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Topic subjectI appreciate this breakdown
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13496909&mesg_id=13497412
13497412, I appreciate this breakdown
Posted by T Reynolds, Thu Jan-18-24 01:40 PM
and there's probably a lot more to the stat showing Black people as second likely to see the decline in the white population in the US as a bad thing. Could be a sense of shared American-ness and heritage that is 100% valid. Could be concerns about job security or economic strain (real or imagined) vis a vis a particular or multiple immigrant groups. Could even be obfuscation of opinion because of the people conducting the research or format of the questions.

I get Black Americans being concerned about immigration, but I don't buy all the astroturfed talking points