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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectDid your parents talk to you about racism?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13497559&mesg_id=13497559
13497559, Did your parents talk to you about racism?
Posted by 3CardMolly, Sat Jan-20-24 06:18 PM
Or did you receive an introduction via Eyes On the Prize, Roots etc or did you receive a live-action crash course via public encounter? How open are you with your children about racism?

I finally watched a vid thats been circulating on Tiktok/Insta where a 55-60 yr old woman talks about her experience as a child and the trauma it brought. She says her mother gave her words of encouragement however she still carried low self-esteem and just couldnt fathom why white people were so mean and evil. It was sad, and I thought about my first encounter w/racism and how unprepared I was in not only dealing with it but also recognizing it. I would like to think Ive prepared my sons much better.

What’s your take?