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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectHe said nothing wrong. Drake's fans are already offended tho.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13497113&mesg_id=13497125
13497125, He said nothing wrong. Drake's fans are already offended tho.
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Sun Jan-14-24 05:12 PM
Drake's main goal in music has been to be a pop artist since he started. He chose rap bc rap is popular and easy to get into. Idk why anyone would be offended. That last album with the mediocre house music is proof that he goes in the direction of the most popular music he can achieve with his talent level. It is what it is.

Funny thing is Mos touches on the disconnect from the end of capitalism near the end of the clip. He's concerned with Hip Hop's messaging and always has been. I remember when Fat Joe was mad at him for questioning guys calling themselves "Crack". His own content earned him the right to speak on such things imo. The very name of his debut album speaks to his loyalty to the culture, and he never lost that. Ain't like he's being a hypocrite.