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Topic subjectNot really.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13497559&mesg_id=13497560
13497560, Not really.
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Sat Jan-20-24 07:04 PM
There were the occasional comments I heard from family about how white people are, how they do racist things, but never a legit talking to or education like I should've had. One of my brothers married a white woman and my mom had a big convo with him, asking why he couldn't just find a nice black woman. But she'd never taught us the importance of building at black family, so I was young and confused why she was even asking that (at the time). I was taught more what Jesus say and all that. Grew with this advice to love all people until I realized white people don't see me as human. That was a really traumatic period, because I'd had white friends and just saw them as people. Looking back and realizing that was never really reciprocal was hard, not to mention the incident that finally truly woke me up. But I won't go on and on about that.

This is why I'm VERY selective about who I have children with. I was on the verge recently, but our ideas of how to educate our children, what it means to be Black, etc were just too different, and I will NOT raise unaware children. Absolutely not.