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Topic subjectI knew a white girl named Meagan in HS
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13493791&mesg_id=13496099
13496099, I knew a white girl named Meagan in HS
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Dec-22-23 03:56 PM
tangent. Dont think I ever knew a Black woman named Meagan or Emily.

anyway, Meagan was supposed to hook me up with Melissa who was mixed and went to a private school. Used to only see her like once or twice a summer solstice so I was pressed. Even broke up with my GF to get at her.

Long story short, Meagan started catching feelings and cock blocked me anytime I tried to link up with Melissa. They were best friends.

Flash forward 15 years later and I cone home with my wife and walk in my dads house at midnight and who is on the couch smoking weed with my dad? Melissa!!!

wife was not happy.

Melissa asked for 3 hugs before she left. I asked her where is Meagan and finally she snaps at me. Meagan slept with my husband. Fuck that bitch.

Seeing the name Meagan and the whole Black white thing gave me flashbacks.