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Topic subjectmom's be trippin lol
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13494190&mesg_id=13494306
13494306, mom's be trippin lol
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Nov-09-23 05:26 PM
>Hers made it 28 years to your 30. Had to get a new unit and
>Nest thermostat that she won’t reset her google password to
>use without my help.

mine will drive over to have me reconnect her phone to the car bluetooth. and I've shown her multiple times.
>To your sidebar, my coworker was saying he pays $700/mo. for a
>truck. My car has been paid off for a few years and I’m
>dreading having to go back to a not but I also refuse to dump
>money into something that’s gonna keep fucking up.

I hate being in that space of paying for fixes that just keep adding up. hopefully when it's time, they won't hit you over the head too hard.

my wife's car is a 2008 4runner. it actually runs fine, but it's old and hella inefficient. I'm dreading when its time to put it to bed.