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Topic subjectIDK..now IS crazy
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13494015, IDK..now IS crazy
Posted by jimaveli, Mon Nov-06-23 06:03 PM
There's never a good time to be at the bottom.

The problem now though? It seems like the ILLUSION OF SAFETY and ignorant bliss based on lack of obvious trauma in 'the middle' is gone.

Also, the pandemic exposed how fragile most of our little universes are.

Too many people have been convinced by media of all kinds that every problem is THEIR problem.

Too many people are still basing their whole existence, identity and mood on politicians. MFers still have DT flags on their house. Don't start me on how people have twisted up religion all crazy too. It always had its issue but now? Yikes. Straight up devils getting treated like gods.

The gift of our current time is simple: access to information is amazing and awesome. If you want to know, there's a chance you can find out. If you want to hear or see something, there's usually a way that's crazy easy vs what we had even 20 years ago.

The curse? The innanet multiplies raw stupidity, the fallacy of 'I have a bunch of info in my brain from what I've seen so I'm clearly smart!', and general sadness rapidly.

Some people somewhat can't enjoy themselves ever because they have to rank, list, and/or compare basically every damn thing damn near before they even consume it decently. Its a shame because we're surrounded with hella options that we would've killed for 30 years ago. Oh and because you see the same things over and over online depending on what the algos think of you based on your search history, you can easily get tricked into thinking your 'reality' is THE reality. DANGEROUS. SCARY.

And if that ain't enough, too many people have lost their ability to think with nuance. Too many issues have to come down to one take or the POLARIZED opposite take. And YOU need to PICK A SIDE. So silly to me. And for a while, I thought it was an innanet thing. But no. Real people are living like that really. Black. White. No grey.

And maybe, just maybe, teenagers having basically unlimited access to anything they can think of is not what we need. I know if it was me and it was like 92? It would've been all titty all the time if I had that type of access as a kid. Hell, I managed to stumble into plenty of it even in the 80s and 90s! And shiiiit, once I could 'go behind the curtain' at the video sto, I had my azz BEHIND THAT CURTAIN! Haha.

And really? I think a bunch of kids have bullshit parents who are scared to parent. There's also a lack of cool uncles who would say shit your dad couldn't say, sassy aunties who would also 'tell it like it is', and cousins who would badger the shit out of you if you wore the same thing every day or didn't comb your hair or whatever. I remember one of my uncles explaining to me with details on how I had to be cool and where to spray my cologne at. Then, he told me 'spray the inside of the jacket, Jr. So if they wear the jacket, its over!'. BRILLIANT!

I couldn't imagine telling my homeboy's kids some of the shit I got told WITH WITNESSES around now. No way. You damn near can't shoot it straight WITH YOUR HOMEBOYS about how their wack their b!tchazz kids are now.

>Crack, Aids, Serial Killers, Crime, Reagan, Constant threat
>of Nuclear Holocaust...I hear so much doom and gloom about the
>present, but I still think the 80s were a far scary time to
>live and grow up in.
>I also think by most objective measures (poverty level, crime
>rate, etc.) the 2020s is an objectively better time.
>I do think mental health is waay worst then they were 40 years
>ago, but I think that has more to do with social media than
>other external factors.
>What do you think?