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Topic subjectthought had a detached retina
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13493791&mesg_id=13493816
13493816, thought had a detached retina
Posted by Mynoriti, Thu Nov-02-23 11:24 AM
was at a football game out of state and towards the end got crazy bad floaters in one eye where I could barely see out of it

figured the stadium lights threw something out of whack and it would settle in a cpl hours. flight home nothing... try to sleep it off.. still the same. finally hit the ER the next day because incessant googling had me thinking I might lose my eye if I didn't hurry. They sent me to opthomology that day, turns out I have a small retinal hole and what I'm looking at is blood. They did a 5 minute laser procedure to repair it, and it's all done but I still gotta look thru blood for a couple months till it goes away.

overall just happy it was really minor. I might go get a pirate patch for when I need to focus though