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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectThink about this...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13493991&mesg_id=13494379
13494379, Think about this...
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Sat Nov-11-23 02:41 PM
In the 80s, something like this could appear on television:

Today, conservative racists have successfully convinced most everyone, included a significant portion of BLACK ppl, that such a conversation is "racist". Even Black people will respond with "yall niggas always gotta bring up race" when you raise the issues raised there. And those issues have only grown since that time. In the 80s, it was understand by everyone that we were a marginalized people. Now, they've convinced people that we aren't, even tho our collective wealth is shrinking. The system of white supremacy works intentionally to accomplish these things. People used to fight for the dignity of their minority group. Now they simply seek to assimilate with whites even at the expense of their own group. There have always been such individuals, but it's more a group issue now. In a nutshell, even the TALK of our issues is socially criminalized now. The attack on school books and history is worse. You grew up learning about the Trans Atlantic SLAVE Trade and the KKK. You can't even mention those things in many schools now. When even your speech around liberation is controlled, you are DONE, as there will definitely be no action. Black people are more afraid of white people than they've ever been despite all this "I'm not my grandparents" talk. Damn right you aren't, because they weren't THIS damn scared. Yall are twerking in front of the police and calling it resistance. The 80s ain't got shit on how bad it is now.