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Topic subjectWe just go to bars together
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13493791&mesg_id=13495902
13495902, We just go to bars together
Posted by luminous, Sat Dec-16-23 02:05 PM
And she entertains me with her crazy stories. She's not my peoples.

She's always asking to do double dates and I'm like sure. Too bad my husband is always busy.... LOL!

Recently she asked if it was wrong to meet her ex boyfriend's parents for dinner. They broke up a month ago. She cheated on him with current guy. Do I think her current boyfriend would be mad. Of course her ex won't be there. She can't help it if her ex's parents still love her.

LOL! She's a mess... Never ceases to amaze me...