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Topic subjectHere is why Black People talking Replacement Theory is Dumb AF
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13496909&mesg_id=13497397
13497397, Here is why Black People talking Replacement Theory is Dumb AF
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Jan-18-24 11:48 AM
Let's start with it's a white supremacy theory. That should tell you everything you need to know. And from a White Supremacy POV, it actually kind of make sense. For a White Supremacist, every net positive brown person coming here or born here, dilutes White power (voting, economic, demographic).

So while it's nonsense that anyone is being "replaced" (it ain't zero sum), it is true that White people who care about white supremacy, are actually losing something (power).

But Black People worried about Replacement Theory is Dumb AF because why do we give a fuck about White People losing power in this country. It's should be only White Supremacy who sees the world as White People versus everyone non-white. Black People don't benefit from seeing the world Black versus Latino. White Supremacist are the ones who benefit from us battling each other as opposed to battling White Supremicist. They want us battling over scraps from the table.

The other fact is that black people only make up 12% of the Country. So that is a powerful block, but it also means we really can't get anything down UNLESS we form alliances with like-minded people. There is a tremendous value in other brown people seeing themselves as in the same group as black people. Even if not all see themselves as in the same boat as black people, if most do, that's a net win; a gain over white supremacy. Nation-wide, two thirds Latinos voted against Trump. That ain't black people numbers but it's a net positive. Replace(lol) the Cubans with second/third generation Cubans and it's even better.

Public Enemy called it with "Fear of a Black Planet", and that's why you see Maga folks and Fucker Carlson talking all this replacement theory dung, but the truth is it's more like Fear of a Black & Brown Planet.

Yeah white people will no longer be the majority by 2044, but that's still a long time off and they will still be the largest group in this country. The only way that White Group doesn't still run things is if the Black & Brown folks see who the common enemy is (i.e., those who want white dominance).

Here is a chart that I find very interesting. The question is: is the declining share of White people in the U.S. good or bad for society.


I am surprised to see the largest group to see it as a positive thing are Asians. I do believe it's because, coming from Asian countries, they can easily envision a world not run by white people.

Another surprising thing is that the group that sees it as a bad thing after white people is BLACK PEOPLE!! HOW SWAY!!!

It's because some black people have been so conditioned that they can be sold on Replacement Theory (and even be suckered into thinking it's the Pro Black Position).

Lot of words but this topic gets me going.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"