as schools go and a little further by sitting in at least once on classes up to freshman year, particularly if my kids or the teacher notified me of a problem.

I gave them both the black girls/women first talk as well as the understanding on colorism within our community. My oldest has dated a white and latina girl before but most are Black/Pan-African and his current gf is Black and they shacking(lol). I think he gets where Im coming from but like any young person, he’s exploring.
Younger son isnt dating yet but he’s more aware of racism and is very leery of white people.