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Topic subjectStarted as a tolerance break...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13493791&mesg_id=13494299
13494299, Started as a tolerance break...
Posted by flipnile, Thu Nov-09-23 04:12 PM
...realized I didn't like that groggy head feeling that I get from smoking bud. I've taken a few T-breaks over the years, but I guess it's being older that made this one feel different. I thought I'd have more energy, but really I just feel more alert now when I'm awake.

Then there is the vanity aspect. I look better when not smoking, with no red eyes or bags. Been only 45 days, but I'm seeing my lips starting to lighten-up a bit.

Finally, there's the health aspect. I don't like smoking anymore. Before I stopped it was increasingly irritating my throat and lungs. I'm mid-40s, so I'm trying to build some new healthy habits so I'm not falling apart too much in my 50s & 60s. I was already considering switching to just edibles before I stopped anyway.