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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectI’ve worked more blue collar jobs than white collar jobs in my lifetime
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13496909&mesg_id=13496969
13496969, I’ve worked more blue collar jobs than white collar jobs in my lifetime
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jan-10-24 04:50 PM
I also live in North Carolina.

my last job was large format print and design for an awning shop. They had a warehouse and the other half of the company was trucking and industrial shit.

so all the Black men in the warehouse were HS educated or drop outs. They also had undocumented workers.

I’ve worked in kitchens, I’ve stocked grocery stores while waiting to get instate tuition in VA.

Never been afraid of hard work.

but my last convo on this was at the barber shop and I did the OKP thing about jobs being stolen and clippers stopped. The owner said “YOU may not have your job stolen but WE had our jobs stolen” and then they told stories about working for AT&T laying lines making good money until they got undercut by undocumented workers. Each person in there had a story to tell.

and this is the problem, I think folks who are white collar making 6 figures are out of touch with every day Black folk who work these blue collar gigs or work in these places that use undocumented workers.

and that UE number doesn’t mean shit.. As soon as things get tight, and not 2008-09 tight but as soon as its time for job cuts or time to save money that EU number won’t save you when you need to feed the fam. People who work these types of jobs dont have emergency funds and 6 months of cash in the bank.